Hey guys.. I haven't quite been under a rock, I have tons of other comments and questions and watched a bunch of gameplay videos and character reveals..
..but as a PS4/PC owner who for some reason still has not bought it for PC after being excited it was coming.. i have one single question.
If KI2 or KI2 Gold (N64) was a 10 on a 1-10 scale, use the weighted magazine 6-10 scale if you want...
how would KI3 rank? 8 or 9? 10 meaning same? or some fake number like 10+ or 11?
10+. KI3 is way better than its previous titles. Best in the series.
Sure that's free. But you are being intellectually dishonest by trying to equate that pittance of a demo to what SFV offered @ $60.
I apologize though, please get back to your circle jerk.
At launch, for free KI Season 1 had.
1 rotating character.
Survival Mode.
Local Play.
3 sets of unlockable costume pieces for each character.
$60, SFV had.
16 characters.
Character story mode.
Survival mode.
Local Play.
2P Battle lounge. (Unranked.)
Unlockable costume for each character.
...I mean...I love fighting games and I like to look at things objectively, so I don't think it's necessarily fair to compare a full retail title of a well respected series to a free to play option of a series well known for being kusoge but managed to get its shit together for the third game.
What's the 'pittance?' What am I missing here? Am I just not understanding something? Am I intellectually dishonest (whatever the fuck that means) or something?
Yeah! A fucking $60 ass $60 game has more content than a free to play ass free to play game. Sure. Hell yeah, I can admit that. I mean, you'd have to be 'intellectually dishonest' to not think that's the case.
I just don't understand where the dishonesty is, when the devs for the game since 2013 have been transparent about the game's pricing model. Is it...because the rest of the cast isn't free? Is it because you can't record opponent AI in training because you don't have the character purchased? Sure, yeah maybe those are sensible argumentative points and the second question raises some serious concerns regarding people getting into the game competitively but :
devs gotta eat, they can't just 'give' all the characters for free. If they did how would they make money? Not everyone can follow the DOTA model.
Please, inform me. Educate me. Tell me why KI's free model is dishonest.