250g is nothing for an 80. might be a bit much for new player dinging 60.ezekial45 said:"Weve added a new flying skill called Flight Master's License. When World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is released, players who purchase the expansion will see this skill available from flight trainers once they reach level 60. This new skill is required for flying around all Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms zones, including the new level 80-85 zones.
The cost for this is 250 gold. The name has also changed. I've updated my original post with the new information. "
Not so bad I guess...
They don't need to be online.DeathNote said:about adding a realid friend in wow...
do they need to be online? it's not adding on my friends list or going under pending.
ezekial45 said:"Weve added a new flying skill called Flight Master's License. When World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is released, players who purchase the expansion will see this skill available from flight trainers once they reach level 60. This new skill is required for flying around all Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms zones, including the new level 80-85 zones.
The cost for this is 250 gold. The name has also changed. I've updated my original post with the new information. "
Not so bad I guess...
funkmastergeneral said:Maelstrom Weapon no longer affects Lava Burst![]()
Maelstrom Weapon Rank 5
Requires One-Handed Axes, Two-Handed Axes, One-Handed Maces, Two-Handed Maces, Staves, One-Handed Exotics, Two-Handed Exotics, Fist Weapons, Miscellaneous, Daggers
When you deal damage with a melee weapon, you have a chance (higher than rank 4) to reduce the cast time of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lesser Healing Wave, Healing Wave, Chain Heal, or Hex spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec.
Bisnic said:Uh? It already doesn't affect Lava Burst on the live servers. :lol Been like that for a long time.
Don't believe? Here, taken from wowhead :
Can't change your name, but you can turn off RealID for your account under Parental Controls.shintoki said:Odd question about the real ID. Is there any way to change my name. I'm still in consideration for going back to Cata. Basically, play for 3 or 4 months. But I still don't like the idea of any of my info getting out.
Squire Felix said:Use RealID with people you know that already know your name, chances are they won't care. You can still add normal toons to your friends list, stop complaining. They are not invading your privacy if you give out your name.
Looking at the changes they made to stormstrike, I'm actually glad. Now they need to find a way to make it so flame shock is never worth using (or unlink shock cooldowns) so I don't feel like I have to choose between flame shock or earth shock to maximize dps.funkmastergeneral said:Maelstrom Weapon no longer affects Lava Burst![]()
lordmrw said:I've been working on the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest chain, and son of a bitch this thing is long and requires you to go into so many raids just for one item. I'm starting to wonder just what the hell I've gotten myself into.
Mister_Bubbles said:But my god, it's epic.
Loxley said:It's sad when you remember how many servers lost out on that event because the asshole with the Scepter decided to bang the gong in either the middle of the day (when the majority of people are at either work or school) or at 3:00 am.
McNei1y said:That was the fun of it!! I miss Blackrock Mountain pvp.
I don't really understand the PURPOSE of it, given that you get regular Flying at the exact same level.DeathNote said:250g is nothing for an 80. might be a bit much for new player dinging 60.
i'm glad people 1-60 are required to be on the ground. it makes pvp servers awesome.
lordmrw said:I've been working on the Scepter of the Shifting Sands quest chain, and son of a bitch this thing is long and requires you to go into so many raids just for one item. I'm starting to wonder just what the hell I've gotten myself into.
shintoki said:Odd question about the real ID. Is there any way to change my name. I'm still in consideration for going back to Cata. Basically, play for 3 or 4 months. But I still don't like the idea of any of my info getting out.
Puncture said:Info is starting to come out about BM specced hunters abilities. We knew the pet pass was coming. Looks like BM hunters exotic pets will come with some seriously sweet shit:
Corehounds appear to have Bloodlust.
Fuck..........yeah........ If Bloodlust is on the table, lord fucking knows what the other exotics will have.
Edit: Aww shit
Angry Grimace said:I don't really understand the PURPOSE of it, given that you get regular Flying at the exact same level.
You can't even finish the chain anymore can you?
You do realize you have to actually give someone your email address and do a confirmation thing a la Facebook for Real ID to even matter, right? Just don't give out your email address to people you don't know.
The only people that can see your real name is Blizzard and they already know your name. (and, no, you can't change your name unless the account belongs to a parent and was purchased when you were a minor)
Angry Grimace said:You can't even finish the chain anymore can you?
Makes sense.Tamanon said:I assume it's just there because otherwise it was a bit tough to code an ability to fly in Azeroth based on if you had the Cataclysm expansion. This gives you a relatively cheap and easy way to toggle it.
