I REALLY don't want to get my hopes up for a crazy controller range.HYPE
Wait what? Ubisoft made the budget for one of its still-in-development games public? Where?
lol, he didn't specify whether it was streaming video at that distance or simply capable of a test connection...
Agreed. Japanese developers are going to be the big providers of the third-party support we see, and I'm content with that. Strengthening their relationship with Nintendo might be a wise idea.I'm expecting that Japan will blitzkrieg us at TGS.
I think this confirms that we can officially call HylianTom back from retirement.
Agreed. Japanese developers are going to be the big providers of the third-party support we see, and I'm content with that. Strengthening their relationship with Nintendo might be a wise idea.
I've been gaming and prepping for fall classes all summer, haha..Wii U Hardware Debate Thread 2: "La Resurrección de HylianTom"
I think we should all just stay out of these general threads. ESPECIALLY the ones that deal with the hardware.
We all know how these threads go. Never ends well.
I dream of Skies of Arcadia on Wii U eShop.
I dream of Skies of Arcadia on Wii U eShop.
Insiders, how much (times more powerful) do you think the Wii U, PS4, and Xbox 720 is to the PS3/360 and I guess Wii?.
Noooo don't go there. Not now.
And using multipliers to boot. I maintain that it's still the worst way to judge a system's power and how it holds up compared to other boxes.
Let's keep talking about Skies of Arcadia instead![]()
Insiders, how much (times more powerful) do you think the Wii U, PS4, and Xbox 720 is to the PS3/360 and I guess Wii?.
Yes. My favorite RPG last Gen..
Let's keep talking about Skies of Arcadia instead![]()
I think thundermonkey summed it up pretty well. The power gap between the wii u and the nextbox/ps4 will be similar to the gap between the panasonic m2/dreamcast (in the wii u's case) to the xbox/wii (ps4/nextbox's case) and im ok with that. In terms of multipliers though it would be pretty hard to say
Insiders, how much (times more powerful) do you think the Wii U, PS4, and Xbox 720 is to the PS3/360 and I guess Wii?.
Can't remember where i have read about this.
Wouldn't you just believe me on the word?
It was when it jumped out that, according to Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemont, developing for Wii U is not expensive.
Wii is more powerful.Interesting, in some ways the Dreamcast was more powerful than the PS2, and that's not a huge difference.
I still wonder though which one was more powerful Xbox or Wii?.
I'm in now way an insider but the general consensus among the few guys in the know from the WUST's is it goes something like this (no one knows the clock speeds of the CPU's).
Wii -
IBM Single Core 'Hollywood' CPU.
88MB's of Ram.
Wii U -
IBM Power 7 Tri Core CPU.
GPU - 500 - 600 GFLOPS
2GB's of Ram.
PS4 -
AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU.
GPU - 1800 GFLOPS (1.8 TFLOPS)
2GB's of Ram (developers pushing for 4GB's).
720 -
AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU.
GPU - 1500 GFLOPS (1.5 TFLOPS)
6GB's of Ram.
All in all the Wii U will be at least 30 times more powerful than the original Wii, 2 - 2.5 times as powerful as an Xbox 360 and PS4 / 720 will be 2.5 - 3 times more powerful than Wii U.
Were not going to see a massive graphical leap next gen imo (Avatar in real time lol), it will be the same kind of games with more detailed textures, better lighting, shadow, fire, explosion, particle effects and the game worlds should be bigger.
Still 720p / 30 fps.
A lot of people will be let down big style imo, think Star Wars 1313 / Watch Dogs rather than the FF / UE4 tech demo.
Wii is more powerful.
Wii is more powerful.
I'm in now way an insider but the general consensus among the few guys in the know from the WUST's is it goes something like this (no one knows the clock speeds of the CPU's).
Wii -
IBM Single Core 'Hollywood' CPU.
88MB's of Ram.
Wii U -
IBM Power 7 Tri Core CPU.
GPU - 500 - 600 GFLOPS
2GB's of Ram.
PS4 -
AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU.
GPU - 1800 GFLOPS (1.8 TFLOPS)
2GB's of Ram (developers pushing for 4GB's).
720 -
AMD 4 Core Jaguar CPU.
GPU - 1500 GFLOPS (1.5 TFLOPS)
6GB's of Ram.
All in all the Wii U will be at least 30 times more powerful than the original Wii, 2 - 2.5 times as powerful as an Xbox 360 and PS4 / 720 will be 2.5 - 3 times more powerful than Wii U.
