If I recall correctly, Alberto's source said the same thing about Nintendo not making an intentionally weak system.
Yes i remember that too, but a statement as vague as this one can mean very different (heck, even opposite) things, i'll throw in a few examples:
1) After the Wii U's failure, Nintendo will never gimp specs again in order to prioritize small form factor and low power consumption/temps
2) Nintendo doesn't want to make a weak system again, but they're forced to do that because they want a 100% shared library with the portable
3) Nintendo doesn't want to make a weak system again, but they have to because the NX features a new, expensive gimmick and they want to meet a low price point and make money from D1
4) Heavy criticism from both the fanbase and potential customers got to Nintendo after the Wii U, and in order to satisfy them they decided to make a powerful console
It can mean any of these things or many, many others, and i honestly don't know what's more likely. Let's say it's 2 or 3: it would basically mean "sorry, we really want to make a powerful console but sadly we can't because this and that". What's the point in making that statement in private to an acquaintance? What are you trying to achieve by saying that? On the other hand, if it was 1 or 4 alberto probably wouldn't laugh everytime somebody says that the console will be somewhat powerful, and he's the one who reported that statement, so it wouldn't make sense either
Maybe (as it often happens) the truth lies somehwere in the middle, and it means something like the NX is a clear step forward compared to the Wii U, it sets a decent base for the future NX generations and it features the best hardware Nintendo could fit into a certain price point all things considered (new gimmick), but despite not being crap compared to the other two it still isn't quite like them.
Who knows ¯\_(ツ
That's an excellent number 5 lolWhich means they'll make a weak system by mistake D: