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I decided to play something from my backlog, bloodstained. I bought it awhile ago, but didn't get far. Decided to play a new save file and have gotten much farther than I did last time.
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Mr Hyde

Alternating between 3 games now. Demon's Souls, Final Fantasy XV and No Man's Sky. I usually don't do this, I'm more of a "one game at the time"-kinda person, but the PS5 is so fast booting up games it makes it a viable approach.

In Demon's Souls I'm struggling with Valley of Defilement. It's the first real rough patch, as everything before has been a breeze. I've always had trouble with this area and the geography is a fucking nightmare to orient yourself in. Got a chance at Leechmonger but bit the dust quite fast. Wasn't really expecting him to show up after the first fog door so kinda stumbled. Gonna beat him tonight after work.

In FF XV I'm doing post-game to prepare for a ng+. Pushing through A menace in Steyliff and it's a long ass dungeon. They are pretty boring with lazy design, but loot is good and a couple of good bosses too. Been delving in quite hard in the lore too, gonna watch Kingsglaive, read the datalogs and play through the dlc.

No Man's Sky I'm just flying around and exploring planets. Perfect Spotify game. I've composed my own playlist with dope ambient tracks so I can just phase out in the space. No real goal, just drifting around doing fuck all but experience weird shit you come across in the galaxy. Taking lots of photos to remember my journey. This game has really come alive now on PS5. Absolutely love it.
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I just finished the platinum on BioShock Remastered (I got the original many years ago). Not sure what prompted me to play that game again, but it still holds up well.

I'm expecting my wife to get me Miles Morales and Assassin's Creed Valhalla for Christmas, so I'm at a point where I don't feel like starting anything before then, despite having extra free time.
I just finished all 5 episodes of Batman: The Enemy Within and I only have 1 thing to say... We really need Telltale back. It was a great series and your choices really matter in this one.

It's sounds crazy because of Telltale's reputation but the 5th episode is completely different based on your previous choices. Like completely different. I had evil Joker so I went through a lot of pain plus the crazy traps and the "dinner party".

If you're allied or friendly with John Doe/Joker then you team up with him to fight Waller, Harley, Bane and even Catwoman in completely different scenarios and scenes. All and all I really enjoyed my time with this game.

Mr Hyde

Thanks to world tendency not being so goddamn obtuse, I've managed to explore some neat side content and npc quests I never did in the original Demon's Souls.

I'm nearing the end, having beat all major bosses except the final one in Boletaria I have to say it's an incredibly well made remake. It's on a whole other level of what I thought it would be, and it feels so good to play. The combat, along with the DualSense, makes for some weighty, satisfying encounters that never gets old.

The level of polish is quite simply astonishing. However, there are a couple of annoying things I've discovered, that holds it slightly back.

No respec option. Would have been nice to be able to allocate points and experimenting with different builds. I've came across so many cool weapons and armor sets that I already want to restart the game, before finishing it.

Build variety. Dark Souls, particularly 2 & 3, had a crazy build variety with loads of weapon and armor customization. Demon's, being the very first, is scaled back on this area. It's more akin to Bloodborne, and the lack of variety does provide more focused builds, but I loved the crazy ones you could do in later DS sequels.

Though not a flaw, Demon's level design tends to be more of straightforward and lots of narrow corridors, whereas later games opened up a lot more, something I felt was more to my taste. The levels in Demon's are incredible by its own standard, but levels like 1-2, 4-2 and 2-2 are more or less straight paths, with little room for exploring. The atmosphere and awesome graphics in each levels, does do a lot for the replayability and awe factor, but it feels somewhat restricted compared to DS and BB.

Minor complaints. It's still a fantastic game which will provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, but one can't deny, the many improvements From Software made with the Souls-series.
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Took couple of weeks off from work, beat days gone, demon souls remake and miles morales. Platinumed both spidey and days gone. Now onto platinuming demons souls. Looking forward to jumping into Sackboy a big adventure soon
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Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Last of Us Part Two and Cyberpunk 2077. Hope to beat TLOU2 this week and then continue my Cyberpunk playthrough. I needed to separate them to focus and TLOU2 is the shorter of the two (and it's been out longer).

Both are absolutely amazing games though.
I'm taking advantage of Gamepass to try some new games, and am playing Yakuza 0 at the moment. I really can't believe I didn't know anything about this series!

I was a huge fan of Shenmue when it first came out. The freedom to do all kinds of random stuff in a highly detailed world, with a story that takes the time to flesh out it's characters. I feel like Yakuza is the natural extension of that, though it doesn't take itself nearly as seriously, especially with all of the fun and hilarious side quests.

I would highly recommend this game to anyone, but be warned that it takes several hours (with an absolute ton of cutscenes) to get to the real meat. 30 hours in and this game is a 9/10 for me

Mr Hyde

Finished Demon's Souls. Or at least the first playthrough, as there is many more to come. But yeah, the end credits. It was great revisiting this gem, with a modern flair that looks and feels unlike anything else.

Since I have several hours put into the original, the game was a breeze. Not even the one I thought was gonna give me trouble, King Allant, was presenting a challenge. He was actually easier than I remembered.

