Gentleman Jack
All the MI films past the second one blur together for me. They had their shine stolen by the Furious Franchise.
I've been calling Mission Impossible 2 the best movie in the franchise for over 15 years, I can't believe anyone would question my dedication.
Most old people get their film information the same way they always have: throigh listings and reviews in the newspaper.The A Ghost Story screening I went to was entirely old white people. They love their indie films. And i don't even know how since most of them are mostly advertised through the internet and social media.
If by pretentious art film you mean pretending to be art, then yeah. Old people love middlebrow nothing movies that seem dignified and respectable while being as inoffensive as possible.In my experience, most old people just show up to the theatre on any given day of the week and just pick their movie in line/at the box office.
If there's a pretentious art film or war epic? Great! If not? Well guess they're seeing Pirates 5 because that's what's playing at that time.
So what can IT realistically achieve OW Domestic and Int. I really want it to do well! Seems the ceiling for a horror OW is $45m
Do you just not count the rest of the films in the franchise?
I pretty much love all of them2 is enjoyable to me in the same way 2 Fast 2 Furious is. Very dumb, very fun.except 3.
I pretty much love all of them2 is enjoyable to me in the same way 2 Fast 2 Furious is. Very dumb, very fun.except 3.
You love 1 but not 3?
I think it can go over that.
Question is how WB builds that buzz through the marketing, and if they can convert/amplify any organic buzz that builds on its own
This is a fuckin tragedy brehs. All the excellent posters for this movie and they chose that as the cover.
It gets worseThis is a fuckin tragedy brehs. All the excellent posters for this movie and they chose that as the cover.
You think that's bad? This is the steelbook cover
The shame is the inside of the steelbook case would've been a great cover.
This is a fuckin tragedy brehs. All the excellent posters for this movie and they chose that as the cover.
The shame is the inside of the steelbook case would've been a great cover.
Seems like they want to force people to buy the blu
Every Mission Impossible is special and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.
Why do the motorcycles explode?
I don't see the problem?This is a fuckin tragedy brehs. All the excellent posters for this movie and they chose that as the cover.
Finally saw a Hot Topic today. When Suicide Squad 2 comes out I will be able to sensibly chuckle to all of your jokes now.
Also, when did stores start charging over $100 for used N64s? In the mid 00s, I bought a crate of 6 N64 units without cords for $8 off of ebay. I also won another auction for 8-10 N64 power supplies for like $5. It was cheaper to go that route and the remaining parts than it was to spend $30 on a single system.
It's the best oneMI3 is a crock of shit.
It's the best one
Why do the motorcycles explode?
MI3 is a crock of shit.
Finally saw a Hot Topic today. When Suicide Squad 2 comes out I will be able to sensibly chuckle to all of your jokes now.
Also, when did stores start charging over $100 for used N64s? In the mid 00s, I bought a crate of 6 N64 units without cords for $8 off of ebay. I also won another auction for 8-10 N64 power supplies for like $5. It was cheaper to go that route and the remaining parts than it was to spend $30 on a single system.
Rogue Nation is probably the best one.
The main demographic walking into a Hot Topic to buy Suicide Squad or DBZ stuff is the person who would say "Yooooooo is that N64???? OMG I used to have that I loved playing Mario Kart on that!!!!!! And remember GOLDENEYE!?"
Damn, the shade of it allSo Toa TAK then
Sounds like NYC prices.Whatever store is selling used N64s for $100 is bilking the shit out of its customers.
The last time I was in a Goodwill I saw three of those things stacked (badly) on top of each other for $20 each.
Remember when Jeremy Renner was set up to take over like 15 different franchises in 2011
Lol damn why you got to do him dirty like thatRemember when Jeremy Renner was set up to take over like 15 different franchises in 2011
So Toa TAK then
Hey, that shit is before me, and I evade Hot Topic as it is.Damn, the shade of it all
Remember when Jeremy Renner was set up to take over like 15 different franchises in 2011