Wasn't this how the NES launched in the US? I remember something about it only being in New York at first. I could be wrong. lol
Yes, something like that.
edit: which means it's confirmed.

Wasn't this how the NES launched in the US? I remember something about it only being in New York at first. I could be wrong. lol
Rösti;194495405 said:Well, a Nintendo Direct broadcast ought to be coming quite soon if they continue with the bimonthly frequency.
Well, we still don't know much about Paper Mario.
Nintendo World Report was kind of hinting that Paper Mario might not even be a traditional RPG...or an RPG at all.
And if that ends up being true, then I expect some very negative reactions from the internet, since so many people want another game like Thousand Year Door.
Yeah. Instead of having bimonthly directs they spread out their info to "Oh, this could've been a direct" sized chunks. I guess it's cheaper that way but doesn't feel as good.For mainline Directs, they've already defied the return of the bimonthly schedule, no?
Isn't the new Nintendo Account stuff launching this month? Surely they won't launch this initiative without telling the public how it works and what it does, right? So there MUST be a Direct happening soon.
Is there a link to this hint? Like you, I can see that backfiring tremendously online. (Not that that necessarily means much to real world sales.)
Rösti;194501432 said:I wonder if the pricing of the NX dev kit has changed much from Wii U. A CAT-DEV with a GamePad (DRC-DK) was just above $3000 late last year. A PS4 dev kit was when released at $2500 I believe, and an Xbox One dev kit you can basically get for free depending on the designation of your company (it's cheap anyway).
Damn son.
Yet these particular legal ramifications didn't scare people off from leaking the Wii U.
That's a good point, with Nintendo also being part of the development of the Vulkan API, I bet a lot the development could be software based with a PC if the NX is x86 based. The Nintendo Dev Client had that update late last year too, looks like porting and ease of porting is really on Nintendo's minds this time.
The actual Dev Kit for the NX might come in variations on what the developer wants to do as well; if they want do focus just on porting the game over, they may get a more simplified dev kit based more on software; and if they want to build from the ground up they get a more expensive version with all the API's for making the new controller used to the full with the hardware.
You need a devkit for IOS and android development?While basic testing can be done in an emulated environment, you really can't go completely without full hardware dev kits even if you're just developing a port. Testing on actual hardware is necessary for proper quality assurance, especially with regards to performance.
Also, emulating ARM on x86 isn't that difficult to achieve.
You use consumer devices.You need a devkit for IOS and android development?
Damn son.
Yet these particular legal ramifications didn't scare people off from leaking the Wii U.
"Hi, you've breached your NDA and we're here to collect your devkits, documentation, crypto tokens and, last but not least, your kidneys."I would imagine people leaking the Wii U is one of the reasons those ramifications became far more legal with the NX.
It would make sense if they at least know the general range of power. But I don't think that we can completely assume that.I assume the dev has been a sponge of information, obviously from fellow devs who have access to dev kits and specs. So whatever information this dev has gotten leads him to believe that porting his PS4(graphically intensive) game is technically possible.
It would make sense if they at least know the general range of power. But I don't think that we can completely assume that.
It would make sense if they at least know the general range of power. But I don't think that we can completely assume that.
You use consumer devices.
The truth is out there![]()
i want to believe
Under strict ndaThe truth is out there
Hopefully at least one console will come out before. I was wondering if they could manage a portable launch in late september with the console coming out in early dicember, but doesn't seem too likely (sadly). Having even one device skipping Christmas would be stupid.Wonder when they will official announce it if it's coming out at Christmas
Thanks for the reply! I understand that many on GAF are hoping for a traditional controller/handheld. To me, Nintendo (Takeda, in particular) seem to be telegraphing that there will be another input innovation, so it's fun to explore the possibilities. I've got a few more ideas regarding the "gimmick" that I may write up later.
Anyway, it's true that we can't discount a rectangular handheld. Most cell phones are somewhat rectangular as is the Wii U Gamepad. Nintendo's most successful home controller (the Wii Remote and original NES pad) are rectangular. It seems like it would be a missed opportunity to go with such a common shape with the Free Form tech, but that would still come in handy for embedding the buttons and sticks.
I'm torn on the scroll wheels. I do like them in that Nintendo could simplify the top of their device and the tactile nature of the physical wheels (the slight "click" for every item slot you highlight), would probably work great for a wide variety of games. Like the "analog nub" of the 3DS, scroll wheels are a common interface tool that most people are savvy to in this information age. Here are my qualms with shoulder wheels, however:
- They may not be great to stick in one's pocket. I can foresee lint getting stuck in the crevices.
- In many shooters, clicking a wheel isn't as gratifying as pressing a trigger button or paddle shoulder button.
- There is the possibility of them loosening, which could lead to an accidental scroll when you mean to click (I just held my mouse like a controller and it actually happened).
I'm not sure how appealing they would be to the general public. The consumer electronics industry is embracing touch for more of these functions.