Were not going to see a massive graphical leap next gen imo (Avatar in real time lol), it will be the same kind of games with more detailed textures, better lighting, shadow, fire, explosion, particle effects and the game worlds should be bigger.
Still 720p / 30 fps.
A lot of people will be let down big style imo, think Star Wars 1313 / Watch Dogs rather than the FF / UE4 tech demo.
I dream of Skies of Arcadia on Wii U eShop.
Ehh. It was and it wasn't. The Xbox GPU was still more friendly and equipped for developers to use than the Wii's was. Even if the Wii beats out the Xbox in pure processing power, the fucking TEV held it back from achieving easy bump mapping and other goodies.
That makes me happy, the people that say "the PS4 and Xbox 720 will outclass the Wii U like the PS3 and 360 did to the Wii" will be very disappointed, since the Wii/PS3/360 are the 7th generation and the PS3/360 where 25x+ more powerful than the Wii that was ridiculous, I'm glad the WiiU/PS4/720 are in the same range of power.
And yeah I remember that "Xbox 720 to produce Avatar like graphics", it would takes years to make a game even that close lol.
Good because it would of been really sad if the Xbox was more powerful
Here we go. Not really a secret anymore but...
Doesn't that look kinda low compared to previous generational leaps? I'm not sure what those were, but traditionally weren't consoles typically something like 20 times as powerful as their predecessors?
If those rumors are true then we're looking at next gen consoles that are something like four-to-seven times as powerful as the current systems, which really doesn't sound like a lot (though in-line with rumors saying the next Xbox would be 5x the 360 roughly), especially when you've got John Carmack remarking at how last year's gaming PCs were 10x the current consoles. two-to-three times the difference in power from the Wii U sounds more like the difference between the Wii and the Gamecube. Why is this? Have heat generation and power consumption really gone up that much over the last few years?
As for my own expectations, a while ago I briefly looked up my computer to my TV and ran some games on it. It's a Q6600 with an HD6850. I could run The Witcher 2 nearly maxed out at 1080p and 30fps and Crysis 2 at max DX9 settings in 1080p. What I experienced would be acceptable for next gen consoles in my opinion. When I hooked up my controller to those games on my TV, I got a feeling similar to what I felt in the past upon playing new consoles for the first time.
Here we go. Not really a secret anymore but...
Ehh. It was and it wasn't. The Xbox GPU was still more friendly and equipped for developers to use than the Wii's was. Even if the Wii beats out the Xbox in pure processing power, the fucking TEV held it back from achieving easy bump mapping and other goodies.
Doesn't that look kinda low compared to previous generational leaps? I'm not sure what those were, but traditionally weren't consoles typically something like 20 times as powerful as their predecessors?
If those rumors are true then we're looking at next gen consoles that are something like four-to-seven times as powerful as the current systems, which really doesn't sound like a lot (though in-line with rumors saying the next Xbox would be 5x the 360 roughly), especially when you've got John Carmack remarking at how last year's gaming PCs were 10x the current consoles. two-to-three times the difference in power from the Wii U sounds more like the difference between the Wii and the Gamecube. Why is this? Have heat generation and power consumption really gone up that much over the last few years?
As for my own expectations, a while ago I briefly looked up my computer to my TV and ran some games on it. It's a Q6600 with an HD6850. I could run The Witcher 2 nearly maxed out at 1080p and 30fps and Crysis 2 at max DX9 settings in 1080p. What I experienced would be acceptable for next gen consoles in my opinion. When I hooked up my controller to those games on my TV, I got a feeling similar to what I felt in the past upon playing new consoles for the first time.
Here we go. Not really a secret anymore but...
Doesn't that look kinda low compared to previous generational leaps? I'm not sure what those were, but traditionally weren't consoles typically something like 20 times as powerful as their predecessors?
If those rumors are true then we're looking at next gen consoles that are something like four-to-seven times as powerful as the current systems, which really doesn't sound like a lot (though in-line with rumors saying the next Xbox would be 5x the 360 roughly), especially when you've got John Carmack remarking at how last year's gaming PCs were 10x the current consoles. two-to-three times the difference in power from the Wii U sounds more like the difference between the Wii and the Gamecube. Why is this? Have heat generation and power consumption really gone up that much over the last few years?
As for my own expectations, a while ago I briefly looked up my computer to my TV and ran some games on it. It's a Q6600 with an HD6850. I could run The Witcher 2 nearly maxed out at 1080p and 30fps and Crysis 2 at max DX9 settings in 1080p. What I experienced would be acceptable for next gen consoles in my opinion. When I hooked up my controller to those games on my TV, I got a feeling similar to what I felt in the past upon playing new consoles for the first time.
