They're not. Don't know why he thought male humans were there.
Yeah, I ran it a ton on my warrior back in the day. Never saw it drop once.Man I stealthed through and killed Baron on my rogue at least, I dunno, at least 400 times it has to have been, around mid TBC. Haven't tried since. Traumatized. Grats!
They're not. Don't know why he thought male humans were there.
I can't wait to see the new human and night elf models. Night elfs aren't terrible right now, but my human warrior looks look like an idiot. Nearly all the human models look bad at this point :lol
Nawwwt. Goblin males do.
Yes. Everything's changing. Even small things like the way a dwarf's beard sways when he moves.It's the run animation that still bothers me so much. Any hope that these would be updated as well?
Haha wow, I just had a huge brain fart or something, I read human and thought to myself "yeah gnomes are like small humans"
Nevermind I suck.
Thacker, your scroll should be in your inbox within 25min though.
Yes. Everything's changing. Even small things like the way a dwarf's beard sways when he moves.
Granted they aren't likely to drastically change things with any of the races, but if the ones they've shown so far are anything to go by then humans will look vastly improved compared to the current models.
I know, I just don't wanna spend 30k or whatever on it.
I'd rather just go and level up Engineering and make it myself with all the other mounts.
While doing dungeons, I think I've figured out something that really bugged me and felt like the classes being homogenized aesthetically and not just mechanically. Weapons. I feel like, and I know I'm in the minority on this because people want more options not less, but I feel like there's far too many classes using weapons they shouldn't be using. Stats-wise, they absolutely should be. But, for example, I keep seeing Shaman with staves because they have great stats for an Elemental Shaman. And all I can do is be bummed out by this because it just makes them look like any other casters. It made them look like hard ass battle casters and not clothies. So many classes look like so many other classes due to the weapons they have. I know Blizzard can't change it because they'll likely give more than take them away due to not having to make more models even if the personalized loot system would make it more possible. But I mean, it's bad how 'lorebreaking' or just wrong some class/weapon combos feel. What I mean is....
Rogues - How often do you see rogues rocking daggers? Almost never because it always seems like the best rogue weapons are swords, maces and axes. Swords I can kind of understand, but a rogue should stand out by his/her use of daggers. A rogue should want something small and quick so they can get in there and stab the fuck out of dudes. A rogue should be stabbing, not slashing. And maces and axes? Far too heavy to be useful to a rogue. How exactly does poison get applied via blunt object? Fist weapons are another that I just feel like don't fit the idea behind their class.
Paladins - Axes. Paladins should not be using axes just like Death Knights shouldn't be using maces. It just seems wrong. A mace fits a Paladin as a 'defender' weapon, it looks right. A sword fits as a regal type of blade to cut someone with. An axe is fucking savage looking. It don't fit no paladin. It fits a Death Knight.
Monk - Even if they don't use them, Monks shouldn't have bladed dual wielding weapons. It just looks weird. Staves and Polearms are fine.
DKs- Death Knights shouldn't be dual wielding(and I say this as a dwing deaht knight) and they shouldn't be using blunt weapons.) There's already enough DW melee classes.
Enhancement Shaman - This spec should be THE fist weapons spec. Maybe axes too, but they should really play up the elemental infused fist weapons since Monks wouldn't need any arbitrary additions to their fists.
Druids - They don't need weapons. That's silly.
I'm sure there's a ton missing, but it's really bothered me. I wish there was more 'iconic weapon types' for classes.
While doing dungeons, I think I've figured out something that really bugged me and felt like the classes being homogenized aesthetically and not just mechanically. Weapons. I feel like, and I know I'm in the minority on this because people want more options not less, but I feel like there's far too many classes using weapons they shouldn't be using. Stats-wise, they absolutely should be. But, for example, I keep seeing Shaman with staves because they have great stats for an Elemental Shaman. And all I can do is be bummed out by this because it just makes them look like any other casters. It made them look like hard ass battle casters and not clothies. So many classes look like so many other classes due to the weapons they have. I know Blizzard can't change it because they'll likely give more than take them away due to not having to make more models even if the personalized loot system would make it more possible. But I mean, it's bad how 'lorebreaking' or just wrong some class/weapon combos feel. What I mean is....
Rogues - How often do you see rogues rocking daggers? Almost never because it always seems like the best rogue weapons are swords, maces and axes. Swords I can kind of understand, but a rogue should stand out by his/her use of daggers. A rogue should want something small and quick so they can get in there and stab the fuck out of dudes. A rogue should be stabbing, not slashing. And maces and axes? Far too heavy to be useful to a rogue. How exactly does poison get applied via blunt object? Fist weapons are another that I just feel like don't fit the idea behind their class.
Paladins - Axes. Paladins should not be using axes just like Death Knights shouldn't be using maces. It just seems wrong. A mace fits a Paladin as a 'defender' weapon, it looks right. A sword fits as a regal type of blade to cut someone with. An axe is fucking savage looking. It don't fit no paladin. It fits a Death Knight.
Monk - Even if they don't use them, Monks shouldn't have bladed dual wielding weapons. It just looks weird. Staves and Polearms are fine.
DKs- Death Knights shouldn't be dual wielding(and I say this as a dwing deaht knight) and they shouldn't be using blunt weapons.) There's already enough DW melee classes.