I hadn't really thought of a slider design. If they can nail down the durability aspect (hello, DL Lite hinge!), I wouldn't be averse to it. Remember, though, that Nintendo seem to want inputs hidden from view when the device is held. A slider, at least how I'm picturing it, would probably end up in your field of vision and break this whole immersive experience that they are presumably trying to accomplish.
My opinion is that they can probably get away with 2 face buttons (besides the sticks and shoulders) and just ditch the dpad. That still leaves a good amount of physical inputs (including clicky sticks and possibly scroll wheels to change button assignments) and most games really focus on 2 or 3 primary actions. You have jump and run; weak attack and strong attack. You get what I'm saying.
I am all in favor of continuing custom plates and in fact, I think they may opt for such a plan in order to protect the exposed face of the handheld this time around. Something that simply snaps into place and is easily removed once you're ready to play would be nice.
Yall talked about the gonintendo rumor already?
Was just doing some digging to see if Nintendo have registered any NX-related domains recently.
Nothing of note, but damn is there some disturbing stuff there.
Final Fantasy XIV domains? :O
Final Fantasy XIV domains? :O
How's that possible? These are all related to Nintendo no? 2014-03-06 ENOM, INC. 2015-10-14 GODADDY.COM, LLC 2015-03-02 CSC CORPORATE DOMAINS, INC. (R3205-AGRS) 2015-09-01 CSC CORPORATE DOMAINS, INC. (R3205-AGRS)
Final Fantasy XIV domains? :O
They are registered by Serge Boulet Gendron, a technician at STI Maintenance.How's that possible? These are all related to Nintendo no?
My bets:
- Sonic 25th Anniversary game (both the main console game, and possibly a second more handheld-oriented game by Dimps, the usual)
- Super Monkey Ball (crushingly absent on Wii U)
- Wishful dream: Alien Isolation Sequel
- Monster Hunter X Ultimate
- Monster Hunter Stories (more of a straight port, I don't see a G release)
- Wishful dream: Resident Evil 7 / Ace Attorney
Bandai Namco:
- Tekken 7
- Tales of Berseria (though Baba isn't exactly fond of non-Sony releases, who knows)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
- Ridge Racer 8 (VERY wishful thinking lol)
- Wishful dream: Baten Kaitos 1+2 remake
Tecmo Koei:
- Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 13 (Nintendo got 11 and 12)
- Whatever traditional Warriors game is out at the time (aside from Hyrule Warriors)
- Wishful dream: Fatal Frame
Level 5:
- Yokai Watch (3?)
- Ni No Kuni 2
- Layton?
- Skylanders 6 (would love to see a Superchargers port with a higher-quality DK figure released...)
- Call of Duty (would be Current Infinity Ward's game, ugh)
- Maybe a Platinum-made licensed game?
- Lego
- Batman Arkham Knight? (Remastered Trilogy?)
EA (...)
- Madden
- Wishful dream: Some Star Wars games
- Assassin's Creed
- The Division?
- Rabbids (hard to predict since it's very quiet lately)
- Rayman? (also hard to predict with no indication of any new game)
All for launch or near.
How's that possible? These are all related to Nintendo no?
i want to believe
Ive been thinking a bit about the size and form factor of the handheld over the last couple of days. Curious, I whipped out the old ruler and took to measuring up my trusty 3DS XL. The device is nearly 6 in length and actually very close in size to the widest portion of the Wii U Pro Controller (the grip bottoms). This is also quite similar to the lengths of both the Dual Shock 4 and Wii Remote. I was struck by what is probably obvious: hardware designers have pretty much reached an agreement on how long a controller needs to be in order for the user to enjoy comfortable ergonomics. As most of us well know, what makes for a good handheld does not necessarily make for a good stationary console controller. A handheld should be able to easily slip into ones pocket. Thus, a slender body and low profile buttons are advantageous. Naturally, your average home console controller is expected to include full-sized analog sticks and a nice chunky grip portion.
Disclaimer: At this point, Im pretty much convinced that Nintendo have opted to include the Free Form Displays from Sharp. Weve got two independent sources on the topic (the initial reports from Kyodo and the much discussed patent) and it does seem like a very Nintendo thing to do. It also appears to be a realistic option, at least in terms of price, as Sharp are a current Nintendo partner and have also been struggling a bit as of late (much like AMD). These factors might allow Nintendo to get a decent price on this tech.
Speaking of the patent, a few tentative conclusions:
With these points considered, we are left with the oval shape as the only remaining form mentioned by the patent (ignoring "square"uqh). As I see it, the optimal design would include rounded but wide side portions (think Vita) for comfort and button placement while retaining the strikingly curved top portion of the device. That top is nice for displaying the dome of the skies above. Here is an example of an interesting egg-shaped phone design (disregard the curved screen). The base of an egg is somewhat wider than the top, but Nintendo might alternately opt for a true ellipse with equal ends. Sharp showed a similar design featuring their Free Form Display. Just picture it a bit longer.
- The handheld will NOT feature the grip portion picturedan attachment similar to the Circle Pad Pro makes more sense here.
