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With CyberPunk Delay, are you filling the gap with another game?


In a way I'm glad cyberpunk got delayed again cause I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle spiderman mm, demon souls, and cyberpunk together. I know I can do those two together at least


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
It's going to get delayed again.

Also another game will be delayed in the coming week.

Expect a ton of delays.

I can see it, really as long as Destiny 2 doesn’t hit another delay I can wait on what ever. If Godfall gets pushed I’ll just cancel the preorder. Can’t see CoD getting delayed.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
I'll probably still be trying to kill the first boss on Demon's Souls until January.

unless they did major reworking of the game, it’s not that hard. I suck at hard games and finished it relatively easy. Most of the difficultly was it was the the 1st type of that game. The bow is your buddy


Definite Day Ones:

Demon Souls Remake
Spider-Man Miles Morales
Spider-Man Remastered
Astro's Playroom
Watch Dogs Legion
Borderlands 3 Next Gen Upgrade
Ghost Of Tsushima Next Gen Upgrade

Depending on Reviews:

Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Black Ops Cold War
I can see it, really as long as Destiny 2 doesn’t hit another delay I can wait on what ever. If Godfall gets pushed I’ll just cancel the preorder. Can’t see CoD getting delayed.
Honestly bro.

Any new game is going to get delayed. It's been happening for a while now. Just look at this shit:

List of 2019 delayed games

And with these new console launches during these difficult times, I'm expecting a ton more.


unless they did major reworking of the game, it’s not that hard. I suck at hard games and finished it relatively easy. Most of the difficultly was it was the the 1st type of that game. The bow is your buddy

Yeah I'm kind of joking although I tried Bloodborne and was really bad at that.
I may give Bloodborne another go to prepare myself.


Taking care of my back log, well, trying to, haha.

Beat RE:7 recently, played Evil Within 2, but put it back down. May go back to it. Picked up Shadow of War again, as well as MK11. So I've been all over the place a bit.


If Watch dogs legions reviews we’ll I’ll get that, if not I’ll get assassins creed Valhalla. If they both get bad reviews I’ll wait.


There was a thread with a poll asking what console everyone was going to play this on and the wait for next gen option had as many votes as current gen combined. Sign?
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Don't be shocked if Dec 10th or near it we hear about another delay, it almost sounds like this news is a tactic to try and please investors.


Just continue playing other games I have been playing. Don't really see immediate need to buy anything else releasing for the rest of this year. Cyberpunk is the only thing I am waiting on/ have been willing to preorder.
I'm probably buying Valhalla on the Series X and Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 if it goes on sale on Black Friday - those will be my first games on the new machines (plus a Gamepass title or two). Next gen launch games are shit, still can't wait. I'll buy Miles Morales when it goes on sale in six months. Too expensive for what it is. Next gen for me is 2021 and beyond sadly. Everything else is backlog.
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Yes. I’m close to wrapping up Yakuza 6 and I bought Judgment on PS4. I didn’t plan on playing this game before the Xbox Series X and Cyberpunk, but it’s downloading now.


I've got no gap, as I was never going to prioritize it over Demon's Souls (The only Miyazaki game I've never played).

Plus I still haven't bought a new graphics card anyway, I'm not playing on a 6 year old graphics card (8 year old CPU too). New computer, then Cyberpunk (with a few polish patches as an added bonus).
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Gold Member

I was gonna buy Watch Dogs to play between 10th/19th Nov on Series X and then everything else would be dropped for Cyberpunk as it was easily my most anticipated game.

Now I'll still be getting Watch Dogs but instead of Cyberpunk on the 19th I'll get Demon's Souls. I was gonna play that after Cyberpunk.

The biggest difference is this... As I just said I was gonna drop everything for Cyberpunk but now I don't really give a fuck about playing it day 1. CDPR keep fucking us about by delaying the game and making us wait. They want us to wait before playing their game? Oh well I'll fucking wait alright...

If they actually manage to get their shit together and release it on the 10th December then I won't be playing it then. They can fucking wait to get my money.

I'm a slow player so there's no way I'll finish Watch Dogs + Demon's Souls before 10th December. After that I might go back to Death Stranding which I stopped playing when I sold my PS4.

I'll pick up Cyberpunk whenever I feel like it and they sure as shit won't be getting the full price off me. I'll be picking up a cheap code, waiting for a sale, or buying the game second hand.


I'm playing modded morrowind and witcher 3 at the moment. I also ordered the ps4 version of baldurs gate 1 and 2 because it was on sale for 15 bucks. I think that should be enough to carry me into December. Fingers crossed ps5 consoles will be available by then so I can pick up the new console together with cp2077, before I go into my holiday break on december 14th.

Three weeks off with the ps5 and cyberpunk, that would be tight.
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Yeah, AC Valhalla, i already pre ordered before this delay anyway, just as well really, even on the 9th December i will still expect another delay from Cyberpunk at this point lol, no one is going to believe them now about the release date until they are actually playing the game.


Gold Member
What gap? It’s next gen systems launch with all these great games coming all at once. Demon’s Souls is enough for me, maybe I’ll manage to squeeze in some Morales
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If I’m lucky enough to get a PS5 on launch day, Demons Souls will get a lot more play time in that slot. If not, I have plenty to play. Including the Japanese version of Shin Megami Tensei III Nocture HD, and Hyrule Warriors. Plus the tons of games I have to play in my library.


I pre-ordered AC Valhalla and Cyberpunk. Now I'm going to play Valhalla first. I'm actually looking forward to it almost as much as to Cyberpunk. I loved Origins and Odyssey.


The delay will give me a good two weeks to grind Destiny 2 before I'm bored to tears, and leave me the time to platinum Spiderman Remastered/Mile Morales and the week I'll need for Little Hope, then it's CP time
Honestly, this actually kiiinda works out for me solely because of Demons Souls. Looks like my series x won’t be used much for a while though - maybe I’ll play some old games on it.


Trails Of Cold Steel 4.


Probably spending more time with AC Valhalla and Destiny, I may pick up CoD this year, something to play on Xbox Series S I suppose


As I haven´t had any luck with preordering a PS5 I will probably wait for the review of Watch Dogs Legions. If it scores decently I will probably buy it to pass some time. If it bombs (what I kind of expect) I will continue clearing my backlog until I finally get my hands on Cyberpunk and a PS5

I thought about getting Spiderman for the PS4 but I´m not sure if I want to "ruin" the experience by not playing it on PS5.


I'm near the end of Quake 2 RTX. I guess until Cyberpunk, I'll try to squeeze in Mortal Shell and Ghostrunner. Both rather short games, so I hope that I'll manage to finish them with my limited available gaming time.
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