You don't care about battlegrounds and want to play something else than a Horde race or see the exclusive Alliance quests? Is that good enough reasons for you?
Exclusive alliance quests are mostly bad. Worgen and Draenei were non existant in their expansion compared to blood elf and goblin presence. The only feather in our cap was raiding undercity but they took out that quest for whatever reason.
How exactly are Alliance quests any worse than Horde quests?
I grinded this a year ago. I was on a very populated server and I still had trouble getting the materials. I had to find a skinner and hire him to get what I needed. It was very expensive.
I didn't think it was too bad with max skinning. There are some good guides out there that make the farming of leathers manageable. But without skinning? Yeah, probably not worth it. Would cost a fortune on my server.Yeah, unless you're a Skinner, I would imagine leveling LW would be very, very painful.
(I was a Skinner when I did it, and it was a major pain in the ass at points.)
Probably the most painful is that LONG stretch to 300 where you need tons of leather from all over the place.
They'll show on your minimap for mining/herbalism but you'll need an addon to 'remember' nodes you've harvested. Gatherer will also remember nodes your guildies/party members harvest to build out a map of materials.
Back to WoW this weekendafter about 4 years hiatus, but had a problem with my 70 spriest. Where the blue fuck do I learn vampiric embrace or why can't I find it anywhere in my spells tab?and loving it
Most other things I'm getting from blogs or in-game chats. Thanks in advance.
Yeah VE is actually a strong healing CD for a non-healing class. Check out your 'shadow' tab and it'll show you everything you have or will get for being shadow, period. Alphabetical active abilities, alphabetical passive abilities, then unearned abilities by level you'll earn them. It's well sorted.
Wowhead says you don't get it until 78 now.
It's also different now, its a 3 minute CD and lasts for 15 seconds.
Yeah VE is actually a strong healing CD for a non-healing class. Check out your 'shadow' tab and it'll show you everything you have or will get for being shadow, period. Alphabetical active abilities, alphabetical passive abilities, then unearned abilities by level you'll earn them. It's well sorted.
VE's not bad if your group is small or you're by yourself...Glyph it up, front load it with a Devouring Plague and some Mind Flay Insanity, you can heal yourself up pretty quick. In raid though, the healing is split in so many ways it's definitely more of a "every little bit helps" kind of thing than something that'll save the raid.
O ok. Just dinged 74 so no problem.
That's pretty much the consensus on the WoW forums. I just find it very strange for blizz to make you wait until 78 to use it. I always saw it as the definitive spriest spell.
Almost forgot, thx for the help![]()
Also, just started actually bothering to do MOP quests, is the farm thing worth the effort?
Time for our third night on Garrosh normal. Any tips? Our biggest problem currently is after the second 'vision' phase, dealing with the empowered whirlwind ability; a combination of the adds going straight for me (as a tank) - but I'm going to counter that by turning off RF at that stage - people being spread out for the add spawns, making it hard to heal and people not *dealing* with the adds rapidly enough meaning we've not regrouped in time for the next weapon/mind control.
(And even as I type that, I've had a brainwave for the adds. Can one person be targetted with adds twice in the same whirlwind, or will each bolt pick a unique target?)
Time for our third night on Garrosh normal. Any tips? Our biggest problem currently is after the second 'vision' phase, dealing with the empowered whirlwind ability; a combination of the adds going straight for me (as a tank) - but I'm going to counter that by turning off RF at that stage - people being spread out for the add spawns, making it hard to heal and people not *dealing* with the adds rapidly enough meaning we've not regrouped in time for the next weapon/mind control.
(And even as I type that, I've had a brainwave for the adds. Can one person be targetted with adds twice in the same whirlwind, or will each bolt pick a unique target?)
What we do is DPS spreads, each one picks up an add and kills it away from the rest of the adds. Though our DPS is fairly good so I'm not sure if this'll work for you.
Part of the issue there is that the adds generally make a beeline for me, but I'm hoping the RF change will rectify that. That might actually be the only issue, but it's hard to distinguish between "We can't kill these adds because you're pulling aggro off us" or "We can't react quickly enough to get the adds focussed on us".