- Without a Grip portion, the edges of the elliptical design, as pictured in the patent, may be too sharp for comfort.
- A track shaped design would resemble the PS Vita a bit too much.
This leads to the issue which has everyone worried: button placement. In a handheld design, the lower inputs (in Nintendos case, the dpad and face buttons) are forced into a position almost directly beneath the upper inputs (analog sticks here) in order to provide enough space for the display. The free form patent stresses the importance of hiding traditional sticks and buttons underneath the thumbs of the user in order to create an immersive effect. This is generally accomplished if the lower inputs are directly beneath the sticks. Also mentioned is an unobstructed 16:9 viewing area between the inputs. This rules out the narrower placement of the lower inputs found in traditional controllers, such as the Wii U Pro and DS4. One must ask if there is truly room for all those inputs on the narrow ends of an elliptical or oval-shaped device.
I think some of these points are worth considering in future mockups. IHS apparently have sources which detail the NX handheld as including an LCD between 3 and 5. Something around the 4.88 16:9 viewing area of the new 3DS XL is probably to be expected. The free form patent also mentions, as one of its core innovations, the ability to increase screen size without enlarging the overall device, so it would be somewhat contradictory of them to aim for a smaller display. Still, I wonder about the face buttons and dpads roles in such a device. If they are on there, they would need to be almost directly underneath the sticks and also quite small, as in current handhelds.
I'm interested in what shape(s) people can imagine as both suitably functional and attention-grabbing. I'd also like to hear opinions on which (if any) face inputs might be modified or discarded in the name of simplicity and elegance.
Kimishima wouldnt talk about new enterprises, as he would instead like to go more in-depth when Nintendo announces forecasts for the next period. That means the financial results briefing wasnt a place to speak about NX either. Kimishima did mention that Nintendo is currently progressing on considering various developments and plans towards the systems release, so he thinks it will need even more investments than now.
Nothing particularly surprising, perhaps, but this does imply that Nintendo will be talking NX by the time the briefing and forecast for next financial year rolls around.
Not particularly surprising- investors need to know details about the big new initiative for the financial year. I'd expect a proper reveal before that, though.
So basically before April 1st in month?
Financial Results Briefings (Full Year)I'm pretty sure the briefing isn't until early May.
I'm pretty sure the briefing isn't until early May.
We're happy to announce the NX console isWe'll need to know something by the forecasts.
But "something" might not be a lot.
Gimmick conversation is interesting...I do think they are going for a hook and I think the "shared platform" isn't much of a direct hook to those outside the platform (again, it should help grow a base through software. I just don't see it, outside of a cheap enough bundle, jumpstarting that base). I have no idea if they can find anything remotely rivaling the Wii remote, but I assume they are looking (and indeed the patents say they are, whether or not they'll use any of that or there is some further thing they've stumbled upon).
So peoples' ideas on this are input and AR? The free-form display and the scroll wheels sound potentially neat, but they don't seem particularly eye-catching to me. As to AR, well, idk, it feels the same way to me. Perhaps this is because while I'm a game guy, I'm not much of a tech guy. Do other people read anything revolutionary into the patents, comments, etc. regarding the possible front-facing gimmick?
I mean Wii U did ship on a baby version of the "home console is also handheld so you can play at your TV without hogging it, Japan." Is NX just going to make that vision real while also making it less important if the Japanese gaming public does not return to the TV because the ~same games will be on the handheld?
Nothing particularly surprising, perhaps, but this does imply that Nintendo will be talking NX by the time the briefing and forecast for next financial year rolls around.
Not particularly surprising- investors need to know details about the big new initiative for the financial year. I'd expect a proper reveal before that, though.
Nothing about the NX will be shown or maybe even leaked until the new fiscal year which starts on April 1st. Nintendo might announce the NX press event between April and the yearly financial briefing in May. Perhaps even revealing it's final name. But for pictures of the consoles, specs, games in development, launch date, if it's a console or handheld, etc will be done after that financial briefing and perhaps even E3.So basically before April 1st in month?
Probanly the official announcement of the NX press reveal which will either be E3 or later that month.We'll need to know something by the forecasts.
But "something" might not be a lot.
Even if we get a ND before E3 it'll be Wii U and 3DS focused. Perhaps the second half of 2016 games (rumored Paper Mario, Pokémon Z, Pikmin 4, etc.)Ah, thanks so hopefully we get some kind of ND or conference before May.
As far as releases go, I hope Capcom will publish REmake 2 on the system. I need mah boy Leon. Don't have a big list of wants, but here's hoping Nintendo will getvthat one on board.
I'm of the opinion that the gimmick is that there is no gimmick. Low price + full retail Nintendo games regularly + cool mobile integration is what they are going to announce.
When they say it's a new way to play games or experience games you since it's a gimmick. By waggle or 3D but think of those levels of gimmick.I'm of the opinion that the gimmick is that there is no gimmick. Low price + full retail Nintendo games regularly + cool mobile integration is what they are going to announce.