Do you like the soundtrack in Cyberpunk? Heard some pov that sound in the game gives awesome vibes. Is that true?Cyberpunk. 30 hours in and thinking about focusing on the main mission and finishing it. Just not enjoying it as much as I was hoping to.
Risk of rain 2. Holy hell I don't know why I waited so long to play this. Love these types of games, love the first risk of rain. The jump to 3D is good. Will play more tonight.
Do you like the soundtrack in Cyberpunk? Heard some pov that sound in the game gives awesome vibes. Is that true?
I couldn't finish the game myself. So so boring.I started Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I don’t know if I have another AC in me. It already feels like the exact same game I played twice last generation with Origins and Odyssey.
Doom Eternal is the best Doom game ever made! This is coming from someone who usually hates fast paced think on your feet type games.In the last week:
Control: Absolutely hated it. The first time using the combat mechanics against a few enemies and bosses, it's kinda neat. But then the game never really expands beyond that. Just MORE of it. So that when you reach a new large area, you know you're going to be tediously grinding away for the next five minutes. There's nothing satisfying about accomplishing anything. Including the ending.
Doom Eternal: Meh. When did everyone get confused about classic Doom gameplay? Doom was never an ultra-speed Serious Sam game. I'm not gonna say they ruined this game, because it can still provide some mindless action to dull the senses. But it ain't Doom.
The Touryst: I was really enjoying this. Right up until I got to that stupid orb jumping puzzle in the Twyn Monument. Clearly they didn't test this game out on 2 year old Xbox One gamepads. The imprecision that creeps in to the sticks after a while makes this puzzle nearly impossible. I quit after maybe a hundred attempts.
I would order them:Doom Eternal is the best Doom game ever made! This is coming from someone who usually hates fast paced think on your feet type games.
I would order them:
1. Doom
2. Doom 3
3. Doom 2016
4. Doom 2
5. Space Bunnies Must Die
6. Doom Eternal
As someone who has never really played an AC game, which would you recommend was the best?I started Assassin's Creed Valhalla. I don’t know if I have another AC in me. It already feels like the exact same game I played twice last generation with Origins and Odyssey.
My favorite was Black Flag. The whole pirate thing was really fun.As someone who has never really played an AC game, which would you recommend was the best?
2nd part and Brotherhood are my favorites.As someone who has never really played an AC game, which would you recommend was the best?
Thanks to world tendency not being so goddamn obtuse, I've managed to explore some neat side content and npc quests I never did in the original Demon's Souls.
I'm nearing the end, having beat all major bosses except the final one in Boletaria I have to say it's an incredibly well made remake. It's on a whole other level of what I thought it would be, and it feels so good to play. The combat, along with the DualSense, makes for some weighty, satisfying encounters that never gets old.
The level of polish is quite simply astonishing. However, there are a couple of annoying things I've discovered, that holds it slightly back.
No respec option. Would have been nice to be able to allocate points and experimenting with different builds. I've came across so many cool weapons and armor sets that I already want to restart the game, before finishing it.
Build variety. Dark Souls, particularly 2 & 3, had a crazy build variety with loads of weapon and armor customization. Demon's, being the very first, is scaled back on this area. It's more akin to Bloodborne, and the lack of variety does provide more focused builds, but I loved the crazy ones you could do in later DS sequels.
Though not a flaw, Demon's level design tends to be more of straightforward and lots of narrow corridors, whereas later games opened up a lot more, something I felt was more to my taste. The levels in Demon's are incredible by its own standard, but levels like 1-2, 4-2 and 2-2 are more or less straight paths, with little room for exploring. The atmosphere and awesome graphics in each levels, does do a lot for the replayability and awe factor, but it feels somewhat restricted compared to DS and BB.
Minor complaints. It's still a fantastic game which will provide hundreds of hours of entertainment, but one can't deny, the many improvements From Software made with the Souls-series.
Did you happen to buy Mass Effect or Dead Space on iOS? I have MGS Touch, but I don’t have a device that can play it. I’d like to fight a Gekko again. LolTrying to finish Metal Gear Solid Touch.
I really liked creating my own level in Dante’s Inferno. Placing a unit here and there and then health orbs. It’s been a while since I played it back on PS3. I liked how you could get rated by other players.COD4 Remastered - Multiplayer. Nice classic COD gameplay.
Dante’s Inferno - Resurrection Mode playthrough. I just really love this game for some reason.