Edit: One other thought, should we manage to hit the P3 transition: Does he keep using weapon/MC while he's doing the emoting for the transition? One thing I'm not sure about is quite where his health pool will be when (if) we hit the third vision phase: We're getting through about 50% between first and second, but the scattering and add-killing is going to have an impact, so it'll be touch-and-go if we can burn down a further 40% between the second and third.; if we do get through a third vision, we're going to want to drop him below 10% before he casts the newly-empowered MC.
On that note, I'm thinking that if the third vision does happen, we should keep everyone stacked and treat the weapon like we do in P1, that'll probably maximise our DPS for that short spell.
Turning off RF will make a noticeable improvement. Our pally tank started doing that last week, made the adds much easier to grab. Still recommend rooting where possible though. As much faith as I have in Mind Blast to get aggro on one, Void Tendril's are much more trustworthy.
For weapons, you have enough room that you can simply move around them once you enter P2. Stand at the edge of one so the desecrates overlap as much as possible, that kind of thing. Maybe DPS one down if it's in a really bad spot.
Oh, I should have said! We're killing them in general in P2 (Move, deal with mind control, blast weapon, repeat), but I'm thinking of the last one specifically, where we may not need to retreat in time for the whirlwind.
Worgen are pretty much the most irrelevant alliance race. Like I see plenty of them, but they're just there. You're better off just associating them with the humans of the Alliance.TBC is full of Draenei lore. Shattrath is a Draenei capital city, the Exodar was originally part of Tempest Keep, there are Draenei cities all over Outland, about half of the Alliance towns are Draenei-oriented, and a good portion of Outland lore is dedicated to the Draenei's presence there, even if it is due to the infamous Blizzard retconning technique.
Worgen, though, vanished after their starting zone, aside from a few NPCs here and there and some questlines that mention or briefly involve them. That quest in The Blasted Lands where you put the spirits of the Gilnean shipwreck to rest comes to mind. I feel like Gilneas became more important to the Horde than it did to the Alliance. Its second half is done on the Horde side, in the Undead zone! It makes sense, lore wise, but they really couldn't make it an Alliance quest hub, too? The Goblins got Azshara, and the Worgen got dumped off in Darkshore. Come on.
I was randomly thinking about what Death Knights were like at the launch of WoTLK, where all 3 specs could (sorta) both tank and DPS, and how strict the rotations were.
Part of me misses it, especially Blood DPS.
I haven't gotten around to touching my DK in MoP yet, but I can't imagine they are that different from Cata.
Worgen are pretty much the most irrelevant alliance race. Like I see plenty of them, but they're just there. You're better off just associating them with the humans of the Alliance.
It might depend on your server, but the biggest race downfall population-wise on mine has been Tauren. I hardly EVER see Tauren anymore. I used to see them more than any other race until Blood Elves. Now they're the Horde race I see the least of. Trolls and Orcs made a big comeback and Taurens are just wallowing in Mulgore.
I still think if Blizzard could 'redo' any race it would be the Draenei though. I think they know they fucked up with how much retconning and how ridiculous they are, but too many people like them for it to happen. But after that, I think they'd want to redo how they handled Worgen. I can think of about 10 other races that would be better than Worgen.
Taurens aren't that rare, in fact there was 3 of us the other day in my 5 mans dungeon while lvling my Tauren Hunter.
Anecdotal is anecdotal? Taurens are kinda rare now as their racials really suck and they lost exclusivity to on druids.
But.... the big ass weapons and shields! No other races have that!
Few days late on this but wanna give a big shout out to Orochinagis for sending me a Scroll and re-enabling my addiction.
This is so frustrating, my fresh 90 mage in 496 gear, with trash trinkets and weapon can out dps my 522 retpally by over 20k dps.
140k frost vs ~115k retty
It isnt fair ;_;
So I never played Cataclysm nor most of MoP.
