Since this thread isn't dead yet, I have a new theory. De-Bathificationmjq jazz bar said:Why was Bath's name blacked out?
Since this thread isn't dead yet, I have a new theory. De-Bathificationmjq jazz bar said:Why was Bath's name blacked out?
Fusebox said:They're already building, training and repairing - Kerry is going to 'continue' Dubyas work in other words.
I'd be interested to know this man's extensive and intimate knowledge about the Bush administration, since he can so "easily dismiss" the movie without so much as one word why or how. What an ass.Moore's depiction of why Bush went to war is so silly and so incomprehensible that it is easily dismissed. As far as I can tell, it is a farrago of conspiracy theories.
Yeah... why do you hate America?dark10x said:Why exactly are you defending Moore so much anyways, Human?
dark10x said:Why exactly are you defending Moore so much anyways, Human?
I like what he has to say, and I think the vigor with which he pursues what he believes in is admirable. I'll be the first to admit that he can be a bit ham-fisted at times, but I firmly believe in his bottom line. I also get irritated when I see people (not necessarily you, dark) use their personal problems with him to automatically discount the things he says in his movies and books...sometimes when they haven't even seen or read them!dark10x said:Why exactly are you defending Moore so much anyways, Human?
:lolBanjo Tango said:Yeah... why do you hate America?
human5892 said:I like what he has to say, and I think the vigor with which he pursues what he believes in is admirable. I'll be the first to admit that he can be a bit ham-fisted at times, but I firmly believe in his bottom line. I also get irritated when I see people (not necessarily you, dark) use their personal problems with him to automatically discount the things he says in his movies and books...sometimes when they haven't even seen or read them!
Haha, back to the Gaming Forum with ye! Don't let it happen again!dark10x said:Shew, I would REALLY f*cking hate to be President...
It does not matter who you are or what you do, you WILL be hated by an incredibly large group of people. The president makes a great focus point of hate. Who can we blame for ALL of our troubles? One man, of course!
Hey, I'm not saying I agree with things decided by the current leaders of the US (I just want to be left the fuck alone), but if people would step back and LISTEN to themselves...they'd be quite shocked at how evil THEY sound. It makes me fucking SICK to hear people debate this kind of thing in this manner...
Yeah, but I'll make sure I download it. Twice. Moore doesn't deserve our money and he sure as shit isn't going to get mine.
How can you respect someone whose job is to RUIN LIVES, yet runs home crying to his lawyer when even the smallest bit of anti-Moore sentiment starts to show up.
Socreges said:Haha, back to the Gaming Forum with ye! Don't let it happen again!
True enough, but I'm sure you could just as easily find a post-war scene of children frolicking or women laughing. It wouldn't mean the situation in Iraq is good, of course -- just as the pre-war footage in the film doesn't mean Saddam's regime was anything acceptable.ghostface said:That "review" by Cohen is pretty lame, considering the fact that the only justification the guy gives for how the movie supposedly sucks is that Sadaam was a nut. No Shit.
And about the footage of pre-war Iraq, while I agree that the depiction of the country may not be totally accurate, I think that its Moore's way of saying that life was going about its normal business before the invasion.
Sadaam was a madman, he would have had anyone shot just for looking at him wrong, but as a citizen, when you went outside, you didnt have to worry about you or your kids getting blown up from a car bomb when he was in power. I think its the chaos that reigns Iraq now that Moore is trying to make a comparison with.
Oh, cute. But really. You haven't even seen the movie and you're the one going about making it seem as if this criticism is purely based on people not liking the president (have you stopped to think that perhaps there are REASONS for this, as with everything??) and refuting an entire thread by regarding it as "nonsense" (oh, well done - you got us). I'd sooner say your inability to understand stems from your misconceived pride. You seem to be completely out of your element here. It honestly is people such as you, dark, that will take any potential exceptions and use them to dismiss the movie, in turn dismissing the critical and truthful points that it makes. Granted, there are many people who will swallow whatever piece of information moore throws at them, but THAT IS WHY THIS THREAD EXISTS. It still has not served its purpose.dark10x said:You're right, all this nonsense is hard to take. Now excuse me while I check my Fahrenheit 9/11 torrents...
durrrrrIt isn't that he lies to people, it is more that he is attempting to heavily influence people to support his opinion through methods I don't feel are totally honest.
