Well, decided to start the P90X program yesterday. On New Years Day my family decided to do a Biggest Loser challenge to see who could lose the largest percentage by Easter. Im easily the most active of the bunch but the thing is that for the past couple of years I could never get past my plateau of around 215 220 lbs (Im 58).
At my largest out of college I was around 270 lbs and thats when I got my Powertec leverage system (it is truly awesome by the way) but now Ive been hovering around this weight for the past few years (32 years old now) even though Im pretty active. So this 3 month challenge was a chance for me to prove myself.
My starting weight was 225.8lbs. For January I went back to being consistent on my normal workout routine while eating healthier. Quickly lost around 6 pounds that first week (but this was to be expected) and the next couple of weeks were kind of stagnant. Since I want to kind of shock the body and change up my routine I decide to follow the
12 Week Daily Video Trainer on Bodybuilder.com for the next 5 weeks. Great series and it helped my get past my plateau. Im now at ~211lbs, the lightest Ive been since my first year of college almost 15 years ago. I really like the 12-15 rep range to failure of this program.
But for this last month, Im ready to change it up once more for the final push and thats where the P90X comes in. Im currently pretty happy with the amount of muscle I have but I just want to focus on losing fat and Im hoping the P90X will let me hit my goal of 200lbs by Easter.
Got through the first workout of Chest and Back decently (had to use the chair for assisted pull-ups) but had to end up pausing with only 2 workouts to go. (I think it was divebombers and dumbbell rear raises) My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was a bit too nauseated. I also think having too much water with my creatine right before the workout didnt help because I felt bloated and wanted to throw up towards the end. Starting off I felt pretty good because I was pumping out around 20-25 push-ups at the beginning but towards the end I think I only squeezed out 4 on that last set with the diamond push-ups, lol.
But I got through, thinking man, that workout is no joke and then I see the Ab Ripper come up next. I think Oh that must be for tomorrow
Nope. Find out this morning that I was supposed to do it directly after chest and back. Well I guess I have a new goal for next Monday (and I guess this Wed and Fri as well). Plyometrics is next, well see what Im made of.