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What game are you currently playing?


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Valhalla (50+ hours in). Might play some more Destiny 2, but the game is really in a bad state right now. I have Immortals lined up, but might try Greedfall too.


41 hours into Cyberpunk on XSX and having a blast with it.

10 hours or so into Luigi's Mansion 3 on Switch and enjoying it a lot. Stopped at the beginning of floor 10 the other day.

Slowly chipping away at Demon's Souls and deciding how much more to play (beat 1-1, 2-1 and 3-1 so far) as I'm not super feeling it and have a ton of other things I'd like to play.


In the last week:

Control: Absolutely hated it. The first time using the combat mechanics against a few enemies and bosses, it's kinda neat. But then the game never really expands beyond that. Just MORE of it. So that when you reach a new large area, you know you're going to be tediously grinding away for the next five minutes. There's nothing satisfying about accomplishing anything. Including the ending.

Doom Eternal: Meh. When did everyone get confused about classic Doom gameplay? Doom was never an ultra-speed Serious Sam game. I'm not gonna say they ruined this game, because it can still provide some mindless action to dull the senses. But it ain't Doom.

The Touryst: I was really enjoying this. Right up until I got to that stupid orb jumping puzzle in the Twyn Monument. Clearly they didn't test this game out on 2 year old Xbox One gamepads. The imprecision that creeps in to the sticks after a while makes this puzzle nearly impossible. I quit after maybe a hundred attempts.
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Mother 3. Completely different vibe than Earthbound. Game wastes no time just punching you right in the gut. The combat is mostly the same. I haven't put much effort into shots and from what I read it's not necessary. Overall, feels more linear/smaller in scale than Earthbound. Kind of surreal for me to be playing this as I remember following Earthbound 64 closely while it was in development. I went back and looked at old clips of EB 64 and even recognized some of the scenes that are in the GBA version. Game is tremendous so far, but not what I was expecting at all. I wish Nintendo and Itoi would make another game in the series.
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Worms Rumble as usual. I think I’m going to hit 25 then bail out. It’s fun, but the rest of the trophies just ain’t gonna happen with the dwindling player base. Matchmaking isn’t horrible yet, but the time in between matches is going up.

Mass Effect Andromeda. I was disappointed at first but there is fun to be had.

Doom (2016). I like it. A lot.


Cyberpunk. 30 hours in and thinking about focusing on the main mission and finishing it. Just not enjoying it as much as I was hoping to.

Risk of rain 2. Holy hell I don't know why I waited so long to play this. Love these types of games, love the first risk of rain. The jump to 3D is good. Will play more tonight.

Mr Hyde

Demon's Souls

Around 50 hours. Three playthroughs. Close to the platinum, but I ain't close to being done with this one. Got multiple builds I wanna experiment with. After platinum I got a Miralda cosplay and God's Hand with God's Wrath that waits. Amazing game. Absolutely incredible on all accounts. It's so damn addictive and fun. Fucking love this game to death.

Days Gone

About halfway through, I think. Been doing a few jobs for Iron Mike and his camp. Saved Boozer. It's a good game, looks absolutely breathtaking on PS5 with the new patch, gorgeous weather effects, but it suffers from some weak writing and characters I don't really care for. It's flawed, but still lots of fun. Probably going for the platinum. Probably not going to bother revisit it in the future or with a potential sequel.

Star Ocean: First Departure R

About 5 hours in. Love it so far. A blast from the past. I dig the SO-franchise, and this resembles Second Story in both graphics and combat so enjoying it immensely. Playing it on Switch on the go, due to TV being occupied by PS5 at the moment. When I'm finished with Days Gone I'm gonna delve deeper into this.

Juggling three games like this is really not my thing, had to drop FF XV and No Man's Sky for the moment because it was getting to much, but damn, there are so many fun games to play. If I only had more time.
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Adam Wart

Neo Member
Cyberpunk. 30 hours in and thinking about focusing on the main mission and finishing it. Just not enjoying it as much as I was hoping to.

Risk of rain 2. Holy hell I don't know why I waited so long to play this. Love these types of games, love the first risk of rain. The jump to 3D is good. Will play more tonight.
Do you like the soundtrack in Cyberpunk? Heard some pov that sound in the game gives awesome vibes. Is that true?


AC valhalla on pc - which is horrible
Fenyx ps5 - which is pretty good surprisingly
Sackboy ps5 - so fun!

And now getting maneater from ps+
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Writes a lot, says very little
Was done with CP2077 after about 40 hours. Did 27 hours on the main story (maybe less as I did a few sides in-between so), did a few more hours of side quest and had to put it to bed. Might return in a year or 2 after the game is out of early access as waaaay too much of that game is missing, cut, incomplete, broken etc.

