It wont have a TV Tuner unless they plan to have a crapload of different revisions, a lot of territories use different kinds of OTA.
And not to mention headaches for activations/deactivations.
It wont have a TV Tuner unless they plan to have a crapload of different revisions, a lot of territories use different kinds of OTA.
Sums up what? Modifying predictions based on new information? What's wrong with that?sums it up
Hahano one calls him an analist
Yeah, Apple have been trying to tackle that exact problem for a long time, and so far have come up with nothing of value to the consumer. If Apple can't tackle a consumer electronics market, MS can't.It wont have a TV Tuner unless they plan to have a crapload of different revisions, a lot of territories use different kinds of OTA.
I don't see people with Sky+ box, Freeview+ box, Netflix, BBC iPlayer and etc already connected to their tv's caring about any of this. As for Skype I don't think it's a big deal and Sony can also use Skype.
Skype is everywhere where it matters already.
I dont know why they call him an analist. But most important question is; why does he think he knows anything about gaming?
Good write up. Not sure I agree with everything but it's nice to read a well thought out idea. Time will tell.
I really don't understand the advantage of the Xbox TV tuner. Every recent television has a built-in digital tuner, and (at least in Europe) has a CI module, so that you can plug in a smartcard directly into the television, no additional box needed. What is the new Xbox going to add to this?
Strong post.
I "get" the Skype thing but I'm not necessarily sold on Skype being a system seller. Crazier things have happened I suppose. My daughter "face times" with her grandma weekly on the iPad and in theory, a new xbox is cheaper in theory than an iPad.
Still...if it's stuck behind a Xbox Live Gold subscription. You're going to lose some if not most of what's exciting about that.
TV tuner as in....
like the wiiU's controller can change your tv input and cable channels, like a remote control...?
..or like it's own cable DVR box, the tv signal is going thru your xbox to your TV. and can record TV?
The next XBox isn't going to be cheaper than a Nexus 7.
PSP 1 had Skype! I used it a couple times believe it or not.
In my presentation at SXSW on Saturday night, I picked Microsoft to win next generation because I believe that they will include Skype and a TV tuner in the next Xbox. They have told me nothing, but the progression from Kinect, to voice search through Bing, to the integration of smart glass has led me to consistently "predict" that the next generation Xbox will have a TV tuner built in. The purchase of Skype for $11.5 billion in 2011 was done for a reason, and the fact that Kinect has a camera makes integration of Skype into the next Xbox a logical progression.
Why are either killer apps?
Skype first--My detractors on this site (and there are many of them) are quick to point out that Skype is available on many devices, including just about any laptop with a built-in camera and any smart phone or tablet. What they miss is that Skype isn't generally available with a wide-angle camera lens, isn't generally available in the living room, and isn't generally very easy for grandma to use. The next generation Xbox cures all of these issues, and lets anybody call anyone else by merely talking to their always connected Xbox. Again, I don't KNOW that this is going to happen, but it makes a lot of sense that it will. Why is that a killer app? Because if you're a 16 year-old living at home, it's an easy hook to sell your parents on the next generation Xbox by convincing them that the entire family can call grandma every night and say goodnight. I think it's even a compelling reason to buy a console for grandma, so she can video chat with her grandkids, and it conveniently gives the 16 year-old something to do when he's forced to visit grandma. I don't know for sure WHY Microsoft bought Skype, but this seems as logical a reason as any. I think that living room to any phone globally is a lot easier than PC to phone, and I think that people with families overseas or far away will be interested in making calls easily (and cheaply) via Skype if the service is included in a plug and play device like the next Xbox.
OK, that was the easy part. The TV side takes a bit more imagination.
Adding a TV tuner isn't really that big of a deal. However, the WAY the TV signal is delivered is a big deal. If Microsoft were to sign with one or more cable providers, the signal would not come over cable or satellite; instead, it would come over the Internet. Internet service providers are an impediment to this working (will discuss below), but if data cap issues are set aside for the moment, a cable company would be able to offer IPTV beyond their FCC-regulated region. That means that consumers could get any cable TV service in any jurisdiction (yes, this is U.S.-centric, but bear with me for a minute). Right now, Comcast has around half of U.S. households who subscribe to cable or satellite; if they had no territorial limitations, they could go for all households. That is meaningful to them, and to the guys who they plan to take market share from, so it is only a matter of time before everyone will sign up with Microsoft for this, assuming I'm right. I've been saying this for close to two years, and I think the technology has evolved to the point where this can happen with the next console.
Assuming I'm right, there are two advantages to the cable companies: first, the Xbox replaces the cable box (or at least, the primary box); and second, the cable company can sell service outside of its regulated area, since it will be selling IPTV. Choice is good for consumers, so the government will favor this outcome. It's an open question whether Microsoft can route the TV signal from the Xbox to other televisions in the same household wirelessly, but it seems that they could do so by attaching some sort of dongle to the other television, and trick the TV into thinking it was connected to a cable box. The cable company saves capital (no cable boxes to build), operating expense (no installation or service call), and ultimately can attract more customers.
