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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Digimon Tri - Loss (part 4)

This thing banks so heavily on nostalgia that I feel like there's barely any substance beneath it. Not having more episodes to actually set the fights up and carry them out obviously means the bad guys show up out of nowhere and the digidestined overcome their personal issues and their partners ultra-super-mega digivolve to turn things around in a matter of seconds, and the same holds true for Sora and Biyomon's underwhelming arc.

For example, that part in a previous episode where the kids were all sent to different locations they had been to throughout the first series also felt like a very cheap attempt to bank on people's memories of those places, when none of them ended up mattering at all except for the nursery place Takeru was sent to. The rest could've very well been sent to a white void and it would've been the exact same thing, since we were only shown the places for a couple scenes and then they were all back together thanks to the portals magically showing up again for some reason.

Having so little prep time also makes the power of friendship climaxes feel unearned and pretty underwhelming. Like I said before, this arc could've been really intersting in that it'd be the equivalent of finding somebody from the future or an alternate timeline forcing all their memories down your throat... would you really trust them and accept the "you" you have absolutely no recollection of being? Wouldn't it be awfully inconsiderate of them to force you into a role an alternate version of you used to fill merely to fulfill their desire of reuniting with that other version of yourself? Wouldn't that constitue a time-travel version of grooming? So far only Biyomon and Tapirmon have doubted random humans showing up and claiming to be their partners, but Biyomon's arc with Sora felt badly handled with how they made up within the span of a single scene after not really getting along for almost three episodes.


Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 8

Poor Stone River can't catch a break.


Brave Witches 1

Started this once but need to get to it now. I'd forgotten how different Hikari's introduction and character was from Miyafuji's so looking forward to that much at least.


Also, more clones/time travelers/vampires with the return of the tea club girls

That totally confused me, and broke me right out of the story trying to work out who they were / how Manaka and Ruriko with different names were there. The crossover with Amagami earlier in the show and suggestion that the Ruriko-alike was a mother made it worse.


Also, more clones/time travelers/vampires with the return of the tea club girls

Yeah, what the hell is up with that ? This be some straight up timeline bullshit.

Brave Witches 1

Started this once but need to get to it now. I'd forgotten how different Hikari's introduction and character was from Miyafuji's so looking forward to that much at least.

I'm judging you so hard right now.


bahamut looks great, I didn't watch through all the first one but I've fallen into cygames trap since so I will watch this, cool to see some characters from the games.


isn't the girl dark skinned in the game? LOL

Yeah that came up during the kickstarter campaign if I recall. I think they said something to the effect of "yeah we know but we can do whatever we want because its an 'alternate' telling". I mean they are right in that they can do whatever they want but.........yeah LOL SMH

Shingeki no Bahamut Virgin Soul Preview 3

I burst out laughing when the trailer went from cute and cuddy to the DOOM 2016 soundtrack.

Quoting this so I can watch it later (I can't right now)
Youjo Senki 08

So effectively the first part of the episode was Tanya taking orders to basically commit a war crime on the civilians of the city they were going to attack while at the same time legally covering their asses for it. Then after Tanya give the orders to her troop one of them start loudly pointing out that they're about to commit war crimes that everywhere is clearly aware is about to happen but the everyone is dancing around that. I guess technically they aren't committing war crime because Tanya came up with the exact means to pull this off without it be legally defined as a war crime. Interesting to see the characters who have to be pushed into committing the act, those aware but silently do what their told and those behind the plan. Tanya the evil indeed.

Great episode. But I can't help but get the feeling that Tanya is being set up for something and she possibly doesn't realize it.


Go! Princess Precure 24-28

Everyone is making a play for Towa except for Haruka, Shut's bum ass turned a cicada into a Zetsuborg, Cure Flora damn near ethered Yuuki off the face of the earth, they're all screwed except Towa, yada yada yada.

Also this new ED sucks monkey dick. There's this weird, freaky, uncanny valley shit going on in some of these shots, particularly with Flora and Twinkle.


I had no idea people were so thirsty for the SAO movie here. It's 2 weeks out and 4 screenings sold out. lol

SAO had a better than average dub, free on Netflix, boobs, and passable scifi/fantasy premise.

It's not great, but it hits a lot of buttons.


Also was her hair always red? Coulda sworn it was blonde in the manga...

Yeah, pretty sure it was.

March Comes in Like a Lion 20

Good if vicious ending to this arc. Expected him to
win one round.
I've enjoyed Shimada a lot as well but at the same time, the unrelenting focus on Shogi as of late, pretty much ejected the sisters out of the story and as I much prefer when the comedic bits come from them rather than from Rei, hopefully this means their return. The quality has been more noticeable than usual but at least the important moments still sported good art.


Subete no aware
What city are you referring to?

SAO II was 2014. 3 years of glop, etc.
Much Asuna thirst~

People are just tired of bad Marvel movies.
SAO is better than MCU I suppose.

SAO had a better than average dub, free on Netflix, boobs, and passable scifi/fantasy premise.

It's not great, but it hits a lot of buttons.
I figured that it was pretty old so no one cares anymore, like AoT, but four screenings - even in one of the presumably smaller theaters in the multiplex - is maybe 600 people? Not a lot, but still surprising to me.

Meanwhile Sailor Moon is out in the same theater and no one seems to care. But I guess you can just find other ways to watch Sailor Moon R if you really wanted to.

I won't go into super detail since I know others are watching and I don't want a giant wall of text all spoilered but I will say that this was a great entry in the series. I can tell that by this point in the manga, Hideaki became more confident in his writing, because the last two serious arcs that composed the entire last third of this series was some really good stuff. They were a step up from the previous arcs in terms of pacing and character development. Flashbacks were definitely plentiful, but this time it didn't feel like the same points getting overly hammered in.

Definitely some humorous moments throughout with the standout being
Kagura feigning illness and ending up getting a funeral.
Scum's Wish 6-8

I haven't commented a lot of anime in the last weeks. The series lost me a bit during episodes 6-7, which seemed almost filler, I think the real core of the story clearly is Hanabi, Mugi and the two teachers, so focusing on secondary characters that later won't ever appear and only serves to wallow in more misery while the main plot doesn't advance is eh.
That said, the series still makes a very notable job with the characterization. For example it handled Moka's arc very well, showing her inner conflict about her real character and how she identifies herself, and how she deals with feelings that only will make her suffer.

Episode 8 makes a return to the 'main story', with the confessions. There is some delicious tragedy clearly planned by the author here, with Hanabi discovering more and more she has some feelings for Mugi, and even planning in her mind how they surely will get together for real when they are both rejected... but of course something failed in her plans, while both Hanabi and Mugi are very similar, their respective crushes are very different, and while she is tenderly rejected as she imagined, Mugi and femDio are in a very different relationship dynamic. That last scene with her waiting for his call, lol.
I liked how Mugi got more and more bold in the confession and before he could stop he said how he knows her true character, but even then her charms trapped like fly in a venus trap.
I only can imagine his 'reverse-hentai' dream of taking a heartless slut and turning her in a well adjusted woman won't really work.

Rakugo S2 - 9


I think we are barely commenting this second season of Rakugo, even if these episodes are being as good and powerful as the first season. But of course... what would be the point? I think the episodes practically speak for themselves, and the quality of this series isn't a surprise at this point to anyone who is watching it. So just... woah, yep.

Miyokishi appearing as a white angel? and the tragic fictional Rakugo story fusing with his own personal story, while Konatsu cries? woah

Yakumo doing the Shinigami performance of his life alone in the theater? Like, can we give an acting award to a fictional character here? And Sukeretsu appearing? And then turning into the Shinigami? woah.

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