Decided to replay the Uncharted series. Beat Uncharted 1 a few nights ago, started Uncharted 4 the other night and I'm about 54% in, just finished the train wreck sequence, will play 3 after and then might start a new game in Oblivion.



Im not too impressed with hades yet but I am enjoying it.

Haven’t played a jrpg in a while so I thought I’d play one of my old school favourites that I never finished. Totally lost on this ability system right now....

Tlou2 is pretty good but that first open section just made me want to give it up. It’s was boring as hell. Good game overall so far though. Nothing special.


In the last week:

Control: Absolutely hated it. The first time using the combat mechanics against a few enemies and bosses, it's kinda neat. But then the game never really expands beyond that. Just MORE of it. So that when you reach a new large area, you know you're going to be tediously grinding away for the next five minutes. There's nothing satisfying about accomplishing anything. Including the ending.

Doom Eternal: Meh. When did everyone get confused about classic Doom gameplay? Doom was never an ultra-speed Serious Sam game. I'm not gonna say they ruined this game, because it can still provide some mindless action to dull the senses. But it ain't Doom.

The Touryst: I was really enjoying this. Right up until I got to that stupid orb jumping puzzle in the Twyn Monument. Clearly they didn't test this game out on 2 year old Xbox One gamepads. The imprecision that creeps in to the sticks after a while makes this puzzle nearly impossible. I quit after maybe a hundred attempts.
Doom Eternal is the best Doom game ever made! This is coming from someone who usually hates fast paced think on your feet type games.
Got fairly deep into Cyberpunk but feel like waiting for another patch or two.

Have started a replay of The Order 1886, which I really enjoyed the first time through on release.

Mhmmm 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 - taking it slowly, focusing more on side stuff than main story currently.

Ghostrunner - difficult, but really satisfying to finally pull off a perfect play after x deaths in a row.

and Shadow of Mordor, I guess? I mean, started playing it (again, after dropping it in 2015) last month, so far so good.


Out of boredom, I started Zelda twilight princess on the gamecube. Game is gorgeous, I didn't remember it being so comfy. Like back in 2006, when I first played it (I think), the game takes a little too long to take off. That was a problem that many games had back then, tutorials just overstayed their welcome way to often. But after it opens up a little and you beat the first temple, it really is quite fun to play. I probably won't be able to finish it, since the holidays are over and working full time usually kills big games like zelda for me, but who knows.
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This one:

Workout Get Fit GIF by HannahWitton


I started Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I don’t know if I have another AC in me. It already feels like the exact same game I played twice last generation with Origins and Odyssey.
As someone who has never really played an AC game, which would you recommend was the best?


I'm in filthy casual mode. I'm playing Bloons TD 6. I got it for less than $1 in the steam sale. It's good and I regret nothing.


Ao no Kiseki
Playing through the whole The Legend of Heroes series in order to play Cold Steel. The whole series has been really great so far and I really like turnbased JRPGs. The overarching continuous stories and world building between games is really cool.

Started playing, have met Johny and some but putting it to the side for now, waiting for some patches to iron out stuff. Games pretty nice though.
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Gold Member
Mortal Shell - It feels like this slipped through the cracks. It’s a wonderful homage to Dark Souls. You start out with this swamp area with random NPCs and enemies hanging out by non fires. It feels like a love letter to Dark Souls. The item description and some other small tidbits feel like a copy/past from the Dark Souls. You have this ability to turn into stone for a defensive move. You take no damage while you’re in this form because there’s no real way to block attacks. You have a parry, which has a cooldown to it. It’s pretty cool. The Shells are basically other Warriors or playable characters. Each one is different and has a different weapon. I read a bunch of stuff about it before getting it. Fextralife basically said it’s like playing Dark Souls after you played Dark Souls. It’s also on sale at the moment.

I am midway in Dragon Quest XI. I am still in tha state of shock about what happen. Of course if you’ve played it, you know what I mean.


Thanks to world tendency not being so goddamn obtuse, I've managed to explore some neat side content and npc quests I never did in the original Demon's Souls.

I'm nearing the end, having beat all major bosses except the final one in Boletaria I have to say it's an incredibly well made remake. It's on a whole other level of what I thought it would be, and it feels so good to play. The combat, along with the DualSense, makes for some weighty, satisfying encounters that never gets old.

The level of polish is quite simply astonishing. However, there are a couple of annoying things I've discovered, that holds it slightly back.

No respec option. Would have been nice to be able to allocate points and experimenting with different builds. I've came across so many cool weapons and armor sets that I already want to restart the game, before finishing it.

