Opinion, Worgen Druid or Worgen Rogue. It's as lady.
The male Worgen attack animations are really nice, which you don't get to see as much if you're a druid. I'm sure the female ones are probably up to par there as well.
Opinion, Worgen Druid or Worgen Rogue. It's as lady.
Farming Netherwing rep. I miss BC.
I guarantee you the only heroics I've ever CC'ed in were BC.
I hope they make some kind of reference to "Corgis Unleashed" in this expansion. Would so love a corgi companion pet
I wonder when WoD beta will start.
I want it, I need it. If it doesn't get a swarm attack, I'd be sad.
Damn, thought SoO LFR was 490, it's 496 =/
Looks like I'll just go through Thunderlord Raid and hopefully get some gear there. Can anyone tell me where I can get the tokens for extra rolls for that raid?
I remember when my friend farmed for the Netherwing mount back in BC. He said it took him 30 days and around 2 hour a day doing each quest. He then had to drop around 1k gold to get the mount. It all seemed like so much back then. I got around 7 days farmed and completed and then I stopped. I finally got back to farming it right when Cata came out. Took me another week but logged some serious hours since I just looked for eggs all day since I didn't want to do the quests the next day.
Anyways, it brought back some serious memories. I felt like I was back in BC all of a sudden.
Of course, a good group could steamroll WLK heroics even from the start.
Timeless Isle is awesome though. I hope WoD is heavily based on something like that.
They have stated that as their intention, at least. Very few dailies, more Timeless Isle-style stuff. Although I wouldn't expect anywhere near the same level of loot acquisition as timeless isle, as that is specifically a late expansion catch-up mechanic.
One thing that bothers me is that TI mechanics are *heavily* weighted towards DPS; quests are often a bit more open because the goal is generally more nuanced than 'kill this mob' (even if it's "kill multiple mobs", at least tanks can approach that in a tanky way by pulling a lot at once). I do hope they're not going to design it with the expectation that players will only attempt this content as DPS.
Tanks being good at DPS is a relatively recent development. Tanks being able to approach quest content in a different way to DPS due to being tanks has been the case since I started tanking properly in TBC at least.How is that different from how it's always been? Solo/quest stuff has always been a DPS game, tanks being good at it is a relatively recent development. Healer specs are always going to be the worst at doing damage to stuff, and doing damage to stuff is how like 99% of solo content functions.
Tanks being good at DPS is a relatively recent development. Tanks being able to approach quest content in a different way to DPS due to being tanks has been the case since I started tanking properly in TBC at least.
That said, a nice solution for healers would be good.
There's an easy solution for healers : switch to DPS or tank. I really doubt that with dual specs, not a single healer has a DPS or tank spec that they can use for quests/dailies/farming/soloing raids. Their job is to heal, if they could do decent DPS on top of that, everybody would be doing content in their healer spec.
So, as someone who is pretty new to this, what are the good professions for my first char (a level 33 Draenei Enhancement Shaman)?
Yeah, that's part of why gearing across healer/caster dps specs is essentially identical, with spirit converting to hit for all applicable classes. The intent is that you just swap over to a dps spec when doing dps-focused content, which is what solo/quest stuff is.
The problem then is that you have to learn a radically different skillset. Heck, I don't think I'm a good enough *tank* yet, without having to insert a new skillset into my range
I should emphasise: I don't really see this as a problem with a clear solution, I'm more simply highlighting that it *is* a problem.
How is that different from how it's always been? Solo/quest stuff has always been a DPS game, tanks being good at it is a relatively recent development. Healer specs are always going to be the worst at doing damage to stuff, and doing damage to stuff is how like 99% of solo content functions.
There's an easy solution for healers : switch to DPS or tank. I really doubt that with dual specs, not a single healer has a DPS or tank spec that they can use for quests/dailies/farming/soloing raids. Their job is to heal, if they could do decent DPS on top of that, everybody would be doing content in their healer spec.
The problem then is that you have to learn a radically different skillset. Heck, I don't think I'm a good enough *tank* yet, without having to insert a new skillset into my range![]()
Go for complementary professions where you're not starved for materials. Herbalism/Alchemy or Skinning/Leathercrafting are good combos for your first character. The only rough spots will be the cataclysm materials since you don't spend much time from 80-85 in cata zones anymore.
If you have problem doing solo content as a blood dk or brewmaster.....you need to learn how to play your class. Also, if you are complaining its slow, get a dps spec. You'll die much quicker though.
Opinion, Worgen Druid or Worgen Rogue. It's as lady.
Can I play timeless isle with a friend from another server? He's thinking of coming back to the game but he's on a different server than me.
So how bad is SoO in lfr? I got the appropriate ilvl and got into a group. Man oh man, so much dick wagging and people complaining. Tank just pulled the first boss without giving no fucks about doing a ready check and some people were still walking back after dieing. After a wipe, I just left hopefully to find a better group tonight.
The fucking soundtrack to this game is some kind of incredible behemoth. The greatest soundtrack to any game in existence as far as I'm concerned, if you build the collaborative efforts of the last 9 years into one package. So varied, so incredible, so resonant and so catchy. I find myself humming everything from Pandaria even in the months when I'm off the game.
It's just nuts....do we have a thread dedicated to the WoW scores over the years?
And are there ways of officially/legally obtaining the full soundtrack to the game (that is, everything from each expansion release - not just what they put on the LE soundtrack discs - as well as all the stuff added via patches between expansions)?
The number of tracks must number in the....several hundreds? Like, maybe even 300+?
I'm in love with it.
MoP's OST on full playback right now - man, the second half of August Celestials....
I feel bad. I had the music muted for most of MoP because I was in ventrilo and listening to Pandora most of the time. I missed a lot of the zones music.
sigils of power are for the first state of the legendary quest which you turn in to wrathion at the tavern in the mistsWhere's the person I exchange Sigil of Powers located at?
And are there ways of officially/legally obtaining the full soundtrack to the game (that is, everything from each expansion release - not just what they put on the LE soundtrack discs - as well as all the stuff added via patches between expansions)?
I doubt it's illegal to rip them from the MPQs, relatively little effort involved too. http://www.zezula.net/en/mpq/download.html
You guys are missing so much, you have no idea. Recently, i really like the music on the Timeless Isle. Especially the first one that always play when i log or teleport there.
It's technically reverse engineering of the game files, so it's not legal no. But I really doubt anyone would actually care.
It's technically reverse engineering of the game files, so it's not legal no. But I really doubt anyone would actually care.
Yeah, I play the game muted as well so I can listen to music or podcasts. And Mumble/Vent if I'm raiding.I feel bad. I had the music muted for most of MoP because I was in ventrilo and listening to Pandora most of the time. I missed a lot of the zones music.
Some of my favorite songs over the years are The Barrens (now Org), Howling Fjords music, and the LBRS/WC/vanilla dungeon music.
Does LFR Garrosh drop the Essences? Need to figure out if I should bail before doing him as he has no loot otherwise.