Enhancement Shaman - This spec should be THE fist weapons spec. Maybe axes too, but they should really play up the elemental infused fist weapons since Monks wouldn't need any arbitrary additions to their fists.
Druids - They don't need weapons. That's silly.
I'm sure there's a ton missing, but it's really bothered me. I wish there was more 'iconic weapon types' for classes.
Now that I'm 90 I've been working on Tillers and Shado-Pan reps, as well as doing what Timeless Isle I can. TI is kinda tough if you're a fresh 90 in greens so I'm not doing quite as well as I'd hoped with it. Friends are starting to hit 90 too so as a group it should be easier.
Anything else I should be doing instead or in addition?
I just went ahead and resubbed. It's amazing how much you can forget in a year. I don't remember any of the UI mods I used... or anything
All my hotkeys... blah.
Rogues - How often do you see rogues rocking daggers? Almost never because it always seems like the best rogue weapons are swords, maces and axes. Swords I can kind of understand, but a rogue should stand out by his/her use of daggers. A rogue should want something small and quick so they can get in there and stab the fuck out of dudes. A rogue should be stabbing, not slashing. And maces and axes? Far too heavy to be useful to a rogue. How exactly does poison get applied via blunt object? Fist weapons are another that I just feel like don't fit the idea behind their class.
Paladins - Axes. Paladins should not be using axes just like Death Knights shouldn't be using maces. It just seems wrong. A mace fits a Paladin as a 'defender' weapon, it looks right. A sword fits as a regal type of blade to cut someone with. An axe is fucking savage looking. It don't fit no paladin. It fits a Death Knight.
Monk - Even if they don't use them, Monks shouldn't have bladed dual wielding weapons. It just looks weird. Staves and Polearms are fine.
DKs- Death Knights shouldn't be dual wielding(and I say this as a dwing deaht knight) and they shouldn't be using blunt weapons.) There's already enough DW melee classes.
Enhancement Shaman - This spec should be THE fist weapons spec. Maybe axes too, but they should really play up the elemental infused fist weapons since Monks wouldn't need any arbitrary additions to their fists.
Druids - They don't need weapons. That's silly.
I'm sure there's a ton missing, but it's really bothered me. I wish there was more 'iconic weapon types' for classes.
I just went ahead and resubbed. It's amazing how much you can forget in a year. I don't remember any of the UI mods I used... or anything
All my hotkeys... blah.
Guessing you weren't eligable for a scroll? Blizzard has these really lame rules where no one seems to be allowed to get scrolled ever if they got one during cata.
Yeah man, I find most of my knowledge from the game after being gone for a year was muscle memory for my paladin. But for my mage? I had to relearn everything.
I was looking into a second profession for one of my alts and I thought Leatherworking would be nice.
And then I looked at the required materials from 1-600.
Haha, nope.
Speaking of being a newbie again is there a setting that shows harvest-able mats on map or mini map or do I need to grab a add on for?
Okay, something that really bothers me is that the tooltips are all wrong.
It says Shield Slam is going to hit for 64k / 65k but when I test on a dummy it only does 43k.
Okay, something that really bothers me is that the tooltips are all wrong.
It says Shield Slam is going to hit for 64k / 65k but when I test on a dummy it only does 43k.
It's starting to seem likely that I won't be raiding for the rest of this expansion if they're not doing any more major patches. That I'll be spending my time amassing gold, leveling alts, getting heirlooms, getting mounts, etc
So I bought another account for $5 to play around with for a month. No heirlooms, but I am so glad I have convenient things like the mammoth vendor mount and water strider bound to account.
Shaman before level 10 is cringeworthy though. And even at 20+ it still hasn't quite picked up.
Was playing without addons, but it took maybe 2 days before I gave in and installed a basic suite of them. Still have to configure a few though. Some things just too annoying with the vanilla interface.
Oh and might try and work the AH to be able to afford the guild heirlooms, but I'm not sure if that would be worth the time. Already had to sell low level mats to get decent bags, but when I walked into the Darkmoon Faire today I realized you could get Netherweave Bag equivalents pretty much for free -_-
That would have saved me 120g or so, which is a good chunk of change when starting from nothing.
Draenei Shaman. I think it might be the highest level Alliance character I've had now.
At least it better than Pre-Cata when you didn't get your class defining spells until max level.
That wasn't fun at all.
I just went ahead and resubbed. It's amazing how much you can forget in a year. I don't remember any of the UI mods I used... or anything
All my hotkeys... blah.
How long had you been playing before you quit? I pretty much know all of my hotkeys because of muscle memory.
It's was really weird coming back after I quit for a year and a half or so. My hands knew where all of my keybinds were, but I couldn't tell you from my cognitive memory what they are (even today I couldn't tell you).
Alliance are garbage in battlegrounds, story ( why is our city still half blown up after almost 3 years), and pvp population balance. Is there any reason to play this faction?
Alliance are garbage in battlegrounds, story ( why is our city still half blown up after almost 3 years), and pvp population balance. Is there any reason to play this faction?
Alliance are garbage in battlegrounds, story ( why is our city still half blown up after almost 3 years), and pvp population balance. Is there any reason to play this faction?
Leveling a Panda hunter just highlights how poor all the other models are. I remember thinking 'well Goblin and Worgen look about as good, quality-wise'
Nah man. I'm not even just talking aesthetics but animations, facial expressions(that they exist), etc.