Oh, no, I totally get that. I'm just saying that, for any legitimate attempts to provide perspective on issues from more than one slanted viewpoint, CNN easily does the best job, while Fox and MSNBC really do not, with one exception. In my esimation, the best show host for actually offering civilized debate about opposite sides of issues is Rachael Maddow. She clearly has a side, but comes across as respectful and thorough in allowing guests with a differing POV air their perspective as well.
I also find it interesting how quickly it's been forgotten that the NY Times was barred from Air Force 2 for a time, and how outspoken the last administration was about MSNBC. Dana Perino admitted as much on the Sunday shows that, particularly towards the end of the Bush administration, they did next to nothing to accomodate MSNBC, all the while allowing FOX nearly unfettered access to the White House, including at least 2 exclusive slobber-fests with Brett Baier. Seems like short term memory is a problem everywhere....