It’s supposed to actually be decent from everything I have seen, assuming you like musicals… and Jeff Goldblum.My sisters, cousin and I am supposed to watch this tomorrow…
What do you honestly think is causing it though? They're not one offs and it's been going on for a while..Search Drew Barrymore crying on YT.
This shit is getting ridiculous.
when the MKULTRA wears off & your adrenochrome dealer goes straight to voice mail. Luckily the back goo is back in Style.
it's a weird world.*
*for entertainment purposes only.
Or three.Ariana looks like she could use a burger
It’s supposed to actually be decent from everything I have seen, assuming you like musicals… and Jeff Goldblum.
Attention whoring hands down. There trying to spread the usual BS that "people like me would never be allowed to be in a role like this". Trying desperatly to manufacture a false poignancy to reinforce the idea that liberals are making a real world impact with there racist policies.What do you honestly think is causing it though? They're not one offs and it's been going on for a while..
It's not normal behaviour, by any stretch of the imagination.
Attention whoring hands down. There trying to spread the usual BS that "people like me would never be allowed to be in a role like this". Trying desperatly to manufacture a false poignancy to reinforce the idea that liberals are making a real world impact with there racist policies.
I have so many students that were talking about this before break, since the movie came out last week and they are so into it. During my Current Events class a student brought up these “inspiring” videos…and I had to explain to my students that these are actors…and they are acting.Ugggghhhh.... all the fake tearing up, crying, and attention seeking.
These people are insufferable. What morons fall for this shit?
We desperatly need a vomit emoji stat.
Now THERE is a film
>10% of women in the US are taking antianxiety medicationsI ask this as a concerned father of a teenage girl....what is going on with women right now? Why are they all so randomly sad and affected in ways that even they do not understand by events they cannot control? I try to stay I informed but disconnected, if that makes sense, as I believe that one will be miserable if they connect themselves emotionally to causes that they can't affect, but women just seem an absolute mess right now, emotionally speaking, and I genuinely wonder why. My daughter is actually pretty mentally healthy in this pool of nonsense, and she as every excuse to be a mess because she's a teenager girl, so what is going on here?
Are these things from that new Jaguar ad?
I was more interested in what her other hand was doing.
I ask this as a concerned father of a teenage girl....what is going on with women right now? Why are they all so randomly sad and affected in ways that even they do not understand by events they cannot control? I try to stay informed but disconnected, if that makes sense, as I believe that one will be miserable if they connect themselves emotionally to causes that they can't affect, but women just seem an absolute mess right now, emotionally speaking, and I genuinely wonder why. My daughter is actually pretty mentally healthy in this pool of nonsense, and she has every excuse to be a mess because she's a teenager girl, so what is going on here?
Social contagion encouraging women to be absolutely hysterical with their emotions and not get a grip.What do you honestly think is causing it though? They're not one offs and it's been going on for a while..
It's not normal behaviour, by any stretch of the imagination.
Yeah world was still mostly sane 20 years ago before the woke insanity shit got popular. And those lunatics always either talk like a creepy cult member or a batshit insane freak. This is just one of the many cases like compare Natalie Portman's interview to the more recent ones.They talk like members of a cult, they even look like members of a cult, plain and simple.
Go back 20 years ago and watch celebrity interviews like this and people just didn't talk like this, it's no different than if they were Scientologists talking about operating thetan level 4 and the bridge to total freedom, huge swathes of mainstream American culture has been hijacked by a cult.
Just be grateful it's not two fellas doing it.
The data is horrific.>10% of women in the US are taking antianxiety medications
>17% are taking antidepressants
>20% are on some form of prescription medication for their mental health
>12% are in counseling or therapy
Higher stats than any other country. What's the root cause? Take your pick. Social media pressure, overprescription of medications (each with significant psychological side effects), cultural emphasis on career at the expense of family, radical ideologies, hookup/situationship culture, recreational drug use, etc.
There is so much currency in being emotional, so it's probably just that, mixed with Hollywood using it as a marketing tool to try to connect with women.What do you honestly think is causing it though? They're not one offs and it's been going on for a while..
It's not normal behaviour, by any stretch of the imagination.
It's clearly one of those, but it would take a greater mind than mine to deduce which one is at greatest fault. I'd venture so far as to say that an over reliance on prescription medication is definitely a big part of the problem, (75% of the issues you mentioned there are related to reliance on prescription medication), as it seems many people refuse to find a way to take charge and attack their problems head on without first obtaining a little miracle pill from the doc. We have become soft and weak as a people, and we have allowed our beloved, beautiful, brilliant women to believe they require help from charlatans to make it through their day and to alleviate their woes. Pharmaceutical companies have women earnestly believing that they aren't strong enough to handle their emotional or physical issues without help from others, and it's just depressing. We need to start teaching women about self reliance, about personal strength, about accountability, about perseverance, about thick skin, and about loving themselves and others at the best of times, of course, but also at the worst of times, especially.>10% of women in the US are taking antianxiety medications
>17% are taking antidepressants
>20% are on some form of prescription medication for their mental health
>12% are in counseling or therapy
Higher stats than any other country. What's the root cause? Take your pick. Social media pressure, overprescription of medications (each with significant psychological side effects), cultural emphasis on career at the expense of family, radical ideologies, hookup/situationship culture, recreational drug use, etc.
She clearly has good parents.
It's clearly one of those, but it would take a greater mind than mine to deduce which one is at greatest fault. I'd venture so far as to say that an over reliance on prescription medication is definitely a big part of the problem, (75% of the issues you mentioned there are related to reliance on prescription medication), as it seems many people refuse to find a way to take charge and attack their problems head on without first obtaining a little miracle pill from the doc. We have become soft and weak as a people, and we have allowed our beloved, beautiful, brilliant women to believe they require help from charlatans to make it through their day and to alleviate their woes. Pharmaceutical companies have women earnestly believing that they aren't strong enough to handle their emotional or physical issues without help from others, and it's just depressing. We need to start teaching women about self reliance, about personal strength, about accountability, about perseverance, about thick skin, and about loving themselves and others at the best of times, of course, but also at the worst of times, especially.
How we do that, I don't know....all I can focus on is mine, but I hope for the sake of women everywhere that we can figure something out as a people. I, too, find the modern woman perplexing and irritating, but I don't know that the modern woman is completely at fault, though we must all certainly take responsibility for our actions. I just try, every single day, to raise mine right and to not let the weakness of the outside world seep in. You wouldn't believe the nonsense that she comes home and tells me the school counselor told her, and the sheer number of scapegoats that modern public education has conjured to pin blame for everything on. Fortunately, my daughter is too smart to be duped. She comes home, "Daddy! I've gotta tell you about what the nuts at school said about men now!", and I laugh with her at the nonsense, and I'm just so proud of her for her inability to be duped, and her presence of mind and strength of spirit. She had a school counselor recently try for nearly an hour straight to convince her that she was either gay or transgender, (neither of which is a bad thing but it simply doesn't apply to her), but she didn't allow anyone to change her at all. She stood her ground and said, "no, I'm fine, I'm just me." She's incredible man, she's unshakable.
Just be grateful it's not two fellas doing it.
With every thrust all you would hear is the snapping of their brittle little bird bones as these anorexic chicks have leached all the calcium out of them.It's not the easiest wank I've ever had, to be honest.