Sword Art Online - Ordinal Scale
I was really impressed by how "SAO" this was. Make no mistake, if you don't like SAO at all, the only thing you will find here is more fuel for your hatred. It is pure undistilled SAO. It's everything people love about SAO. It is everything people hate about SAO. It is SAO to the core. But if after two seasons of glop you still feel that it would be worth your time watching a 2 hour SAO film, damn does it deliver.
Glop glop glop.
Never has SAO felt this "SAO" since the first half of the first season when they were actually playing SAO. While Ordinal Scale is a "new" game, it is very much a direct sequel to SAO itself, more so than ALO and GGO. Everything here is about Kirito and Asuna, front and center, their relationship is everything that drives the film. For the first time ever, Kirito is reduced to a scrublord for a while, simply so the Lord Emperor of Gary Stus can rise up like a phoenix in the time of need to show that he is in fact perfectly good at ANYTHING he puts his mind to. Asuna is the perfect partner, and everything a lady should be in a sexist world of traditional gender roles. Not only is she understanding of everything Kirito does, but it is her vulnerability and the fear of her losing herself that motivates Kirito to be the man she needs him to be. At the same time, she is the strong female lead who will rise up and stand by her man's side to make the difference needed to win his battles. But make no mistake. They are his battles. His battles fought for her sake.
If somehow you have't thrown up yet and are still with me, you probably want to watch this film because the animation, the action, and the music, are all fucking hot.
Genocidal Organ
The male testosterone-filled military action thriller version of harmony. While harmony was a biting passive-aggressive protest at society from a feminine perspective of frustration and rejection of norms, Genocidal Organ is a bleak action packed protest at society from a masculine perspective of apathy and selective ignorance.
If harmony were Ico, then Genocidal Organ is Shadow of the Colossus. But no matter what, you'll still feel like shit after watching it.