Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Can't believe they haven't done so earlier. Good for the White House. They've got no obligation to play along with the lies and misdirection Fox News constantly employs in their pieces.
Thank goodness they're using their political capital to ram through a stimulus bill sprinkled with all sorts of inefficient concessions, lack of adequate regulatory framework and future safeguards, and a health care bill primed to mandate coverage for those who can't afford it without providing a strong public option to actually drive costs down to a reasonable level. There's clearly no room to challenge a cornered minority party when you're busy being so amazingly progressive, but shining the spotlight on a farcical "news" outlet that doesn't deserve the time of day anyhow? Oh yeah, there's all reason in the world to do that.laserbeam said:They cant afford too. They have to try and ram through what they can before 2010 elections.
sonicmj1 said:I don't think stifling debate, even with an outlet that you disagree with, even with an outlet that frequently distorts the truth to spite you, is really wise.
ItsInMyVeins said:If anyone, it's Fox News that's stifling every debate. In this case the White House just ain't gonna play along with it anymore. Had the channel been a poster on GAF it'd been banned or ignored by 90% of the posters as a troll long ago.
sonicmj1 said:If Fox News was a fringe network, this would be an easier decision to make. That just isn't the case, though. They have more viewers than any other news channel.
I'm not saying Fox is squeaky clean at all here, but I just don't see how this helps in any way. It sounds like the White House already hasn't been very cooperative with Fox News, and that has, if anything, increased the channel's level of partisanship.
I just don't see what the White House gains from this move.
sonicmj1 said:If Fox News was a fringe network, this would be an easier decision to make. That just isn't the case, though. They have more viewers than any other news channel.
I'm not saying Fox is squeaky clean at all here, but I just don't see how this helps in any way. It sounds like the White House already hasn't been very cooperative with Fox News, and that has, if anything, increased the channel's level of partisanship.
I just don't see what the White House gains from this move.
sonicmj1 said:I just don't see what the White House gains from this move.
mAcOdIn said:I do think Fox is a wanna be, if not full on, Republican party machine but I think that's good in a way because they really do break a lot of stories, it's not like Democrats are 100% squeaky clean here, so in a way it's good there's a network basically 100% against them because we get to see things that'd otherwise never be covered.
The other networks, I won't say they're in the bag for Democrats like Fox will but I do think they've lost their bite and aren't a good government watchdog.
None of them would I consider unbiased reporters of news however, but I'll say Fox is the most biased of them all.
Ford Prefect said:Fuck Fox News. Their entire existence right now is dedicated to actions and dogma that are dangerously detrimental to the progress and well-being of this country. They are not a legitimate news organization and shouldn't be treated as such. If by some miracle this administration actually has the balls to stay the course and hold Fox accountable for their garbage until they shape up or spiral into impotent insanity, it could be the best thing they do for the country in the long run.
Meus Renaissance said:I don't see how much they'd have to lose anyway. Even Bill O'Reilly admitted that Fox is bias.
sonicmj1 said:I dunno. At best (realistically) it's a meaningless gesture that feels good to say. At worst (realistically) it alienates some independent voters that the White House might want on their side.
sonicmj1 said:I dunno. At best (realistically) it's a meaningless gesture that feels good to say. At worst (realistically) it alienates some independent voters that the White House might want on their side.
Omission of facts are as bad as fabrication in my opinion. I don't listen to the pundits or casters, I'll just watch any video they'll find and call it that.X-Ninji said:However, given Fox's outright fabrication of "facts", they're not useful in anyway to keep watch over the government.
I've never studied this so I want people to be clear this is only my opinion but regarding people who seek Fox out because they want to be told what they want to hear, I wonder if it really matters, like if Fox wasn't there they would all of a sudden not believe the things they do. I think they'd still believe them with or without Fox. It's my opinion that these types of opinions and thoughts existed before Fox and Fox only caters to them, it wasn't the reverse where Fox came around and all of a sudden people started buying into this stuff.innervision961 said:As long as this admin calls them out on the falacies and refrains from attempting a coup or taking any real action against them then this is fine... I mean tabloids are perfectly legal. It's only harmful that in telling people what they want to hear they will beleive anything you tell them.
mAcOdIn said:All our networks are worthless but I believe the people are ever so slightly better off having Fox News as well as the rest of the media.
mAcOdIn said:I've never studied this so I want people to be clear this is only my opinion but regarding people who seek Fox out because they want to be told what they want to hear, I wonder if it really matters, like if Fox wasn't there they would all of a sudden not believe the things they do. I think they'd still believe them with or without Fox. It's my opinion that these types of opinions and thoughts existed before Fox and Fox only caters to them, it wasn't the reverse where Fox came around and all of a sudden people started buying into this stuff.
So I don't think Fox has that big of an effect really.
But again, I've never really studied this type of human behavior so I don't know.
ItsInMyVeins said:I kinda doubt that, actually.
I agree with you... I think these opinions did exist and fox caters to them, the danger comes from people like oreilly beck and the other crazy ones who take something and twist and twist to get what they want out of it to the point that it's a lie and build a fervor then sprinkle in their own made up parts then these people take these fake talking points and spread them like a virus.mAcOdIn said:I've never studied this so I want people to be clear this is only my opinion but regarding people who seek Fox out because they want to be told what they want to hear, I wonder if it really matters, like if Fox wasn't there they would all of a sudden not believe the things they do. I think they'd still believe them with or without Fox. It's my opinion that these types of opinions and thoughts existed before Fox and Fox only caters to them, it wasn't the reverse where Fox came around and all of a sudden people started buying into this stuff.
So I don't think Fox has that big of an effect really.
But again, I've never really studied this type of human behavior so I don't know.
