Angry Grimace
Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I fail to see how anything I'm saying has anything to do with entitlement. My point is that the current VP related content gives rewards at a pace that is too slow to be compelling. My point is that I don't think its good gameplay, or fun.Entitled to VP related rewards with out wanting to do the current VP related content?
Getting them to revered does not stop you from doing the daily, doing the GL daily give you chance at skyshard, which will give you a chance at an awesome cloud serpent.
Completely agree. DK tanks have been the most fun for YEARS because of how they worked, other tanks should be glad that they're getting this type of playstyle, and it works better for monks than the other three because it was designed this way from the ground up. I think monk tanks are awesome.
The thing I really like in an unreasonable way is how you play Pac-Man with the invisible balls. Mostly because I find it really appropriate that the guy who tanks drunk has to pick up invisible healing balls that only he can see.