Sax Russel
That's in fire lands right? I never did that. Can it be solo'd these days by a blood DK?
You can solo the whole place as a blood DK if you want =P
That's in fire lands right? I never did that. Can it be solo'd these days by a blood DK?
It's a fantasy game.
Say we are in Azeroth A. Draenor A is currently Outland. What Blizzard is saying (if I understand everything) is that Garrosh goes back in time to Draenor B before the First War (which I believe is 30 years prior to the current wow events?). He then stays there for that entire time. He then comes through the dark portal after the MoP events I believe. So if I'm getting this right, Garrosh was in Draenor B another 30 (or whatever amount) of years and is coming to Azeroth A's present... which is the events after MoP. I don't think current Outland is stuck at all since it already exists in Azeroth/Draenor A's timeline.
Boo at no flying in Draenor of all places. Back when I first hit 70, I just flew all over the place. Because I could. On a shitty 60% increase mount.
And then after some weeks of farming monsters and nodes... epic flying. Weeeee[IMG][/QUOTE]
I'm not sure if these beautiful skyboxes will return, after all these are parts of Twisting Nether and we are going there before Draenor was ripped apart :(
Well, at least we're sitll going back to Nagrand! Hope there is more to do at high level there, the most beautiful zone in-game ended up being the most neglected one at level cap (only 2 or so dailies, both added late in expansion cycle).
Logged into WoW for the first time since Cata hit final beta. Must have been 3-4 years.
I don't recognize the game anymore. Or I do. But the graphics. Jesus. The floor textures in goldshire:O the character models. They have less detail in them than a unit from Starcraft 2. At the same time, Panderean looks great.
If the other races are brought up to Panderean it will be fantastic.
But the graphics. The animations. ohh man, it's aged. I remember thinking that this cartoony art style would never feel old, hehe. 2004 is a long time ago!
No that's not right. Time/space is actually folded, that is the Dark Portal will connect present Azeroth A to Draenor B 30 years ago. One of the main points is that we're meeting Warlords of Draenor, 30 years later half of them would be dead and Grom would be older than "Saurfang the Elder".
Forgive my ignorant question, but could an enchanter enlighten me on how much it would cost to level the enchanting profession from 0-600? I've been told just under 8K, which seems worth it compared to leather working. I also hate not having an enchanter when running heroic dungeons. Thanks!
Oh wow, that long? I was thinking of renewing my sub in January and that's on the list of things to collect before WoD comes around. I think I was about half way done with the first part (collecting items for the legendary gem,) when my sub lapsed.
You guys think I should work on my Worgen druid, or my Draenei monk? Want to try and start putting some effort, again.
Oh wow, that long? I was thinking of renewing my sub in January and that's on the list of things to collect before WoD comes around. I think I was about half way done with the first part (collecting items for the legendary gem,) when my sub lapsed.
Yeah Firelands, it's probably even easier for Blood DK. I did it as a ret pally in LFR gear.
An 85 raid is easy? I haven't tried to go back and do any cata stuff. I guess the iLVL jump really is astounding.
<--- did no cata raiding except dragon soul.
Question for you warlocks out there. Since I got some cloth drops from TImeless Isle I now finally want to drag my lock from 80-90 and go after the green fire quest. Cause that shit is awesome. What iLvL should I be shooting for to be able to get it? I figured I could get to 90 and farm some drops and hopefully get a few burdens so I could update his gear once I get there. I wish Burden's weren't soul bound.
As with all of these questions, it entirely depends on your server, faction population, patience, and time you are willing to invest. If you want to buy everything off of the AH in one go, then 8k is probably a bit low and unless you are on a fairly populated server there just aren't going to be enough materials up at any given time and there is a decent chance someone will catch on and start relisting at higher prices (particularly for TBC/Wrath enchanting mats.)
I believe I spent around 15k to power-level enchanting and maybe 20-25k on leatherworking - this is combining the cost of 1-525 in Cata and 525-600 in MoP. However, I did do 1-525 on a medium-low pop server and 525-600 in a very high pop server, also both parts were done in the space of 1-2 hours so I was basically paying w/e the sellers wanted to charge instead of hunting for deals.
Things you can do to speed up this process and lessen the gold hit:
1. Run lower level dungeons and DE everything
2. Collect cloth from these dungeons and have a tailor alt craft stuff to DE
3. Look for weapons/armor on AH that are selling for less than the mats they DE into
4. Keep track of items you can convert between and always buy the cheaper one (e.g. lesser to greater essence, abyss crystals vs infinte dust/greater cosmic essence - I used to make a lot of money shattering these and selling the dust/essence for 5-10x what the crystal cost.)
Enchanting is nice to have in dungeons, but you are only really saving on BoP items that no-one needs and you win the DE roll on - you can always keep BoE items in your bag and ask someone to DE them later for cheap. With the changes in WoD, the gold income from enchanting looks like it will drop a good amount. You can make decent money with almost any profession, so consider whether you are ever really going to be able to make up the cost you put in versus sticking with your current profession. I'm not saying you shouldn't switch or your reasons for switching are bad, but I know some people have a hard time making gold in game and if you are one of them then you should think twice whether the investment is worth it. Obviously if you have some gold to blow, all of these things are irrelevant.
