What’s the best/scariest horror game you’ve played?


Gold Member
Condemned 1 and it's not particularly close.

Tension build up was second to none.

Only vr horror is a clear step up for obvious reasons and people who says otherwise clearly just haven't tried horror vr at all.
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Nintendo 64 games scarred my childhood more than any horror game ever could. I guess if I were to pick the top 2 it would be OoT and Majora’s Mask.

I think it’s mainly due to the juxtaposition of a seemingly straightforward heroic game suddenly presenting you with hellish nightmare fuel 5 hours into your game or unsettling you 10 hours into it, and never fully explaining why.

Then suddenly you go back to normal heroic stuff as the game pretends it didn’t just do that, making you feel even more unsettled afterwards.


Gold Member
P.T. for sure.



Please tell me how you can have one of the best 'Horror' games/Demo of ALL time, loved by millions and one of the most looked forward games ever in existence

And then take a massive SHIT on it?

I mean, what the fuck man.

Utter lunacy.
Majora's Mask. That game genuinely was more unsettling to 1O year old me than anything and I just finished Resident Evil 3 nemesis.
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Best is a tie between Resident Evil 3 Remake and ObsCure for different styles of horror. Mechanically and in terms of pacing and presentation RE3R is a damn near perfect rendition of modern horror games. Likewise ObsCure is the same for the old school horror games.

The scariest I have played is Silent Hill Shattered Memories and Tower of Latria in Demon Souls. In one you have no choice but to run even when you're hopelessly lost. In the other every step you take could be your last.


I would not be able to handle demons souls tower of latria in VR. Fucking nightmare of a place in pancake mode.



Only possible answer for me, and reason I still keep a PS4 Pro I'll never get rid of.

Consuming horror media since childhood, played and loved the OG RE trilogy as kid (scared shitless), Silent Hill 2 as first PS2 game (scared shitless), played all those "horrors" in the 360/PS3 era, enviable horror BD collection. First time I've downloaded P.T., five minutes or so in and when nothing happened yet, I felt the need to stop playing.
Did a few loops, stared at that lit hallway and felt inside I was doing something wrong, like my subconscious recognized this stuff as potentially truly demonic in nature and dangerous. Sounds ridiculous, but it's the truth.

Only with VR I've been able to replicate that feeling.
And I'm 100% convinced the last, randomly generated portion of P.T. could seriously kill people in VR.

One reupload of a once legendary video I loved:

That said, can't wait to finally play Silent Hill 2 Remake in a few weeks.


No love for FMV horror, GAF?

Phantasmagoria 1 and 2 were scary, man. And gory!

Bad Mojo
Enemy Zero
Realms of the Haunting

And more recently, Immortality gave me absolute chills when you start to realize what’s going on with the video manipulation. It was like something out of Prince of Darkness.

Also, this motherfucker:

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not tag worthy
Return to castle wolfenstein. with headphones late at night.

Left 4 Dead 1/2 multiplayer scary trying to save team mates


Fatal Frame 2 and Silent Hill 3

PT is the scariest no doubt, but a Tech demo doesn't count as the "best horror game"


I've been juggling a few, but I keep going back to the 2005 RE4 HD. I know there's only a couple spots where it gets intense...but it's just FUN.


All good horror games are scary, just wait till midnight and put on some headphones
Couldn't pick just one anyway, but for some variety I'll bring Thief 3 orphanage map
Also Doom 3 with no flashlight mod as released was pretty good stuff back in the day
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Hands down p.t. and that wasn't even a full game. That p.t. ripoff I think it was called visage also had its moments.

Hunter 99

Old School-Resi 2 PS1,project zero,silent hill 4
Recently-Madison and Visage.scariest games I've played past 3 years


Playing Outlast for the first time scared the ever loving shit out of me. Resident evil Remake on GameCube was great too. Playing SH2 remake now and damn so far that one has been nerve racking. Anything VR horror also.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
RE7 in VR was something else. Definitely the scariest game I’ve played for sure, but primarily due to the immersion of VR.


Silent Hill 2 remake might be the game that had me tensed the most. Other than Resident Evil VII, I've never really been scared with RE games except for stuff like the regenerators in OG RE4. Original RE2 is definitely my favorite horror game though.

Running into Jason inside the cabins on the NES Friday the 13th scared the shit out of me as a kid.
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Imagine if kojima had been allowed to develop PT into a full single player game.
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I can play through games like Dead Space, Condemned and Resident Evil cuz the monsters are "just" mutants or some psychic shit (like FEAR but that was particularly tough for me), but if it's about ghosts and apparitions I nope out immediately
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Resident Evil 7
Outlast 2

Each of these, I gave up after a few hours because it wasn't worth the stress.

Outlast 2 was a unique case because it wasnt due to being "scared" but because it depicts something early on that I found extremely repulsive and evil. Mission accomplished, devs, it was so off-putting, I gave up the game.


OG Resident evil as a teen. I'll always remember that fucking dog through the window

As an adult probably the prison level in dark souls. Only game that made me claustrophobic, fuck that level
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Gold Member
Have you tried vr?? If you love horror it will change your life a mediocre horror game in vr is scarier than the best console horror games of all time
Like the hentai tentacles were Halloween colored?

Edit: opps. I meant to.reply to someone else. Hahaha. This makes mo sense now
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