The A Ghost Story screening I went to was entirely old white people. They love their indie films. And i don't even know how since most of them are mostly advertised through the internet and social media.
Any. Trying to find some new ones to listen to while at work between showings.
The A Ghost Story screening I went to was entirely old white people. They love their indie films. And i don't even know how since most of them are mostly advertised through the internet and social media.
The A Ghost Story screening I went to was entirely old white people. They love their indie films. And i don't even know how since most of them are mostly advertised through the internet and social media.
I wanna be one of those film-dorks that gets to go to SXSW and Sundance and Cannes and Tribeca and FantasticFest.
Yo BirthMoviesDeath, I'm always for hire! If you ever need a token black millennial that will defend Meteor Man as a work of art, y'all know where to find me.
No! Fuck that.
BMD should take the token ambiguously brown millennial instead. I, too, can review well enough.
You can't tell me to sitsit down bitch
I am the true hipster doofus among us
Perhaps they will take both of you. Bronx-Man can cover the DCEU films. You get the Dark Universe.
Perhaps they will take both of you. Bronx-Man can cover the DCEU films. You get the Dark Universe.
Who gets the Ghostbusters universe?Perhaps they will take both of you. Bronx-Man can cover the DCEU films. You get the Dark Universe.
Who gets the Ghostbusters universe?
It's that time of day where we need to talk more about numbers
Go guys.
Despicable Me 4 and Minions 2 are pretty much green-lighted already, huh?
Who gets the Ghostbusters universe?
Summer movie season is over. Now we just have a dick-measuring contest over who can sit through the most Terrence Malick films for the next couple of months.
I have never seen a Terrence Malick film. I guess this is how Bronsonlee feels about most acclaimed films.
I have never seen a Terrence Malick film. I guess this is how Bronsonlee feels about most acclaimed films.
What'd you expect from RLM marksThat Plunkett review thread went to hell in a handbasket real fast, even my taunting of that Packer heathen Sephzilla went heavy
The A Ghost Story screening I went to was entirely old white people. They love their indie films. And i don't even know how since most of them are mostly advertised through the internet and social media.
I have never seen a Terrence Malick film. I guess this is how Bronsonlee feels about most acclaimed films.
Isn't that how those threads normally go?That Plunkett review thread went to hell in a handbasket real fast, even my taunting of that Packer heathen Sephzilla went heavy
That Plunkett review thread went to hell in a handbasket real fast, even my taunting of that Packer heathen Sephzilla went heavy
The A Ghost Story screening I went to was entirely old white people. They love their indie films. And i don't even know how since most of them are mostly advertised through the internet and social media.
What'd you expect from RLM marks
Other than WB's films, most of the weekend actuals are in.
The Dark Tower ended up with $19.15M
Most other films were pretty close to their estimates. Valerian increased slightly.
There's more cool things to see. I'm just telling you, the next weeks and months to come are going to be very exciting. But I don't expect to see any kind of video of these characters, like a trailer or something, for months.
Okay, let's look up the BO for the Despicable franchi- oh dear god. So that's basically 350 on domestic alone, 1b total.
Looking up Cars, that has already dropped from 240 to sub-200 with the sequel. I don't expect that to be a contender with Despicable Me around. The sequel made 100m more than Cars at 562, so I guess Cars 3 will make 662, with most of it coming from foreign, say 25-75 percentages.
Weren't you just trying to deny it awhile ago
Weren't you just trying to deny it awhile ago
Just let me have this moment, dammit!
Can't even stay committed to your movie.
I've been calling Mission Impossible 2 the best movie in the franchise for over 15 years, I can't believe anyone would question my dedication.