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WIRED has given Hogwarts Legacy a 1/10 review score


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Whats wrong with trains people?



I pay 100% of our groceries and 2/3 of our rent.
Every.damn.time. You don’t even need to write this shit. Let me guess: as a result of trans hate his partner is constantly depressed and on medication?
He's also their chauffeur;

He's so proud of it too. Between being sucked dry by these two and being "forced" to take a job that goes against everything he stands for in order to not be out on the street, this guy needs to take that Hogwarts money and invest in a course on financial sensibility...among other things.


Ofc 16 years old trans sibling. I swear to god nowadays being trans is just trendy lmao, that's all. It's the new emo xD
It's stupid is what it is. The odds of that happening are so ridiculously small that it should be a newsworthy event, and yet we see it all the time. It's like the trans couple that adopted a child and that child just "happened" to be trans as well. And people NEVER question it, it's absolutely absurd.


He's also their chauffeur;

He's so proud of it too. Between being sucked dry by these two and being "forced" to take a job that goes against everything he stands for in order to not be out on the street, this guy needs to take that Hogwarts money and invest in a course on financial sensibility...among other things.

Saying he gave them a ride then calls it Transportation seems redundant.


Gold Member
Where the hell are you getting this asinine assumption? Most other trans and Non-binary folk I know in relationships are in relationships with LGBTQIA people to begin with, with a sizable portion of them having non-cis partners. Why wouldn’t you date that which most understands you? Look at any random queer community or circle, especially with the younger LGBTQIA adult crowd. Most trans folk in relationships don’t have cis partners.

Makes perfect sense too. The truth is that too many cis people just don’t “get it”, so why bother with people that don’t get you?

This is one of the most common repeated misconceptions and all it does is perpetuate some weird, inherently flawed, expectation that says more about the person asking it more than anything else.


When did we start letting a very vocal toxic minority influence so many, and even worse, ever start paying attention to them in the first place. The clue is in the term minority, of course this particular group is very clever indeed, and knows it's in the minority, so then they just virtue signal to the majority, making them feel they are one of the good guys for supporting them.

Awesome plan when you think about it, making people scared to even voice a reasonable opinion against any of this insanity.


Ah yea the neutral switzerland. .
When did we start letting a very vocal toxic minority influence so many, and even worse, ever start paying attention to them in the first place. The clue is in the term minority, of course this particular group is very clever indeed, and knows it's in the minority, so then they just virtue signal to the majority, making them feel they are one of the good guys for supporting them.

Awesome plan when you think about it, making people scared to even voice a reasonable opinion against any of this insanity.
Since politicians realized they can use that for votes. since going against any form of human rights is morally wrong. its wicked af.
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I feel like this is mostly an internet/twitter thing. Nobody I speak to has even mentioned any of the bullshit these people are crying about, and I know all sorts of people playing the game; trans, gay, straight, black, white, Jewish, etc. People who aren't delusional are enjoying the game for what it is.
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Gold Member
When did we start letting a very vocal toxic minority influence so many, and even worse, ever start paying attention to them in the first place. The clue is in the term minority, of course this particular group is very clever indeed, and knows it's in the minority, so then they just virtue signal to the majority, making them feel they are one of the good guys for supporting them.

Awesome plan when you think about it, making people scared to even voice a reasonable opinion against any of this insanity.

It's most likely a social media manipulation experiment gone wrong, possibly combined with the influence of religion weakening (people need something to believe in, especially those of weak fortitude).

The conditions in the last decade or so have been somewhat of a perfect storm for all of this to take hold in the societies it has. Relative peace and an abundance of comfort (thanks to loose financial conditions by central banks) meant that there was no struggle or common enemy for a while, this can lead to people actively seeking out an enemy, often from within. Humans thrive on conflict.


The exact roots are unknown and if you care to go down the rabbit hole you will stumble across many a conspiracy theory but in terms of its current status there is no question that the ideology has now been weaponised politically in the west.

I think the worst is behind us though due to bigger problems being present and on the horizon such as geopolitical unrest, war and recessions.
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I feel like this is mostly an internet/twitter thing. Nobody I speak to has even mentioned any of the bullshit these people are crying about, and I know all sorts of people playing the game; trans, gay, straight, black, white, Jewish, etc. People who aren't delusional are enjoying the game for what it is.
It is absolutely. if i dont use the internet or specific forums. you would hear nothing of it at all. because the internet is not a real place. And in reality no one really gives a shit about this people. In fact with how obnoxious they are im sure that the hate for homos and what not rised with their bullshit.