Have Hunters and Warlocks never NOT been top of the DPS food chain? Even when I outgear a hunter or Warlock, they blow my dps up even if I can beat just about every other class. It was the same way during WOTLK too(except the Locks were Aff instead of Destro). I guess Rogues are like that too, but I can top rogues, I can top Monks or come close. It just seems like the most useful soloing class is also the most useful raiding class(es)
Frost = free instant 80k-120k ice attacks for everyone.
The damage climb for frost is insane, you'll be at the bottom of the meters most of the time while leveling, and then you'll be trash while trying to get free epics from timeless. Hell you'll be worthless for your first LFR run.
But as soon as you get enough int for your ice lance to do at least 100k with fingers of frost, a decent amount of haste and mastery your dps just spikes to insane levels. I hit 90 on my mage on friday night, and was struggling to do 60k dps, but last night in ToT I was doing 140k dps on fights where I could multi dot, and 105k on single target fights.
Frost is a bit of slippery spec though, using alter time is beyond awkward, I feel like I can't reliably use it without frost orb, since I never want to pop it unless I can pop it with icy veins and 2 Finger procs and a brain freeze as well. It is a cool down that almost asks me for the stars to align to get the most out of it, which is weird since I've been so used to "fire and forget" DPS cool downs where you just pop it and do more damage.
On top of that whenever you're not getting any procs and you realize you've been spamming frost bolt for 10 seconds and you're about to refresh living bomb you start to feel like you're screwing up...even though it's basically out of your control.
It's a weird spec that I don't quite feel like I have mastery over, but it's really electrifying to play, really keeps you on your toes with making split second choices and stuff. It's a good time.
I use Frost Bomb with my Frost Mage. Its good single and aoe damage and its a free Frostfire Bolt every 5-6 secs or so. So i never spend 10 secs casting Frostbolts if im unlucky with Fingers of Frost lol.
Also, be sure to get the glyph of Ice Lance if you don't already.
Is glyph of ice lance the one that makes it cleave? Because that one paired with frozen orb is absolutely amazing for aoe.
I experimented with tempest not frost bomb, what was fun about tempest was that I had so many Brain Freeze procs! What was bad about tempest was that it did like half the damage than LB over a long fight and had so many BF procs that they were overwriting each other and I was wasting them.
The damage climb for frost is insane, you'll be at the bottom of the meters most of the time while leveling, and then you'll be trash while trying to get free epics from timeless. Hell you'll be worthless for your first LFR run.
But as soon as you get enough int for your ice lance to do at least 100k with fingers of frost, a decent amount of haste and mastery your dps just spikes to insane levels. I hit 90 on my mage on friday night, and was struggling to do 60k dps, but last night in ToT I was doing 140k dps on fights where I could multi dot, and 105k on single target fights.
Frost is a bit of slippery spec though, using alter time is beyond awkward, I feel like I can't reliably use it without frost orb, since I never want to pop it unless I can pop it with icy veins and 2 Finger procs and a brain freeze as well. It is a cool down that almost asks me for the stars to align to get the most out of it, which is weird since I've been so used to "fire and forget" DPS cool downs where you just pop it and do more damage.
On top of that whenever you're not getting any procs and you realize you've been spamming frost bolt for 10 seconds and you're about to refresh living bomb you start to feel like you're screwing up...even though it's basically out of your control.
It's a weird spec that I don't quite feel like I have mastery over, but it's really electrifying to play, really keeps you on your toes with making split second choices and stuff. It's a good time.
Yeah, that's the glyph that sends 2 Ice Lance. I use that, Glyph of Icy Veins and Glyph of Evocation.
I use the same ones except I run with glyph of water elemental, because it's a huge dps boost when in fights that are really mobile. Also glyph of evo kinda runs weird with invocation, 10% hp every 2.5 seconds has really limited functionality.
Considering I have to use Evocation almost every 50-55 secs for the 15% spell buff, its not that bad. And its the only heal mages have when soloing stuff. And I never found the water elemental dps to be even worth mentioning. Anyway, its not like i'm constantly moving in most fights.