One of my favorite Precure series, and this episode is the full debut of my favorite Cure. Such a great cast overall.Yes! Precure 5 2
also getting stronger than normal Sailor Moon vibes from this one so here's hoping the best
Yooooo git hype you say?! That last bit lit my heart on fire! That's a tease for the OP? I can feel's good!
Thats terrible. Now people in modernised nations wont have an opportunity to watch it![]()
SAO movie > La La Land
SAO movie > La La Land
I suspect that's more a criticism to La la land than praise for Sao?
SAO movie > La La Land
SAO movie > La La Land
Whiplash> Sword of the Stranger
Whiplash is a pretty bad movie with a very warped perspective on hard work and accomplishments.
I think both you and duckroll may appreciate this review of La La Land which raises the question of Chazelle's cynical elitism.
diebuster is better than gunbuster
I think both you and duckroll may appreciate this review of La La Land which raises the question of Chazelle's cynical elitism.
I was being a bit hyperbolic. The emotional payload has more to do with the writing than the art. The art itself deviates from the previous part of the fight and turns what was, I would argue, some of the best pages of art from Kishimoto from the manga. Seeing how the previous part of the fight went I was really looking forward to seeing the signature Naruto animation used in one of the best fight scenes in the manga. The way it played out just completely let me down. At that point, I was pivoting away from long Shonen shows and that episode...just let me down so much. It's hard to really describe how disappointed and angry I was at the time when that episode came out.
He has some fair points while dissecting the writing but complaining characters with a few minutes or even seconds of screen time are one note strikes me as being straight up unreasonable
He has some fair points while dissecting the writing but complaining characters with a few minutes or even seconds of screen time are one note strikes me as being straight up unreasonable
Issei is the best!High School DxD ep.2
The best thing I can say is at least this MC is pretty fun and embraces his horny ways, lol
He seems to complain for what he does with the characters in the few seconds they appear, not because they are one note, but because that single 'note' is totally histrionic and unrealistic.
An average writer can express an interesting character given enough time to develop enougj scenes. Only a truly good writer can express short moments well and say meaningful things in short spans without feeling weak.
This is why all great writers can excel at short stories, while scrubs only churn out 500+ page multi book series.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Thankfully not Haruka, but you're on thin ice mister.
I mean "Who is this woman? What does she think about? Why does she presume an ordinary pastry would be gluten-free That he prefers elementary punchlines to fully realized characters? That his writings often lazy? That hed rather make a trite joke about customer-service etiquette than populate and furnish a believable world? " - you can't put any of that in a quick scene that is supposed to have a comedic tint. And why would you anyway except to fill your movie with irrelevancy and ruin pacing.
And of course those 'notes' can be exaggerated for comedic purposes but a woman being picky with her food or a photographer trying to get a cool shot for a promo pic (I don't even know what's his beef with the musician is) are hardly big stretches.
It's okay, I didn't care for it either.I've been afraid of posting my La La Land thoughts on moviegaf for a week now lmao.
SAO movie > La La Land
Genocidal Organ >Manchester by the SeaCaptain America Civil War
Is La La Land really about Ryan Gosling saving jazz from black sell outs?
I generally dislike movies about Hollywood sucking itself off.
Wait, so Genocidal Organ is good, then? That's actually nice to hear given that the other Itoh stuff spawned something that was bad (Corpses) and merely OK-ish (Harmony).