holy fuck guys i just played the altima track for the first time.
holy shit.
Dat dip.
Wont hold a candle to your first time playing Sol.
holy fuck guys i just played the altima track for the first time.
holy shit.
Dat dip.
Wont hold a candle to your first time playing Sol.
I get an error rather frequently shortly after I boot up. I was able to connect to the server on the first two days that I played (February 22 & 23), as well as on one other random instance about 3 or 4 days ago. Every other time that I've started up the game, it gives me an error.
By the way, I've never tried playing a game online yet. However, the network connection affects whether I can see the best scores/lap times on the event setup screens. If I cannot connect to PSN, then I cannot see my friends' best records or the worldwide best records (it simply won't allow me to scroll to "select" those lists).
PSN: Stud_Kick_Ass is you need that. Still no luck after two weeks of trying.
Has anyone Elite passed an A+ challenge? It's ridiculous :|
Has anyone Elite passed an A+ challenge? It's ridiculous :|
Has anyone Elite passed an A+ challenge? It's ridiculous :|
Did one myself. If anything, wait until you unlock the track that you're most comfortable with. What really blew my mind, though, is how I would use the Feisar prototype (with the speed gauge filled, mind you) and the AI would manage to zoom right past me. It took many tries to finally get it to work.
Elite Passed the Unity Square A+ challenge. What a thrill, I actually led like half the race. Heart was pounding by the end, I was just waiting to screw up or watch one of the opponents fly by me at the last second.
Swoah there, what the hell? This been moved to Community already?!
Dat dip.
Wont hold a candle to your first time playing Sol.
Not looking forward to Sol zone event, haha.
Has anyone Elite passed an A+ challenge? It's ridiculous :|
I just played Sol for the first time.
Now my eyes are bleeding adrenaline!Not looking forward to Sol zone event, haha.
PSY・S;36117446 said:I just got an Elite Pass on the Downtown time trial with a time of 1:48:00, lol.
Oh my God I had the same thing happen to me, except I came within .05 seconds of not passing.
Side note, why the hell can't you take screenshots of this screen?
If anyone on Gaf would like to Add me feel free
ReaperXL7 on PSN
Here's a quick comparison review I made between MK7 and Wipeout 2048.
I think I'll update it when the Fury DLC launches.
New patches being deployed as we speak - wipeout2048 patch1.02 and wipeout HD, 2.50.
Spurious times in leaderboards will be cleared out during regular maintenance. Exploits to get the spurious times have now been fixed.
You should be able to find a lot more people now (Via online multiplayer)
Patches 1.02 and 2.5 fix all known runtime issues on both games. Stability should be improved.
Additionally for Vita load times are sped up again.
Cross Play has been added to the PS3 version too!
Cross Play has been added to the PS3 version too!