The trick to this working is to get the ISPs to lift data caps. That's a tall order, but for those of you old enough to remember, cellular service used to work the same way as cable television worked, with carriers assigned certain regions. That all changed a few years ago, and roaming charges evaporated as if by magic. In order for that to happen, the carriers had to agree to carry one another's service on their proprietary networks. It worked, and I think something similar will happen with ISPs if cable television becomes IPTV. The good news for ISPs is that IPTV will drive even greater adoption of broadband, and will make broadband more essential, so I think that if the next generation Xbox is an IPTV tuner, we'll see a lot of happy cable companies and ISPs.
Why is this a killer app? Because television can go from a static delivery with a handful of programs on demand to a fully on-demand experience. If people are willing to pay, there is no reason why every episode of every TV show ever broadcast couldn't be pulled up and viewed on demand. This can absolutely happen with IPTV, and if a cable company has the rights to the programming, it is likely to happen.
The essential component of all of this is that the cable company sees the potential to sign up its customers to a long-term, high subscription price contract. This is similar to what mobile phone carriers saw when smart phones debuted, where data plans averaged $100 per month, and users got a subsidized smart phone in exchange for a two-year contract. I think we'll see the same thing with the next Xbox (if I'm right about the TV tuner): a subsidized console in exchange for a two-year cable TV contract. Other potential sources of subsidies are Microsoft themselves (subsidized console for a two-year subscription to XBL, at $20 - 30/month but including IPTV, XBL Gold and Skype for free) and ISPs (maybe a two-year broadband contract at $60/month or more).
Again, the 16 year-old who talks his parents into extending their current cable TV subscription or their broadband subscription for two years will end up with a cheap console. That makes Microsoft the favorite (for now), in my view.
Some of you asked why I had "predictions" now, instead of waiting for all of the details on pricing, features, specs and launch date to be announced? The answer is that SXSW was last weekend, and I had to write something. I may be wrong, but it's my best thinking as of now. Once we learn the details of the next Xbox, I'll modify my "predictions".
Hope that helps some of you to understand my madness a bit better.
I believe he means the bolded.
good write up. thanks pacher. like this michaelpachter, dude all elaborately explaining his positions even if you disagree with them. Just like the other topic, hats off dude.
I think there's a lot of "ifs" in your idea on why these may be killer apps, and particularly with the TV Tuner thing, some of the ifs are so large that I can't imagine they have any possibility of coming true this next gen or even the one after that - U.S. broadband providers currently have no incentive to lift caps because people going over can potentially be an added revenue stream (upgrade for higher bandwidth cap; pay for whatever bandwidth you go over). What's worse, US. broadband speeds pathetically lag behind much of the industrialized world - and until it doesn't, things like this and Sony's 4K Resolution video service will never be killer apps, as far as I can see.
As for the Skype, unless Microsoft has an exclusivity window on it - and I don't know if they do - I can't imagine it being a killer app. PS4 comes with an EyeToy thing that could conceivably do almost everything the new Xbox Kinect does when it comes to video chat, so it's not something I imagine one or the other would have any meaningful leverage over... unless one of them secures exclusivity. But even then, I don't think someone is going to go out of their way to buy a videogame console for that... we'll see if Microsoft does the subsidized console pricing thing, it could be revolutionary in terms of console pricing structure. Of course, that revolution would be offset by the comically anti-consumer used games lock that is rumoured.
All of the people in this topic who for the life of them cannot focus on what he is saying and keep going on about 'why is he an analyst' or whatever, all I can do is smh.
So a couple of times = killer app? Also not sure if your post was sarcasm.
Not trying to knock the use of the app since I use it as well....on my laptop.
These are gaming consoles, meant to play games and worry about this kind of stuff as secondary things. Vita has the app but people don't say to themselves "Oh, PS Vita has Skype, now I have to buy it" and I doubt it will be the case for Xbox3.
It should be about the games not apps. MS has it's priorities wrong.
Uhm, not on my tv so no, it isn't. Skype in my living room would be great on so many levels.
So a couple of times = killer app? Also not sure if your post was sarcasm.
Not trying to knock the use of the app since I use it as well....on my laptop.
These are gaming consoles, meant to play games and worry about this kind of stuff as secondary things. Vita has the app but people don't say to themselves "Oh, PS Vita has Skype, now I have to buy it" and I doubt it will be the case for Xbox3.
It should be about the games not apps. MS has it's priorities wrong.
Why are either killer apps?
Skype first--My detractors on this site (and there are many of them) are quick to point out that Skype is available on many devices, including just about any laptop with a built-in camera and any smart phone or tablet. What they miss is that Skype isn't generally available with a wide-angle camera lens, isn't generally available in the living room, and isn't generally very easy for grandma to use. The next generation Xbox cures all of these issues, and lets anybody call anyone else by merely talking to their always connected Xbox. Again, I don't KNOW that this is going to happen, but it makes a lot of sense that it will. Why is that a killer app? Because if you're a 16 year-old living at home, it's an easy hook to sell your parents on the next generation Xbox by convincing them that the entire family can call grandma every night and say goodnight. I think it's even a compelling reason to buy a console for grandma, so she can video chat with her grandkids, and it conveniently gives the 16 year-old something to do when he's forced to visit grandma. I don't know for sure WHY Microsoft bought Skype, but this seems as logical a reason as any. I think that living room to any phone globally is a lot easier than PC to phone, and I think that people with families overseas or far away will be interested in making calls easily (and cheaply) via Skype if the service is included in a plug and play device like the next Xbox.
Uhm, not on my tv so no, it isn't. Skype in my living room would be great on so many levels.