Are those the best pre-raid gear? It's better than the justice point gear right?
An 85 raid is easy? I haven't tried to go back and do any cata stuff. I guess the iLVL jump really is astounding.
<--- did no cata raiding except dragon soul.
Question for you warlocks out there. Since I got some cloth drops from TImeless Isle I now finally want to drag my lock from 80-90 and go after the green fire quest. Cause that shit is awesome. What iLvL should I be shooting for to be able to get it? I figured I could get to 90 and farm some drops and hopefully get a few burdens so I could update his gear once I get there. I wish Burden's weren't soul bound.
Phase #2801 - Karazhan Restoration
Draenei monk, because I have literally never seen one.
Blizz shat the bed with JP pretty bad with mists. It was completely worthless for the majority of the xpac for anything other than heirlooms, which is probably a big reason why 5-man heroics felt so unimportant and forgettable compared to previous xpacs.
The only reason i do heroics is because its a very easy 80 VP. One heroic per day + that daily Emperor rep that gives 50 VP + 50 Epoch Stone for 200VP and one or two LFRs for 90 VP and i quickly reach the weekly cap.
I hate how fucking easy LFD heroics are now.Not that I want something as hard as BC or early Cata, but man... give us a little challenge at least, make the bosses dangerous or something.
Bashiok said:The second thing is we really like when flying feels like a reward and something you've earned for each new expansion or area. It's such a powerful ability and we look back at BC (at least for epic riding) or Wrath and those were really big keystone achievements for us as players (mainly because they had some pretty huge gold costs on them...). Regardless of the unlock method though it was one of the bigger moments when you unlocked flying, took to the skies, and were able to see the world from an entirely different vantage because for most of us it wasn't easily attainable. Our plan has been to recapture some of that but make it a bit cooler, and while we don't have specifics just yet, it'll be something more involved than just paying gold; something that further emphasizes how powerful flight is. Unlocking it won't just be level 100 on the day 6.1 comes out with some gold, but something you'll be working toward over the course of the initial expansion release, and 6.1 will introduce the final steps to complete it. Think of something like a mini Legendary cloak quest. It's such a enormous power to be able to fly we really want it to be more of a key moment when you unlock it, and something that feels like an accomplishment more than just shelling out some gold like we've had in the past.
Would be nice to have a reason to use CC outside of raid trash again. I can't remember the last time I saw sap, polymorph, etc wear off on a mob.
WOTLK : No CC required
People definitely misremember wrath heroics early on. There was definitely CC going on in at least some of them, and wipes weren't terribly rare, especially in Ahn'Kahet and Gun'Drak. Halls of Lightning had some serious trash pulls as well.
Yeah, the problem with Wrath was how easy Naxx was. HoL's final boss was tough on an under geared group as well.
Are the chests in TI shared throughout the account or characters? If not, then I'm gonna go on my alt and go loot their chests.
Characters only, so each character can loot the chests. Only BoP item is Burdens.
People definitely misremember wrath heroics early on. There was definitely CC going on in at least some of them, and wipes weren't terribly rare, especially in Ahn'Kahet and Gun'Drak. Halls of Lightning had some serious trash pulls as well.
I don't really remember CCing in those instances. Sure the bosses and some of the trash were a little tough and we had to be careful with our pulls, but CC?? I don't remember that.
I guarantee you the only heroics I've ever CC'ed in were BC.
I don't really remember CCing in those instances. Sure the bosses and some of the trash were a little tough and we had to be careful with our pulls, but CC?? I don't remember that.
I guarantee you the only heroics I've ever CC'ed in were BC.
I guarantee you the only heroics I've ever CC'ed in were BC.
Farming Netherwing rep. I miss BC.
I love how each expansion has altered the mood and feel of things enough for them each to feel like a separate game. Vanilla/BC/Wrath/MoP all feel so distinct from one another. Cata does too, but to a lesser extent... I guess because we were back in EK/Kalimdor.
I guarantee you the only heroics I've ever CC'ed in were BC.
Queue: 1200
ETA: 50 minutes
No flying until 6.1 , holy shit! Megaton!
This will definitely encourage exploring/pvp.
So, when do we get to go to the emerald dream and fight that last Old God?
Wrath heroics were pretty much perfect. Not as hard as BC, but not faceroll easy until fairly late in the xpac when everyone totally outgeared them.
It's funny how we went from Cata, where almost every pulls asked for some kind of CC, to MoP where its basically "fuck it, let's AOE everything to death".
But...since expansions have been going like that since BC:
BC : CC required
WOTLK : No CC required
Cata : CC required
MoP : No CC required
One can only assume that WoD will bring CC back into heroics(and scenarios)... maybe.
I don't see a chance of that happening - they're introducing a lot more incidental AOE from the talents I saw at Blizzcon.