Actually that was my point. The benefit of partisan media--left or right--is that they look at stories that might be passed over by other outfits.
Cloudy said:Again, Fox can do whatever they want but the stories wouldn't "have legs" if the legitimate media didn't feel pressured by Fox's ratings and accusations of "liberal bias". Those stories and others should have stayed on right-wing talk radio where they belonged. Fox "News" is poison to real journalism..
methos75 said:define real journalism, because there is none in the US.
What actually happened is that outfits like the NYT felt embarrassed that they missed this story either because of blindness or because they didn't respect anything coming out of FNC in the first place. You have your account completely backwards. When they say they were too slow to react to this story, they aren't saying hey this isn't a story but some organization we don't respect says it is, and hey we're new to this whole news thing so whatever it's just a paycheck.Cloudy said:Again, Fox can do whatever they want but the stories wouldn't "have legs" if the legitimate media didn't feel pressured by Fox's ratings
APF said:What actually happened is that outfits like the NYT felt embarrassed that they missed this story either because of blindness or because they didn't respect anything coming out of FNC in the first place. You have your account completely backwards. When they say they were too slow to react to this story, they aren't saying hey this isn't a story but some organization we don't respect say it is, and hey we're new to this whole news thing so whatever it's just a paycheck.
APF said:And when the NYT looks up and is like oh whoops that really is a story we should be reporting on, you realize there is a point to partisan media--much like, oh I don't know, when a comedy news entertainment show starts talking about CNBC anchors' cluelessness / complicity and suddenly the media is like, oh whoops that really is a good point maybe we should look into it.
Cloudy said:But Stewart DID have a good point. ACORN, Van Jones, Maogate = ridiculous unless you're a right-wing partisan...
goddamn fucking persecution complex.GaimeGuy said:So, in other words, Fox chose to not participate in the roundtable, then complained that the white house was excluding them. :lol News: White House Apologized For Pay Czar Interview Snub Mistake
Fox News SVP of news and editorial programming Michael Clemente tells Mediaite the plan was to replace the Fox News interview with a Bloomberg interview instead. This was verified by an executive at another network. After the D.C. bureau chiefs at ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and Fox News discussed the decision, and pushed back at the unprecedented move, the Treasury Department relented and allowed FNC in. And according to Clemente, the decision was made by someone at the center of the White House vs. FNC feud. They picked up the phone and called Anita Dunn, and Dunn said, Fine let Fox in, he says of the Treasury Department.
It was a very absolutely clear attempt to leave Fox out, says Clemente.
The White House apologized to FNC yesterday for the move. We were subsequently told it was a mistake by a low level person at the Treasury Department, says Clemente. Major [Garrett] was told that by Robert Gibbs and others.
In the wake of the report Thursday on Fox News, the Treasury Department, a White House spokesperson and others have raised doubts about the original story, citing the fact that FNC did conduct the interview. Thats what ultimately happened but thats not what the initial planning was, says Clemente. (Mediaite reporter Tommy Christopher has been in contact with Fox News before and after the publication of this article, and they cited the CBS Evening News report added to the article, rather than commenting directly.)
CBS News D.C. bureau chief Christopher Isham also serves as the pool chair. He tells Mediaite he convened a conference call and all the bureau chiefs agreed they were not comfortable with excluding one of the members of the pool in a pool interview.
The news has gotten a reaction from around the media world with reports from CBS News and the AP, among others. And all show, once again, the White House losing the battle it has chosen to wage with Fox News.
We asked Clemente if he sees the fight as a net gain or net loss for his network. No surprise here:
"Net gain. It just further defines for people that we do our journalism really well, have very strong opinion shows. It would have been better I would think for the White Houses sake if this never happened, but these are decisions that are made by Anita Dunn and the press office, and we have been dealing with for over 2 weeks now, if not longer. We have to deal with it as long as have to deal with it."
ACORN was a legitimate story, though some real investigation should have been done as to how widespread that sort of corruption was rather than saying "we've got a video shut the whole organization down!"
I think your only options are: this is purposeful and they're cleverly trying to shake Fox News up; this is not on purpose and they're just incompetent; this is not entirely one or the other and they're trying to walk it back because they feel it's not working in their advantage.Cloudy said:Why would the WH apologize if they did try to snub them. WTF kind of "war" is this? :lol
this is not entirely one or the other and they're trying to walk it back because they feel it's not working in their advantage.
APF said:So apologizing to Fox doesn't legitimize them?
APF said:So looking schizophrenic is better?
CBS News D.C. bureau chief Christopher Isham also serves as the pool chair. He tells Mediaite he convened a conference call and all the bureau chiefs agreed they were not comfortable with excluding one of the members of the pool in a pool interview.
Ether_Snake said:You know, when Obama ran his campaign I had a lot of faith in the people he surrounded himself with, because the campaign was so well managed. But now I've come to realize that this is really all these people can do; manage a campaign. Plus, it has come to light that there's a whole lot of people in the administration who are basically frustrated self-hating left-wing baby boomers (and their offshoots). It's surprising to see that the best the Democrats have are actually a few senators and congressmen, rather than people in the administration itself. I don't know where Obama fished all those clowns.
Cloudy said:LOL, they are already calling Obama "Nixonian" (A step-up from Hitler lol) because admin officials won't grace Fox with their presence for now. The media would go ballistic if he tried to kick Fox or any cable channels off :lol
The best thing is to let Fox participate in the press pool as usual and boycott the tv channel. They make shit up anyways so what's the big deal?
I agree that Fox news is not a new organisation, rather a propaganda machine. However, so is msnbc.
Opiate said:What sort of "inter office memos" have we seen from Fox News? I haven't heard of these.
Cloudy said:
B_Rik_Schitthaus said:![]()
Just for those on Fox news side.