Digimon Tri part 4 Loss
Ok this was awesome! These movies have such a good way of making the nostalgia come back! I love how when they got teleported back to some of the most iconic place of the original series. BUT what got me the most HYPED was
1. Seeing the 4 digimon sovereigns fight against the dark masters in this cool old movie like style
2. HOLY SNAP ALL DEM MEGAS! I never expected Seraphimon since he wasn't featured on the main visual and WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon were really nice surprises!
3.Machinedramon and Megaseadramon looked badass as fuck. That first scene in the forest...skdigvlzv
4.The superb fight scenes! The fight vs both Dark Masters looked beautifully intense! We could feel the impacts! That last explosions!!!
5.TK still looks amazing! Seeing him and Patamon interact always makes me all happy.
Overall another great movie with the digicrew that was super enjoyable. Loved the new ending!
My 3 hick with this movie was 1. Biyomon was little too bitchy for me early on 2. The rookies successfully stopping the megas. 3.that professor was a bit too insane for me, I pity her partner.