If Sony in particular were to go for the 10 x power leap again (PS2 - PS3) they would be out of the gaming business before the end of the generation imo.
Selling a $900 console for $600 didn't really work out too well for them financially at the start of this gen, combine that with the awful PS Vita sales which has only just past 2 million (they predicted 10 million sales in it's first year) and they will want to only be losing around $100 per PS4 at the most (which means closer to 5 times the power of PS3 instead of 10).
Here we go. Not really a secret anymore but...
Doesn't that look kinda low compared to previous generational leaps? I'm not sure what those were, but traditionally weren't consoles typically something like 20 times as powerful as their predecessors?
If Sony in particular were to go for the 10 x power leap again (PS2 - PS3) they would be out of the gaming business before the end of the generation imo.
Selling a $900 console for $600 didn't really work out too well for them financially at the start of this gen, combine that with the awful PS Vita sales which has only just past 2 million (they predicted 10 million sales in it's first year) and they will want to only be losing around $100 per PS4 at the most (which means closer to 5 times the power of PS3 instead of 10).
You're right tho in terms of heat becoming a major factor in how powerful consoles can become, gaming PC's may be 30+ times more powerful than PS360 but they have massive cases with up to 4 fans constantly cooling and throwing heat of up to 80 degrees out of the massive air vents.
One of the major reasons i think even PS4 and 720 will stick with 720p is heat, 720p also uses a lot less of you're resources when tbh 95% of your customers don't even know the difference between 720p and 1080p full HD.
Also don't be alarmed at how much Ram the 720 has, in my view it's because MS are trying to make that console the one stop shop for everything - movies, music, HD TV, recording HDTV, live sport and of course gaming. I think it will also run a cut down version of Windows 8 aswell.
PS4 and 720 exclusive games will look fantastic but then again so will Nintendo's.
As i said a lot of PS360 gamers are expecting another Wii - PS360 generation, they are in for a real shock.
If Nintendo manage to get multi platform games next gen (and that's a massive if), think of Wii U being the PC version on low graphics settings and the PS4 / 720 version on medium with the PC as always on High if you have a high end gaming rig.
I expect both Sony and MS to really, really struggle to shift hardware early on in the next generation, the fact is a lot of people bought a 360 for CoD MP (which people will be tired of by the time the sixth version of it arrives this winter) and a lot of people bought the PS3 partly because of the Blu Ray playback.
None of the big three will sell anywhere near this generations numbers imho, Nintendo will be ahead by 10 - 15 million consoles by the time MS and Sony arrive and finish on 40 - 50 million, way down from 100 million and the PS4 / 720 will sell around 25 - 40 million, way down from 70 million.
You realize that the 360 which was identical in specs to the ps3 sold for significantly less at $299-$399. There was a reason why, and it wasn't power.
Bout time, I hope it has Wiimote controls so I can play online and own fools lol
guise, this could be U related?
I mean six days... there's a ND on the corner right?
If the sales are like that than I imagine articles saying "are consoles over?", this generation has been the most successful generation in sales and in the 6th generation their where 4 consoles instead of 3, that means something.
I hope the WiiU/PS4/720 sell much more than just 25-50 million.
Here we go. Not really a secret anymore but...
Why are 007 Legends and Skylanders listed as Wii games?
Why are 007 Legends and Skylanders listed as Wii games?
So do i but a lot of consumers this generation were first time, extremely casual gamers, compare the sales of the Wii to the Gamecube and tell me it was because the Wii's library of amazing must have games was the reason it sold almost 80 million more consoles than the Gamecube.
This generations consoles sold a ton to really casual gamers -
70 million Wii consoles - Motion control craze.
30 million 360 consoles - CoD MP craze and Kinect.
30 million PS3 consoles - Massive audience from the PS2's success and the lure of a 'free' Blu Ray player.
Now the question is will all of them want to upgrade ?, esp when there is not a massive leap in visuals ? and there is now the Iphone / Ipad / Android devices which offer very cheap casual experiences and free to play games vying for their attention, some of them will of course upgrade but imo most of those 130 million extreme casual customers won't, esp not at the start of the generation when PS4 and the 720 are $400.
If CoD, Madden, Fifa ect continue to be released for the PS360 for at least the next few years and they already have a Blu Ray player and Kinect there is simply no reason for the extreme casual consumer to buy either a PS4 or 720.
The Wii U is in the best position out of all three imo because it looks to me like they are splitting their audience into 50 / 50 core, casual and they have the tablet controller and off screen play as the 'hook'.
Why are 007 Legends and Skylanders listed as Wii games?