When Gaf has it out for a game, they straight savage.
And no, OP, people champ goes to GG Xrd.
KI is better than it was back in the SNES/N64 era, but that's not saying much. The characters are tacky and the music is lame. I understand the appeal though. The casuals love this game.
Mmmyes, I do declare the casuals are quite taken with this garish and unrefined piece of "art". Mmm ha ha ha ha ha! *sips tea*
Get the fuck OUTTA here with that shit. The music is some of the best goddamn fightan' game music that has ever been composed, SON. And that's fuckin REAL TALK, not up for debate.
The characters are a direct nod to the 90's heyday of fighters. You know, when the whole genre ruled the roost? Kudos to them for having the balls to make a game with a fuckin werewolf, a cybernetic raptor, a fuckin BATTLETOAD, etc. I mean how many fighting games with karate guys do we need? How many anime fighters do we have now? Like a million? I LOVE fighting games, even the trashy anime ones that are just ridiculous fan-service but let's not pretend KI isn't leagues better than 95% of them. Hisako might be a ripoff of the Grudge but dammit if she isn't one of the more inspired fighting game characters to come out in a long damn while. And Sadira is just straight up hotness all around. Amazing hips aside, her moveset is poetry in motion. Most of the KI roster is just straight up kick ass.
KI had a rough start, for sure. It launched with 6 characters. SIX. CHARACTERS. That's awful. BUT, let us be very clear about where it is now. The roster is way bigger now, there are numerous stages, each with different phases and secrets, the soundtrack is boss as hell, and the online is tight. The training mode is one of the best around, I mean who does it better aside from maybe Skullgirls? Anyone?
Give credit where its due, man. KI is back in a big fuckin way. Its only going to get more recognition as season 3 rolls on.