That's the second time you've done that. I thought maybe the first time it was supposed to be funny. Is it and I am missing the point?quadriplegicjon said:i'm not asking you. you are Australian. thus you have no idea what the American mind-set is over these matters.
Do they really spread though? Again, this is an area I've not really looked at but would one say there's more or less people who identify as Republicans now than say 10 years ago? I wonder if the only difference is that people now hear them more. I don't know if Fox is really expanding the loony base or if they just get the whole loony base where as the more liberal networks all have to fight among themselves for their audience hence the huge disparity between ratings. But this is really an area of politics that I don't follow, I don't follow registered voters of parties or tv ratings over the years so I'm kinda talking out of my ass here.innervision961 said:I agree with you... I think these opinions did exist and fox caters to them, the danger comes from people like oreilly beck and the other crazy ones who take something and twist and twist to get what they want out of it to the point that it's a lie and build a fervor then sprinkle in their own made up parts then these people take these fake talking points and spread them like a virus.
danwarb said:We don't have an equivalent to Fox News in the UK, but it'd be like the BNP or the Daily Mail running their own TV news network? said:We don't have an equivalent to Fox News in the UK, but it'd be like the BNP or the Daily Mail running their own TV news network?
probably the closest thing we've got, but it's nowhere near to FOX.GrotesqueBeauty said:
eznark said:That's not true either. Health care reform, environmental regulations...these things will have far more long lasting effects than anything Bush did in his 8 years.
Ether_Snake said:I remember a CNN headline about terrorists potentially wanting to poison baby food. The headline? "Saddam's Threat to The Babies of America". Right before the Iraq war. I am not making this up.
SpeedingUptoStop said:Naw, He should start doing the opposite and field questions from the likes of the Daily Show and Colbert Report. Shit, why stop there? Invite the tea baggers in the press room and let's get down to the real brass tax. Take it to the next level and set up an e-mail system so every American has a direct line to President's desk and has his ear at any moment. Shit, let's not exclude the rest of the world while we're at it. The President oughta have to answer every single living person's questions, no matter how absurd they are. He owes us that much.
drakesfortune said:Okay, what are the lies? What are they? I don't see them? I merely see Obama lying about his health plans over and over and over again. He can't both have the deficit remain neutral and allow seniors to keep their health plans...
mAcOdIn said:At the end of the day I don't think actual lies really matter or catch on, what does catch on are these half truths. What I'd consider a half truth is that Illegal Immigrants won't get care under Obama's health care plan, of course they will, but the reason for that is they already do get care anyways as our ER's won't turn anyone away. Neither network said this and it was idiotic, there could have been a debate on this and instead the left pretends no Illegal will get treated in a hospital ever(which is false) and the right pretends that they get covered explicitly. The real question is who wants our ER's to turn anyone away? I want illegal immigrants to get care at the ER, I don't want them to die outside a hospital and I think if this was said more often(because I think Obama did mention it briefly at one of his earlier pitches to the public) most people, even conservatives would agree. If we have to deport them after their care fine, but why ignore a real discussion and reduce it to a simple yes or no?
There are links, but the Sky News channel is still pretty much 24 hour news.GrotesqueBeauty said:
i wouldn't even call it a move. it's just a coordinated move to keep their fanbases happy. all the obamaites will be like "WOOP TAKE DAT FOX" and all the fox news fans will feel like they're true americans and have their martyr complexes reinforced.SmokyDave said:Seems like an odd move to me. I find Fox hilarious as an outsider and it's obviously far removed from 'news' but it seems to me that this move will just fuel the paranoid 'dems are after my freedoms' mindset entrenched amongst their viewers.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Commodore_Perry said:First of all, I think Fox holds the most blame for shooting down the public option
Bush's wars against Iraq and Afghanistan are nearing the same proportions as Vietnam...
When people don't have medical insurance and end up in the ER, who do you think foots that bill? That's right, we do.
PistolGrip said:Boy oh boy
eznark seriously you have to stop. Your comments would make sense if Fox was a news organization. I dont mind if they pander to conservatives, actually I used to be a conservative until I realize in what bad company I was inand also I was naive. The problem with Fox news is not who they pander to, it is that they outright lie and deceive people. They are a complete propaganda machine. They are a disgrace and an insult to America.
I would defend them to no end if they were not getting rich of ignorant religious middle americans by deceiving them and playing to their fears. FOX is pure and simple trash and I am glad the president is following suit on calling people out on their lies.
Yes, because they are still controllable costs. Comparing them to Vietnam in anything but dollars is laughable. Politically ugly? Since the election how often have you heard Iraq? Seems to me the credible, laudable news outlets (obviously not the evil, bigoted corrupt propaganda machine FN) have forgotten it exists.ush's wars against Iraq and Afghanistan are nearing the same proportions as Vietnam... That's TWO wars as long, drawn out and politically ugly as a war that defined an era 30 years ago... And you think these two wars will effect America less than a couple liberals saying that more people should have access to health care and that we shouldn't shit on the environment as much as we do?
drakesfortune said:Okay, what are the lies? What are they? I don't see them? I merely see Obama lying about his health plans over and over and over again. He can't both have the deficit remain neutral and allow seniors to keep their health plans. The Dems admit this themselves in that they are promising DEEP, painful cuts to medicare (which they'll never implement). So either they are lying about the the painful cuts to medicare, or they're lying about not increasing the deficit. THESE ARE THE NUMBERS! Do you REALLY believe that they can do what they say without raising taxes on us all and without raising the deficit? Are you that naive? They've NEVER been able to do anything like that, and they promise it EVERY TIME!
I'll say this, Bush creeped me out with his huge deficits, but Obama's deficits are epic compared to Bush's. They are so illogical, so irresponsible, and they will ruin our generation. RUIN US! We don't have the money, and it is YOU AND I who will be stuck holding this incredible bill.