SMH at people dropping Gabriel.
has it gotten any better since around ep.4 when I dropped it? I'll catch back up if it's worth it, but it was pretty bland up to that point.
SMH at people dropping Gabriel.
I wouldn 't have to drop it if it wasn't so dull.SMH at people dropping Gabriel.
Apparently, it's one of the better written stories in the series. It's also a stand alone story in the series, so it makes sense why they chose that one to make a movie out of.
Rather have that than an original movie that is never referenced again in the main series.
Sold!That assumes we ever get another NGNL series.
Also, I forgot Love Tyrant is getting an anime. It's not a particularly good manga, but it's entertaining in it's own way. Mostly because the Yandere is constantly stabbing people. The main girl is pretty fucking annoying though.
That assumes we ever get another NGNL series.
Also the fact that everyone's immortal so she can stab and stab and stab at her leisure.
Mostly because the Yandere is constantly stabbing people.
SAO, NGNL, and Mahouka movies in 2017.
What show is it?
Yknow after Hand Shakers even the color usage in NGNL looks good
Stabbing... no thanks.
Stabbing... no thanks.
Chaika, The Coffin Princess ep.1
Whelp, screw the word build up here. They literally dump you right into the middle of things without really explaining anything, but I guess they will explain exerything and build the world along the way. MC and sis don't seam so bad, but hopefully Chaika stops the baby talk after a short time because it's pretty annoying.... Either way this could be a fun replacement for Absolute Duo.
Nope, sorry. And it's not really baby talk, it's how people speak who are speaking a second language that they aren't really all that familiar with.
Chaika, The Coffin Princess ep.1
Whelp, screw the word build up here. They literally dump you right into the middle of things without really explaining anything, but I guess they will explain exerything and build the world along the way. MC and sis don't seam so bad, but hopefully Chaika stops the baby talk after a short time because it's pretty annoying.... Either way this could be a fun replacement for Absolute Duo.
Makes sense, but they haven't really explained that past that weird 2 second opening when she was introduced, lol.
I'll have to deal.
On another note, I do wish the Anime kept her Ghillie suit Pajamas
lol, that's her schtick in terms of viewer appeal, seems it has the opposite effect over you
I don't think the anime ever explains it because that would require them to make up a new gibberish language that the VA could speak convincingly.
On another note, I do wish the Anime kept her Ghillie suit Pajamas
Oh well, I'll manage, lol. Hopefully, the show is at least entertaining and fun.
More anime should follow Fuuka's example
Most of Re:Zero votes must come from best girl. Rem saved Re:Zero.
Eh those states numbers make sense since that is also effectively the same population ranking as well. Easy for people to forget that Ohio is the 7th largest state.
Not sure how Washington, DC beat out so many other bigger cities though.
Good call.
Lol Texas is full of weebs.
SAO, NGNL, and Mahouka movies in 2017.
SAO, NGNL, and Mahouka movies in 2017.
Big image incoming. Data from the anime awards! Spoilers YoI dominated.
We full WW2 now.
Take time off nerd.Nah. Working ;P
Kemono Friends is trying so hard. I want to give it a hug!Kemono Friends is one of those franchises like Touhou where the official art is garbage but the fanart makes the designs great.
Ohio is so depressing its inhabitants need anime to survive.Shocked by how many votes Ohio posted nearly as much as I'm shocked by how few votes Re:Zero received when people were telling me it was last year's "It" show.
Take time off nerd.
The other thing I want to point out is how the director/staff of Youjo Senki know about the weight of the material they're dealing with and so don't treat offhandedly or in a joking manner unlike the rest of the show. This episode was the first time where Tanya largely stops joking in the second half and the earlier jokes in the episode by her are in a mocking tone towards her superior officer who won't openly admit that they're bombing civilians. He's trying to dance around the topic and she's being somewhat condescending about the fact that he won't flat out say it. She obviously doesn't care considering
The other thing is the interesting switch in ED to a totally brand new one that is much more somber in its presentation and music compared to the original. This comes across as the staff knowing that the original ED wouldn't work in the context of this episode. It's less bombastic and is in some ways more elegant.