Does the farmhand actually do anything? Mine just sits there, that lazy fuck.
Dunno. Don't have a best friend yet.
Does the farmhand actually do anything? Mine just sits there, that lazy fuck.
It's only possible to have a chance at the Horseman mount once per day, right?
Didn't it used to be 5 times a day? I am never going to get that thing![]()
You used to need someone in your group with the daily quest, so as long as you could find people who did, you could summon the boss and loot him for a chance to get the mount.
Now, you can only get the reward chest once a day, so there is no way to cheat that system. You can only do it once a day, but if you have multiple level 90 characters, you can do it once with each of them (since the mount is account wide, it doesn't matter which character gets it).
If you're best friends with Gina or Tina, you get to bang them. Simultaneously.
PM me in-game for the hot details :3!How do I unlock the cutscene for this?!![]()
Blizzard really needs to create a mobile version of Pet Battles.
The way it works out for paladins, at least: Hit & Expertise *smooth* your damage intake, but you'll take slightly more damage; Parry & Dodge mean you take less damage overall, but it's *much* spikier. In my experience, healers far prefer smoother damage intake. In other words, swapping parry and dodge for hit and expertise does *not* make you a weaker tank. At least, if you're a paladin. Dunno if they've nailed that balance for warriors.The thing is, i don't like reforging a tank for more hit and expertise, i have to sacrifice my tanking stats for that and it makes him weaker... it sucks. And I was already taking a lot of damage the other day, and that was without reforging parry, dodge or mastery for hit & expertise...
It's only possible to have a chance at the Horseman mount once per day, right?
Didn't it used to be 5 times a day? I am never going to get that thing![]()
Finally hit 80 on my monk, started questing in MH. I quested from 1-15 then only did dungeons from that point on. Just under 2 days played time total so far. I can't run any of the Cata dungeons yet because my iLevel is too low, lol. Still gotta replace my shoulders/chest piece as they are no longer giving exp bonus which sucks. Loving it so far, definately my favorite class to play thus far in WoW.
Best expansion yet, so far. Graphics, music, and overall theme are absolutely amazing. It's more "grindy" than previous expansions but there is also significantly more to do in Pandaria than any previous expansion. It is actually a bit intimidating.
It's still WoW though. It just happens to be WoW at the top of it's game.
♥I see Yoshi made the transitionso that's interesting!
Hey Ryan! SillyEskimo said something a couple of pages ago that I completely agreed with and I think this fits what you're looking for:
♥Sorry about the surreal hype during D3 man.
Yep, yep! I played with Naito as well, he's a very cool dudeNice to see you again m8. WHat server are the gaffers on?
And don't sweat it, we were all hyped to the max and those first weeks were epic, surviving on BBQ sauce and Nalu. But I became dissapointed when AH became too much of a necessity and inferno being just stupid. So i'm looking for some nice raiding, gearing, maybe some pvp... Guild Wars 2 was nice, played with Naito in the Eurogaf guild but there's not much to do endgame and endgame is also just grind for gear but without the satisfaction of using it in sick raids. So I kinda have a burnout while all ym friends are getting back into wow.
Yep, yep! I played with Naito as well, he's a very cool dude![]()
Most GAFers play on Mal'Ganis (PVP) on NA-servers!
How do I unlock the cutscene for this?!![]()
Yep, been playing on NA since 2006 pretty much :3You playing on a NA server?
Really good imo.So it's a good time to come back?
The way it works out for paladins, at least: Hit & Expertise *smooth* your damage intake, but you'll take slightly more damage; Parry & Dodge mean you take less damage overall, but it's *much* spikier. In my experience, healers far prefer smoother damage intake. In other words, swapping parry and dodge for hit and expertise does *not* make you a weaker tank. At least, if you're a paladin. Dunno if they've nailed that balance for warriors.
You playing on a NA server?
So it's a good time to come back?
Is there a new place for Class Guides or are Elitist Jerks deader than dead?
Is there a new place for Class Guides or are Elitist Jerks deader than dead?
You playing on a NA server?
So it's a good time to come back?
anyone know the name of the UI, it's a horizontal bar with timer on it, spell on cd appears on it, rolls from right to left as the time goes by
The middle picture. I use that before just for that cooldown bit.
I downed Galleon again on MG just 2 minutes agoFeels good man. Just had to camp 2 hours this time around!
I just got an interesting idea.
I was playing my lock alt, and i think soul fire now crits 100% right now. But the interesting part isn't that, the interesting part is that the damage is amplified by critical strike, so crit is still a good resource for them.
However the 100% crit lava burst for shaman when flame shock is activated does no do that =(, we should get it too
The hilarious part about Blizzard's new grinding-centric rep system is that most people I know aren't even doing it unless they're trying to be super hardcore. The biggest reason is the fact that if you're a casual raider you can just say fuck it - Valor gains are so pathetic there's no reason to even bother.
that's it
tyvm sir
Yeah. Did they just screw up the Valor cap or was there another reason for it to be too low? Beyond an artificial cap on advancement, I mean?
I remember hearing about how they wanted Valor to mod your gear?
They still give the XP bonus through 80.
Made my way to the BMAH today...nothing was listed. "Check back later"
Yeah. Did they just screw up the Valor cap or was there another reason for it to be too low? Beyond an artificial cap on advancement, I mean?
I remember hearing about how they wanted Valor to mod your gear?
It might be SexyCooldown as well;
ForteXorcist has... a lot of options.
Last I heard, they still wanted to do the idea with spending Valor to up the ilvl of gear. No idea if it's actually coming with 5.1 or in a later patch. (IIRC, the UI stuff for it is already in the game.)
Pretty sure the original plan was for it to come with 5.1
No, the original plan was for it to ship with the game, but upgrading your existing gear is extremely boring and not compelling at all, so they took it out for whatever reason.
No, the original plan was for it to ship with the game, but upgrading your existing gear is extremely boring and not compelling at all, so they took it out for whatever reason.
It doesn't make sense when the VP gear is current-raid level or so. It makes sense, after the next tier of gear is released, you'd be able to use the VP to make it on par with what is now the current tier of gear.
The hilarious part about Blizzard's new grinding-centric rep system is that most people I know aren't even doing it unless they're trying to be super hardcore. The biggest reason is the fact that if you're a casual raider you can just say fuck it - Valor gains are so pathetic there's no reason to even bother.
Yanger: You need to log on wow and accept my battletag/friend inviteWe're close to getting Gold on GotSS, just gotta fine tune like 1-2 pulls and that last boss...
I don't have one? I had one from Sarcasm that I accepted, but that was the only one :/