Even worse, when she responded "In Iraq", the lady said something to the effect of "Don't blame America - blame Al Qaeda".pestul said:I just came back from the film (sold out.. applause at end.. yadda yadda). I also just finished reading this entire thread. My opinion.. even if 1/10th of it is true/undistorted, I'm utterly disgusted. The part of the film which was most meaningful to me, was when the woman who's child had perished in Iraq had to defend herself in front of the White House.. and the woman attacking only said something like "It's just a stage.." or whatever.. "Where did he die?" <-- I was thinking.. 'does it fucking matter bitch?'![]()
Fusebox said:Does Moore show the footage of the Iraqis in the street celebrating when Saddam was captured?
Just curious.
Huh, just curious...Fusebox said:Does Moore show the footage of the Iraqis in the street celebrating when Saddam was captured?
Just curious.
dark10x said:Yeah, but I'll make sure I download it. Twice. Moore doesn't deserve our money and he sure as shit isn't going to get mine.
I've heard him say in public that he doesn't care if people download his stuff, as long as no pirates make money from it.dark10x said:Now excuse me while I check my Fahrenheit 9/11 torrents...
I believe that woman figured Moore was staging an event with actors, and thus by asking for details she could trip them up.pestul said:The part of the film which was most meaningful to me, was when the woman who's child had perished in Iraq had to defend herself in front of the White House.. and the woman attacking only said something like "It's just a stage.." or whatever.. "Where did he die?" <-- I was thinking.. 'does it fucking matter bitch?'![]()
If Michael Moore had had his way, Slobodan Milosevic would still be the big man in a starved and tyrannical Serbia. Bosnia and Kosovo would have been cleansed and annexed. If Michael Moore had been listened to, Afghanistan would still be under Taliban rule, and Kuwait would have remained part of Iraq. And Iraq itself would still be the personal property of a psychopathic crime family, bargaining covertly with the slave state of North Korea for WMD. You might hope that a retrospective awareness of this kind would induce a little modesty. To the contrary, it is employed to pump air into one of the great sagging blimps of our sorry, mediocre, celeb-rotten culture. Rock the vote, indeed.
I didn't see Control Room, but the bit about the fallen Saddam statue is true. A reporter from the New York Times who was in Iraq at the time came to speak at my friend's college about honesty and integrity in the media, and he brought with him pictures that he took of the scene. There were only a small handful of people who were there cheering.eggplant said:Actually, that reminds me. Anyone seen "Control Room"? It has like a 97% at RottenTomatoes, so it looks to be pretty good. I heard that there's a scene where they show the toppling of the Saddam statue and then show that the square was actually empty besides the 20 or so men who toppled the statue.
>>>pretty much rips a new one on the movie.
Fahrenheit 9/11:
The temperature at which Michael Moore's pants burn
Fight for Freeform said:I saw it last night.
I look at a lot of the major points this movie makes...and these are irrefutable.
1) Bush's ongoing business relationship with the Saudis.
2) Bush didn't do much while in office.
3) The war in Afghanistan focused more on ousting the Taliban than eliminating Al Qaeda.
4) The Patriot Act is a heinous blow to freedom in the US, and is ineffective in stopping terrorists.
5) There are backwards policies when dealing with the issue of Homeland Security.
6) The Bush Admin was actively looking for excuses to invade Iraq.
7) The Invasion of Iraq caused more suffering among ordinary Iraqis.
8) There is a lot of money to be made by the Invasion.
9) Large Corporations are profiting off American taxpayers and Iraqi assets (the Iraqi people had no say in who will buy what they effectively have title to).
Most of these points are well known to those who bothered to educate themselves on the issue. The "Blood for Oil" arguement didn't come from nowhere. This film is very important in educating those who didn't understand those who spoke out against an invasion of Iraq.
Firest0rm said:Please tell me what you know about an iraqi's life before the removal of Saddam.
*raises hand* May I?I agree with all those points, except for no. 7. Its hard to believe how many people say that, and everytime I hear it, i get a rush in body. Do you know how incorrect that statement is? Do you have any idea as to what life was before the invasion? ANY AT ALL. Please tell me what you know about an iraqi's life before the removal of Saddam.
Firest0rm said:I agree with all those points, except for no. 7. Its hard to believe how many people say that, and everytime I hear it, i get a rush in body. Do you know how incorrect that statement is? Do you have any idea as to what life was before the invasion? ANY AT ALL. Please tell me what you know about an iraqi's life before the removal of Saddam.
What is this? I haven't seen the movie, so what is this Cake thing?talking head said:I also feel bad for Cake for having their song being associated with those gross assholes.