In reality, I more think this generation has hit a LOT of critical thresholds for visuals holding up over time. Most of the remaining visual blemishes are purely related to IQ. Lack of AA or poor AF, banding, low res and washed out textures. If Wii U's hardware merely cleans up what this generation sorely lacked in, you're going to see some games that look god damn great.
I know im really late but i had to quote this part. (great full post by the way).
If all Wii U turns out to be, is high end current generation graphics like Assassin's Creed 3, but with native 720p resolution, locked at 30 fps with no slowdown and some more AA along with rendering the game a second time in some instances on the gamepad at 480p then i think we should all be happy with Nintendo.
I have never and i do mean ever read so much negativity about a product pre launch in my life online, the Eurogamer article with the Sonic Karting guy being misquoted and then the 100+ comments at the bottom was some of the worst i have seen.
People really can't except that Nintendo will have the most powerful console on the market, even if it's only for a year...
I don't like to generalize groups of people and i own both the PS3 and 360 myself but those 'HD twins' fanboys are unreal, they are already getting three massive exclusives each in 2012 / 2013 (Forza, Halo, Gears - God of War, Last of Us, Beyond) along with every major third party release and they are still not happy unless their console is at least the same power level as Wii U.
I sometimes wonder why i read anything Wii U related outside of this thread, the general forums are one thing but the Nintendo hate is starting to now spread to almost every major gaming site and even news stories on Yahoo ect.
Maybe it was the same for the launch of the original Wii, 360 and PS3 but i wasn't much of forum poster, reader in those days.
The point im trying to make is despite the tsunami wave of snarky comments, put downs and abuse the console is getting just now, be patient.
We are now under 3 months from launch, we have two Nintendo Directs and hopefully a Wii U special event to look forward too and of course the launch date, games and price before the console arrives.
We are in the home stretch, it might not be in 2012 but when Retro, Nintendo EAD and the other major first party developers show off what a game built from the ground up for Wii U looks like combined with the modest leap in power PS4 and 720 provides over Wii U, a lot of people with big mouths are going to look very, very silly indeed.
Believe in Nintendo, they have never let us down before and i don't think they are about to start !.