Build variety. Dark Souls, particularly 2 & 3, had a crazy build variety with loads of weapon and armor customization. Demon's, being the very first, is scaled back on this area. It's more akin to Bloodborne, and the lack of variety does provide more focused builds, but I loved the crazy ones you could do in later DS sequels.

Though not a flaw, Demon's level design tends to be more of straightforward and lots of narrow corridors, whereas later games opened up a lot more, something I felt was more to my taste. The levels in Demon's are incredible by its own standard, but levels like 1-2, 4-2 and 2-2 are more or less straight paths, with little room for exploring. The atmosphere and awesome graphics in each levels, does do a lot for the replayability and awe factor, but it feels somewhat restricted compared to DS and BB.

Minor complaints. It's still a fantastic game which will provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, but one can't deny, the many improvements From Software made with the Souls-series.

I might be in the minority here but I find it really hard to go back to Demon Souls PS5 after playing Dark Souls remastered. Demon Souls surely looks way better visually being a PS5 game but it feels completely and utterly dated in every other aspect compared to Dark Souls. I was truly not expecting that.

I really don't think Demon Souls holds up. Its really basic in terms of level design, builds and enemy variety compared to Dark Souls 1.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Finished Valhalla (wtf was that ending, guess that’s what I get for skipping the last one). Playing ghost of Tsushima on ps5 now, it’s like a better assassin creed without all the present time horse shit.


I'm mostly bouncing between Diablo 3 (less than 30 hours,) Jurassic Park World Evolution (less than 10 hours), and Dead By Daylight (around 600 hours.)
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How is Jurassic World Evolution? The reviews on Metacritic scared me away, but I still love dinosaurs.
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Currently resident evil 3 on ps5 first time playing. Nemesis is a .... Nearly shart myself when he popped up lol

I never completed part 2 on pc so need to pick it up probably after res 8 comes out.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PS5. It's good fun. The voice actor for Miles isn't all that great, but otherwise it's basically more PS4 Spider-Man but just with everything improved, and a lot of the annoying stuff either removed completely or refined to where it's acceptable (like chasing after pigeons or cars - they no longer feel like torture and there's much less of it).

They weren't lying about it not having any load times either. It takes around 20 seconds to fire it up and load a save, after that there's really no more load times. Everything just transitions smoothly.


COD4 Remastered - Multiplayer. Nice classic COD gameplay.

Dante’s Inferno - Resurrection Mode playthrough. I just really love this game for some reason.
I decided to play through the entire “shock series” in order of release. System Shock > System Shock 2 > Bioshock > Biochock 2 > Bioshock Infinite. I’ll be playing all the DLC as well. So far, I’ve finished the first System Shock, the enhanced edition, and I’m 4 hours into System Shock 2. The System Shock games are the only ones that I haven’t played on this list.

The first game was rough. Really rough. But after the aches and pains of getting used to the game’s controls, it was a wonderful experience. I loved how no matter how good I got at handling enemies in a certain level, then next level threw new and more dangerous things at me that kept me on my toes.

System Shock 2 seemed waaaay too difficult for its own good at first. I was starting to wonder if I was doing something wrong. But now, at 4 hours and on the Hydroponics level, I’ve upgraded enough to feel like I’m not desperately looking for supplies. I’m sure the difficulty will spike and make me eat my own words though... I can definitely see where all the great things that Bioshock streamlined from this game. It’s feels like nothing I’ve ever played before, but also very familiar.


What time is it?
Finished that Shark game via PS Plus. It was kind of meh with its' bad attempts at humor and a broken progression system (I hit the level cap at 60% in). I'm also trying out the latest Tomb Raider thanks to PS Plus. I'm not really feeling it either and the amount of art in the opening sequence kind of bums me out as you are just walking/talking through that city to progress the narrative...it just feels wasteful. I also played some Hades and I think I'm mostly done after 13 or so runs, it just isn't getting its' hooks into me narratively or mechanically.


Gold Member
Trying to finish Metal Gear Solid Touch.

Did you happen to buy Mass Effect or Dead Space on iOS? I have MGS Touch, but I don’t have a device that can play it. I’d like to fight a Gekko again. Lol
COD4 Remastered - Multiplayer. Nice classic COD gameplay.

Dante’s Inferno - Resurrection Mode playthrough. I just really love this game for some reason.
I really liked creating my own level in Dante’s Inferno. Placing a unit here and there and then health orbs. It’s been a while since I played it back on PS3. I liked how you could get rated by other players.
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Playing through the Halo series for the first time, Reach was good, 1 was rough and 2 is a lot better than 1 so far, surprisingly all of them have a great soundtrack that still holds up these days.


Started the Geofront-translated Trails From Zero couple days ago, maybe 5-6 hours in so far, just finished prologue. Seems great so far, definitely gets interesting faster than Sky FC.
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