Well, I'm at 450 ilvl lol, so I got a long way to go. Also, I found out that dominance offensive is now accepting JP instead of Valor now, I should go farm some JP because I'm getting no luck with the chests, only have gotten a shoulder/back/waist piece. Have gotten SEVERAL shoulder pieces and 5-6 other pieces that my priest cannot use.
I think your time is still better spent on Timeless Isle. Rares can be tagged by anyone attacking them. They drop the 496 pieces at a decent rate from rares. They can also be traded between the players who killed the rare. If you ask in general chat maybe you'll get lucky and someone will give you the cloth pieces they do not need.
Blizzard is pretty brave with raid changes and no flying till 6.1, which is now confirmed. I don't think I will miss flying much personally and ultimately I think it's good for the game in the long term.
I thought the poll I saw on the mmo-champ forums was only laying down all the possible options the op could come up with... Damn. Megaton. I don't mind it to be honest. I didn't mind the way they did it in mop, it just annoyed me that they made me go through the same with my alts. This temporary blanket ban on all flying is actually preferable to me, for some reason. It's interesting how they make some aspects of the, like the itemization, more accessible, and then go and do the opposite with flying. Anyway, I like this change on paper, not sure I would have felt the same way if I didn't play on the dominant side of a pvp server.
The mythic raiding I am still on the fence about. I like the possibilities it has for encounter mechanics and end game balance. But it will probably mean that I will never get the chance to experience it for myself in any consistent manner.
Thanks, just gotta get some gear rolling into my pockets.
Also, I just did Guardians of Mogushan and it's not in my raid lockout. Only thing I see if Celestials, did they change how it worked, or is it bugged??
There is no lockout in LFR and flex. You can do them as many times as you want. But you will only be able to get loot directly from the bosses the first time you kill them each week. Bonus rolls can still be utilised every time you kill the bosses though. So if you're desperate for one particular item, you can queue for that part over and over, assuming you have the items needed for bonus rolls.
They really should have made the Pandaren 'race leader' a female. Sylvannas is the only one currently.
The alliance leader for pandarens is a female.