I leveled as mut when I got the ability. With dual heirloom daggers, I suggest doing combat till 60 then going mut from there on out because it will show the versatility of the class and you will have something to gauge what you want to spec at 80DeathNote said:what heirloom weapons are the best for a rogue? now and cat?
See, I did not know this. I haven't played in a while. Cata coming out has my interest piqued again. :lolAngry Grimace said:You do realize you have to actually give someone your email address and do a confirmation thing a la Facebook for Real ID to even matter, right? Just don't give out your email address to people you don't know.
The only people that can see your real name is Blizzard and they already know your name. (and, no, you can't change your name unless the account belongs to a parent and was purchased when you were a minor)
shintoki said:See, I did not know this. I haven't played in a while. Cata coming out has my interest piqued again. :lol
Rapstah said:This would be the spot where I start raiding for real but since PUGs require obscene gear I'd have to join a guild and I can't make that commitment at the moment.
I'm in the exact same spot as you on my warlock (my warrior is 5706 gs though) and I only need the boots from HC PoS. Cant commit myself to raiding anymore. Perhaps when the weather gets alot worse.....Rapstah said:I've completely lost interest in WOTLK gearing by now. My Warlock's at just below 5000 GS (or so I'm told because I refuse to use the addon) and I've hit the spot where I can't get upgrades from neither Triumph emblems nor Frozen Halls heroics, save for ONE pair of boots that drops in Pit of Saron heroic. That means I'm spending all my time waiting for queues to three instances and it's just not worth it. This would be the spot where I start raiding for real but since PUGs require obscene gear I'd have to join a guild and I can't make that commitment at the moment.
Will stay subscribed for the beta, but won't really play that too much either because I know I'll lose all my characters at launch. Would suck to level something 1-85 and have to repeat it.
Bisnic said:Raiding is just a waste of time right now. I mostly play my alts for the casual 5 man daily and doing Northrend quests i've skipped while lvling them for more $$$. Or farming H Sethekk Halls with my druid for the Anzu's mount.
I don't feel like wasting 3-4 (frustrating & boring) hours a day for ICC when i will replace its purples by Cataclysm's blues soon.
Yeah. Now that my guild has done the three main things I wanted to do before Cata (Kill LK, get Ulduar Drakes, get Starcaller) I'm far less interested in raiding on Saturdays...and I'm the raid leader! LotRO going free has me distracted even more.PhoenixDark said:I still want to kill the Lich King but I don't want to deal with the other bosses/trash anymore lol. I haven't done Ruby Sanctum yet either, so I want to give it a try soon.
I'm going to resub mainly to get ready for Cata. Farm some gold, fix up my off spec, and maybe try to get my old guild back together.
I was considering coming back for a month, and just plugging through T9-T10 content to see it. I quit right before Uldar came out.krypt0nian said:That's why I'm back too. But wow is it hard right now to try and get caught up for gear. I think I'll just wait with that for Cata quest blues.
For what it's worth, Ulduar is the 2nd best raid instance in the game. AQ being #1 of course.shintoki said:I was considering coming back for a month, and just plugging through T9-T10 content to see it. I quit right before Uldar came out.
But I think I may just hold out till Cata. Can't say I like raiding much.
Tamanon said:http://www.restokin.com/cataclysm-druid-beta-info/glyphs-from-druid-beta/
Looks like all glyphs are implemented, at least the first pass, here's the druidy ones.
notworksafe said:Yeah. Now that my guild has done the three main things I wanted to do before Cata (Kill LK, get Ulduar Drakes, get Starcaller) I'm far less interested in raiding on Saturdays...and I'm the raid leader! LotRO going free has me distracted even more.
VaLiancY said:Hold the phone. Alliance get a lion mount while the Horde gets a scorpion? =\
My guild only raids 3 nights a week, and we usually start having attendance problems by the 2nd or 3rd night. People only want the easy loot. But for a change of pace, on the third night we went back to ulduar and did some hard modes. Blew through a lot of them pretty quickly and had to stop at Freya, because we ran out of time. Hopefully we'll finish them though. We've done rusted drake runs many times, but this would be the first time we've actually attempted the 25m hardmodes. The ironbound drake is such a good looking mount.KernelPanic said:I still want my Ulduar drake and maybe Starcaller if we go there.
I'm still enjoying raiding, I kind of regret not raiding during BC and missing out on Sunwell, Black Temple and the like.
At least this time I got to see the 'end' of WOTLK.
replace pretty with "stupid" and ugly with "awesome" to get Blizzard's additional interpretation.krypt0nian said:It's the normal pretty/ugly split since the beginning. When you choose Horde, you choose ugly.