If you told me that was an early digital production, I would believe you.
If you told me that was an early digital production, I would believe you.
Since I don't hate myself enough, I'm going to start watching Scum's Wish with you guys.
I would also like to give this week's episode of Tanya credit for having the worst CGI visuals I've seen this decade.
What resolution were these graphics rendered at because it sure wasn't 720p:
Literal PS1 graphics.
Where's that CG green helicopter video
.Get Out
I would recommend you "Get In" to your local movie theater to see Get Out!
You're missing out. Sure there's a lot of misery but it might be my AOTS, its the only thing giving Konosuba a run for its money at the very least.I don't think I'll be able to muster up the will to watch Scum's Wish until later in the year, I'm damn sure I'm not touching that within the next few months.
Get Out
I would recommend you "Get In" to your local movie theater to see Get Out!
It was pretty good
Scum's Wish 2: Oh shit, the Childhood friend got rekt.
Scum's Wish 3: And Hanabi accidentally triggered the Yuri flag....and shit is getting really awkward now. I get what you guys were talking about now lol.
I would also like to give this week's episode of Tanya credit for having the worst CGI visuals I've seen this decade.
What resolution were these graphics rendered at because it sure wasn't 720p:
Literal PS1 graphics.
d e s t r o y e d
Fuuka 9
Hey remember when we somebody caught us together and you got assaulted by an angry mob? Forget about that, let's go on a date in public!
Also why is she still holding him to that promise? They just performed on stage together last fucking episode.
It gets worse.
I can see, I just starting episode 4and it turns out Akane gets off on NTRing wouldbe rivals.
AndHanabi went running to Ecchan for pity sex. Oh boy, this ain't going to end well.
This was a really fun episode. It didn't hit the same highs as episode 19, but it was a really good episode with a great focus on Eri. Pretty much all of her episodes so far have been winners. I liked how dedicated we saw her to her training, and even if things didn't completely work out in the end, she still gained some valuable insight into it. And I loved that Coachmon went from plotting against Eri as part of some evil plan to being moved by her plight and was just like "fuck this, I was supposed to betray you guys, but can I just join you instead?"
Scum's Wish 6; it's impressive how each episode just one-ups how toxic these relationships can get.
Fuck Ecchan.
Love Live got the first and second place in the NHK anime song ranking. The power of Snow Helation and Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari!
The inferior Idolmaster didn't even get it into the top 10.
Love Live is still a Pile of Poo.
Bandai Visual confirmed with ANN on Friday that its home video release of the Uchū Senkan Yamato 2202: Ai no Senshi-tachi (Space Battleship Yamato 2202: Warriors of Love or Star Blazers 2202: Warriors of Love) anime sequel project will not feature English subtitles.
Hyouka 10
What a double twist. Though it does feel odd that Oreki would forget such an important detail when he's proven fairly infallible until now.
While I did like Moca's character arc, for me the impact was a bit lessened by seeing Monogatari SS like a months ago and for me at least Nadeko's development was not only maybe a bit too similar to what Moca's turned out to be and on top of that it was just more interesting, devastating, with a more interesting fallout.Ok, I'm officially all caught up on Scum's Wish. Episode 7 completely takes a shit on the"Childhood Friend" trope, pretty much deconstructing how frankly pathetic it is to define yourself solely on wanting a relationship with someone you knew as a kid.
Snow Halation is so good, it's part of the goddamn SiIvaGunner meme phenomenon.
Oh, you mean the fanbase that almost tried to hate it out of existence.
Been following Giiva/Siiva since near the beginning, but. please understand, Snow Halation on its own is far bigger than it. If anything, the best thing about the Love Live rips (and the occasional iDOLM@STER one) is that they still manage to piss people off.
Find it funny that's the metric of success nowadays.
If I had my way all 4 girls in a club shows would be banned MWA HA HA HA HA
Wasn't really what I was saying, just that, being on the Internet, it's quite easy to feel your bubble in bigger than it really is. Kind of like how GAF often overestimates how big it is.
The interesting thing about that statement is that by specifically saying "4 girls in a club", he wouldn't ban K-On, which has five members in its club. Usually K-On is seen as the textbook example of the kind of show the manime crew detest, but I guess even zulux21 has a soft spot for it.Wow, you're terrible!![]()
Yes! Precure 5 2
also getting stronger than normal Sailor Moon vibes from this one so here's hoping the best
where's my 4 girls after school animegaf anime
where's my 4 girls after school animegaf anime