Its simple newtons law of motion. people will push back harder than before if you are an ass about it. its really that simple. They have became what they swore to destroy. Of course everyone is a bigot because people simply are sick of it.

Nobody has to respect anything. People simply tolerate it, huge difference.
It's most likely a social media manipulation experiment gone wrong, possibly combined with the influence of religion weakening (people need something to believe in, especially those of weak fortitude).

The conditions in the last decade or so have been somewhat of a perfect storm for all of this to take hold in the societies it has. Relative peace and an abundance of comfort (thanks to loose financial conditions by central banks) meant that there was no struggle or common enemy for a while, this can lead to people actively seeking out an enemy, often from within. Humans thrive on conflict.


The exact roots are unknown and if you care to go down the rabbit hole you will stumble across many a conspiracy theory but in terms of its current status there is no question that the ideology has now been weaponised politically in the west.

I think the worst is behind us though due to bigger problems being present and on the horizon such as geopolitical unrest, war and recessions.

We may not see eye to eye on gaming but mad respect for this post and insight mate. Solid.

I never really correlated the twitter/social aspects and decline of religion. A vacuum only going to get bigger as we move forward.


Gold Member
Ridiculous, the game is amazing.

This is such a stupid move on their part, aside from all the politics it makes them look completely incompetent to anyone with any sense.

They should be blacklisted from MC for this, it's clearly not games journalism but pandering.
Don't know much about the world of Harry Potter, and had to look into why there are controversies around the game. I do know, from a standpoint of gameplay, design, and graphics, I'm going to pick this game up next week. I imagine many more like me are out there. It's a shame that someone who soley relies on reviews might pass on it. Of course, people could also be posting reviews like that and still picking up the game and playing quietly.


When did we start letting a very vocal toxic minority influence so many, and even worse, ever start paying attention to them in the first place.

Because they hide behind the shield of political correctness to spread their bile, and political correctness can't be questioned because human beings are too insecure and neurotic to give others the benefit of the doubt and assume that they're innocent of aligning with problematic isms. The internet has given such individuals the opportunity to refine and perfect this defence to the point where they can pretty much do whatever they want without consequences. It's the greatest thing to ever happen to miserable, spiteful, cruel people who rely on convincing themselves that they're actually doing a good deed.

Yes, J.K. Rowling is a transphobe

She's not, she's just asserting that biological women are medically, politically, culturally and physically different from trans women. And as a result of society feebly attempting to ignore this because it's terrified of being seen as politically incorrect, it undermines biological women's rights with regard to equality, safety, and so on. And she's right. But childish bullies simplify this into 'JK Rowling thinks trans women aren't women' and get their sweet, sweet fix of internet lynch mobbing. Meanwhile there isn't a shred of actual hate coming from Rowling, only a desire to acknowledge that there is a difference, even though it's an elephant-in-the-room kind of difference. Hopefully one day we'll figure out a way to be more civil and truthful about this stuff, because screaming 'fuck JK Rowling die TERF' isn't helping anyone.
Do these people not realize that when the dust settles all they accomplished was boost sales while also tarnishing their repuation? Most gamers don't think like that person, most just care whether a game is fun or not, they don't want to be told they are bad people if they buy a game.

It's going to be hilarious seeing those first week sales.
Ironically the game is actually really politically correct, with a trans character and a large cast of ethnic minorities. It’s also clearly been put together with a huge amount of hard work, care and passion, something these nutcases wouldn't know anything about.

The best thing people can do to fight this woke cancel culture that is a cancer in our society is to buy the game and enjoy it.

Doing My Part Reaction GIF


It's stupid is what it is. The odds of that happening are so ridiculously small that it should be a newsworthy event, and yet we see it all the time. It's like the trans couple that adopted a child and that child just "happened" to be trans as well. And people NEVER question it, it's absolutely absurd.

The real genocide was the transvestites and cross dressers, they are extinct like the dinosaurs now. Someone should look into that.


I haven't played the game (nor do I intend to since I'm not a Harry Potter fan in the slightest) but I think a 1/10 score is absurd. Yes, J.K. Rowling is a transphobe, and she makes a cut of the game's sales, but they need to take the game for what it really is rather than completely shit on it for things the creator does. Kind of like how Ren & Stimpy still has a large following despite John Kricfalusi's CP nonsense. I'm sure the game is well-made and fun for fans of the series, but boycotting it because the creator is a stupid bitch won't do anything except deprive you of a potentially good game.
piss off.


The real genocide was the transvestites and cross dressers, they are extinct like the dinosaurs now. Someone should look into that.
Transvestites are exactly what a men in dress always were….i dont let the dictionary dictate by mental ill tards. no chance.