Overall, Demon's Souls is a great adventure and another strong first party game added to Sonys long lines of quality exclusives. I've always thought of Demon's as a sorts of digital Dungeons and Dragons, the pen and paper role playing game you played as a kid. It bears tons of similarities and I really appreciate the old school vibe this game always presented. Sure it's modernized now, but at its core it's still the same fantastic hardcore action-rpg game as the original in 2009.


I got modded Xbox so I am playing emulators on my CRT



I recently finished Final Fantasy VIII remastered. Its so cool to have this physically.
Its quite mysterious as i've heard the story was supposed to be longer.

Now i've started FFXII on ps4. Im enjoying it, but the game is a grind. That x4 speed option makes everything better.
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I've decided to dust something more older from my backlog and just started playing Sam & Max: Hit the Road. This game was one of the few LucasArts point'n'clicks I never played before. It's quite fun so far, hilarious characters and slapstick humor works really great in its favor. The ScummVM version from GOG works flawlessly on my PC.

Mr Hyde

Instead of doing ng+ in Demon's, I opted for a new character. A holy paladin, faith build, with regen as main buff and Large Sword of Moonlight and Selen Vinlands armor set, the dull gold set. Had to do a couple of suicide runs in Valley of Defilement but it was worth it.

Moonlight Sword is badass. Bluepoint sure has made this weapon sexy looking. Hits like a truck too and I've not even upgraded it once.

Faith do seem scaled back here. No offensive spells other than God's Wrath. Mainly utility spells. But I think it can be fun with a pure regen build wielding the best looking sword in the whole game. Gonna aquire Istarelle and see what she's like.


Away for a week plus so just my Switch Lite with me. Started Luigi’s Mansion 3 jester day and liking that so far. Also playing Hades. Have gotten to the final boss a few times but haven’t beat him yet. Also have Trials of Mana and Pokemon Sword in progress, not sure I’ll get back to either of those as I’m just not feeling either.

Before I left, after I get back, Cyberpunk on XSX and Demon’s Souls on PS5 are my main focuses. A little Forza Horizon 4 (played a good but before Cyberpunk) and Outer Wilds on the side on XSX.

After those I’ll play some shorter Gamepass games and then probably Doom Eternal and Then Red Dead Redemption (loved RDR2 but never played the first so borrowing the 360 version from a friend to play on XSX).
Destory All Humans 2 on the PS4

Bought it because I got it cheap on the latest sale. Never played this game back on the PS2. Seems like a rough diamond. The gameplay itself is pretty meh, even for that time, but the humor is great and the missions are very creative. German sub ich pure gold. Just got to Japan and in the sub they always exchange the letter r with l. Laughing my ass off every time there is a dialog. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


I got modded Xbox so I am playing emulators on my CRT


Modded Xbox and CRT?!

You're awesome. Feel free to share some love in my CRT thread, brother



I'm starting to get much more into Ghost of Tsushima. My initial impressions weren't so hot, but as I upgrade things and open new stances and stuff, it's a pretty satisfying game to play.

I've spent quite a bit of time roaming the map and doing things I stumble upon, but I'm making my way through the story here and there.


Finishing up Persona PQ2 (3DS). At the final floor (last boss). Just been farming FOEs to try for the all ultimate armors, which I don't need, but I don't want the game to end. It's just a fun, little time-killer of a game. Love the battle system and Persona additions. I'll probably restart PQ1 after this.
Armored Core 1 for PS1. Childhood memories playing with my family-friend's son. Unfortunately, he got stabbed whilst playing as a DJ in a nightclub >10-15 years ago. I was not filled in with the details regarding the incident as I was still pretty young. This is a game that reminds me of him.
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Dust up my old copy of Witcher 3 and downloaded all the DLCs I haven’t played just to see what a polished CD project game feels like.


Taking a break from the recently purchased PS4 Pro, and instead getting into the sci-fi game Observation for the Xbox-1 (Great game for a Christmas evening I think..!)


Got bored with Andromeda and randomly picked Journey.

Fantastic little game. Never played it before. Ended up playing it all in one go.

point decay

playing through Prey, Arkane are really something else, Like Dishonored 1+2 etc it really feels like they want you to use KB/M and not a controller
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The original Manhunt for the ps2. I'm playing it on pcsx2 emulator.
It's a bitch to get it working properly. There's a specific visual glitch that renders the game almost unplayable. Lights through walls. Spent a good hour to get working properly.
You need to play it in hardware mode with enabled autoflush, alpha and half pixel offset has to be set on special texture aggressive. And you have to set the resolution to atleast 2x native.



The original Manhunt for the ps2. I'm playing it on pcsx2 emulator.
It's a bitch to get it working properly. There's a specific visual glitch that renders the game almost unplayable. Lights through walls. Spent a good hour to get working properly.
You need to play it in hardware mode with enabled autoflush, alpha and half pixel offset has to be set on special texture aggressive. And you have to set the resolution to atleast 2x native.
You know there's a PC version?


I decided to stop playing Cyberpunk on PC after a few hours and come back in a month or two after some more patches. Since then, I started playing Days Gone on PS5 and I'm loving it. I remember this game getting a lot of crap but so far, I think it's great. It's not perfect, sure, but I'm having fun and it looks stunning, especially as it's a PS4 game. 60 FPS, too.
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