He's also their chauffeur;

He's so proud of it too. Between being sucked dry by these two and being "forced" to take a job that goes against everything he stands for in order to not be out on the street, this guy needs to take that Hogwarts money and invest in a course on financial sensibility...among other things.

I'm convinced that this dude is getting soy injected directly into his veins from an IV.


Why wouldn’t you date that which most understands you?
Trans people HAVE to date other trans people mostly because who else will willingly share in their delusional view of the world and constant victim mentality?

The statement "opposites attract" is typically true but in your example that'd mean you have someone normal who deals in facts and reality in a relationship with someone who suffers an emotional breakdown if they can't use the opposing bathroom and constantly switches genders/pronouns.


The funniest thing about this is that all J.K. Rowling said is that biological sex exists.

That's literally all she ever said. That's all this whole autistic nontroversy is about.

When I heard this I literally wanted to chew my own face because of how retarded this situation is.


Gold Member
I haven't played the game (nor do I intend to since I'm not a Harry Potter fan in the slightest) but I think a 1/10 score is absurd. Yes, J.K. Rowling is a transphobe, and she makes a cut of the game's sales, but they need to take the game for what it really is rather than completely shit on it for things the creator does. Kind of like how Ren & Stimpy still has a large following despite John Kricfalusi's CP nonsense. I'm sure the game is well-made and fun for fans of the series, but boycotting it because the creator is a stupid bitch won't do anything except deprive you of a potentially good game.


Listen To Me Reaction GIF by CBS

So let’s become trans and start working for popular online news sites.

I want to read a review to learn more about the game Hogwarts Legacy, not read some random strangers life story.
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One of the green rats
The controversy has likely made this game more popular and higher rated, because people's anti-codswallop-activist bias influences their experience.
Maybe to start with but I bet like myself most people who play it are actually blown away by how great of a game it really is. So even if the controversy made more people try it .. it’s because it’s a great game that people are gushing over it.

I give it 4 out 5 dreads


What time is it?
The controversy has likely made this game more popular and higher rated, because people's anti-codswallop-activist bias influences their experience.

Doubtful. Any people purchasing this out of spite are probably the equal yet opposite to those boycotting it. Harry Potter is just massively popular.

I agree with your sentiment though. As a lifelong hippie, I just shake my head at the modern progressive movement as it is a weird amalgamation of something we would have seem from The Puritans. I try to remind myself that it is a vocal minority and the low barrier to entry gives idiots access to the global town square, but fuck me if they aren't annoying, spiteful and dangerous to the very things they are fighting for.
the game is fun as fuck

its one of the most polished 3rd party releases in years

the combat is fun

exploring the world is fun

everything seems to be a living breathing world

idk who TF this game hurts.
How dare you enjoy this?!?

I'll tell you who and what it hurts... It hurts me! Why? Because it hurts my pockets!

I'm buying two copies; one for me, and the other for my nephew!
Doubtful. Any people purchasing this out of spite are probably the equal yet opposite to those boycotting it. Harry Potter is just massively popular.

It would be interesting to see the numbers if there was a way that you could tell. I figure the venn diagrams on this would look good in WB's favor even if it is just 10 copies.

I figure the people squawking on Twitter against the game were already entrenched against the author, so they were never buying the game anyway (no sales lost) and if even a few people purchased the game for no other reason than a political statement those would be sales gained (since they maybe aren't even gamers to begin with). But like you said, probably nothing needle moving to begin with. Though maybe if some people were scared away from streaming, I guess that might have a negative effect.

Astral Dog

I haven't played the game (nor do I intend to since I'm not a Harry Potter fan in the slightest since im not a 6 year old kid anymore) but I think a 1/10 score is absurd. yes, J.K. Rowling is a transphobe, yes, she eats trans babies for breakfast, yes, she was once arrested for trying to run over a group of trans people crossing the street with her "TERF" plated van, and worse she makes a cut of the game's sales, everybody and their dog knows that, but hey what she does in her own house its her business they need to take the game for what it really is rather than completely shit on it for things the creator does. I'm sure the game is well-made and fun for fans of the series, but boycotting it because the creator is a Nazi millionaire crazy bigot sandwich bitch won't do anything except deprive you of a potentially good game 👍
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They don't deserve clicks for the assertion that Rowling's remarks were actually transphobic, when by real-world measures (as in the laws of the UK, which ARE USED to drive prosecutions regularly for hate speech), they simply weren't.

They state unproven opinion as fact. Which is shit journalism 101.
Were you expecting any other type of journalism coming from gamespot?
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