Any ally players on here on Stormrage?
I used to play there a bit.
Have former guildmates/friends that play there now.
Any ally players on here on Stormrage?
It is because of the world first race that KJ was so severely overtuned. If they had simply designed him to be a final boss for a typical mythic raiding guild, the problem would not have existed in the first place.
The easiest solution for them would be to do exactly that, but it would kill the world first race in the process. Making the extra effort to temporarily provide the opportunity for the WF race _is_ generous.
I agree, and I don't object to Method or Exorsus pointing out that KJ was initially badly overtuned even for them. Exorsus is going beyond just that however, and using some fairly loaded language in attacking Blizzard.
If your guild is predicated on participating in an activity that is an afterthought to content, you should not be surprised if you run into glitches. And while commenting on those glitches be polite and don't act as if this was a promised feature of the game.
I'm still pretty new to WoW but I'm looking for people to play and level with on there and maybe show me the ropes.I used to play there a bit.
Have former guildmates/friends that play there now.
T I've got a second and will be doing a thrid quest to get the other two items for my classes specs artifiacts, can I display these in my class hall at all or are they just going to be stuck in my inventory/bank?
Also, my super mature college self made some colorful character names...Somuchjizz and Jizzmonster to name a few. How did those go through? I suspect I'd get a name ban if I logged in with those today.
I don't know, I continually see names like "Twatermelon" and one with a racial slur so I'm not sure if they care a whole lot. Maybe if enough people report it?
yeah something like that should hit the filter, but otherwise it requires reports. they DEFINITELY nuke names that get reported though.
Some of the names I've seen makes me wonder how they got past the filter. I guess using special characters helps with that.
Everyone is pretty spread out across North America and Europe as well as various servers, there are no GAF guilds. GAF guilds tend to peter out pretty quickly.
reminder Na'zak has only spawned once the entire expansion (not counting that time he was up for 20~ minutes) but we get this dude twice in a row
I feel as though I am the unluckiest person on WoW sometimes. Did ToS normal and again got nothing. Two weeks in a row without a single drop. is this even possible? Yes it is.
One of my more colorful characters definitely uses an ì instead of an i. That helps it go through...
But that said, if anyone does have a PvE Horde guild with open spots that I might be able to jump in on, please let me know. I'll die before I roll an Alliance anything.![]()
It's not like Blizz gets one shot mom's spaghetti to tune the boss, nobody is saying "TUNE IT FOR THE 1%!" they're saying FIX THAT SHIT for the 1%.
It's not like leaving it broken for 2 or 3 weeks is doing some great service to everyone else - they're going to have to nerf that shit eventually ANYWAY. They can fix the bullshit and still leave the fight hard, and nerf it later. They do in fact do exactly that, every single tier. Know what they don't usually do? Leave a fight fundamentally flawed and virtually unkillable, then the instant the SECOND guild kills it, fix it.
Having a usable fight for an important (even if small, significantly more important than their size indicates) portion of the playerbase
has no benefit and does not preclude them from doing what they've always done with the fight later. The implication that they shouldn't 'balance for the 1%' is flawed, because they don't - balance is a scale that they slide along as a tier advances, and it strictly moves downward. If the 1% think the fight is bullshit, it means the rest of the audience literally will never kill it. they HAVE to deal with it. They just did it in a time-frame that was fucked up.
You will have to be more specific here. If fixing it for the 1% doesn't mean tuning it for the 1%, what does it mean?
And the easiest way to fix it for everyone else is to never have attempted to tune it for world first guilds. Given how this tuning is outside the design intent of the mythic raiding difficulty it is unsuprising that they have less time to perfect it, and that mistakes slip through. Those participating in the race to world first should be understanding of that reality.
I agree their importance is more than their size indicates, though I doubt it is enough to justify devoting resources to providing the tuning neccessary for the World First race. Instead I would suspect that Blizzard devs do it simply because they are fans of the race, and enjoy watching it. (And there is nothing wrong with that.)
Except that they obviously do balance for the 1%. If they didn't the WF race wouldn't exist as guilds like Method would simply blow through the content as quickly as they do the bosses in the first half of the instance. Releasing the content with such a high level challenge means extra work for them as they have to re-tune it multiple times after release.
I'm not claiming that there would be no re-tuning if they just released it tuned for the typical Mythic raiding guild, clearly there would be as even heroic and LFR requires re-tuning after release. I'm just claiming that releasing the content in a state that is intentional too difficult for it's intended audience increases their workload for very little practical gain, and it would be very understandable if they choose to avoid the problem by initially aiming it at the target players rather than the WF guilds.
Given the inessential nature of the WF tuning, it can hardly be surprising if fixes to it are a lower priority to Blizzard than other problems. They are busy people. As long as the tuning is correct when the typical Mythic guilds begin reaching the final boss they are probably satisfied.
It's not fucking inessential, this shit has to happen at some point anyway, the alternative to not fixing the boss is leaving it so broken that 'non 1%' never even has a prayer of killing it. Just because you're not the top guild doesn't mean the game shouldn't function properly for them, or that they don't have a large influence over the raid scene as a whole.
For example: They JUST tuned down the damage on the darkness phase and reduced the meteors on Mythic KJ. literally as soon as Exorsus killed it. Why? This could've been done a week ago, everyone doing the fight knew it was fucked up in terms of what it required. This is a basic example of the kind of mechanic that is OFTEN broken, but is also typically fixed very quickly.
It's very telling that you're simply saying 'lol get fucked nerds' to these problems when they literally DO NOT AFFECT YOU. Period. The solution to the problem is literally more inclusive and has literally no negative impact on anyone below the world first guilds - even if you go 'lol taking time away from fixing other things', it's flat out wrong to think that, this is shit that DOES have to be done at some point.
That's ridiculous. Why not just remove everything but LFR? Sorry that your'e not in a position to use world first content, MOST of the playerbase isn't even in a position to see mythic, why should that exist either? It's not hard to tweak numbers down after some guilds see a boss. Like, not in the least. Stop acting like it's some grand drain on the wow team to do so.
You, frankly, have no fucking idea what you're saying here dude. It's not like Blizz gets one shot mom's spaghetti to tune the boss, nobody is saying "TUNE IT FOR THE 1%!" they're saying FIX THAT SHIT for the 1%. It's not like leaving it broken for 2 or 3 weeks is doing some great service to everyone else - they're going to have to nerf that shit eventually ANYWAY. They can fix the bullshit and still leave the fight hard, and nerf it later. They do in fact do exactly that, every single tier. Know what they don't usually do? Leave a fight fundamentally flawed and virtually unkillable, then the instant the SECOND guild kills it, fix it.
I suspect Blizz's policy is something approximating "If the guild is getting nowhere, nerf it gradually. Once they're getting close, hands off, so they don't feel cheated out of 'earning' the kill due to the nerfs". Rinse and repeat for each guild getting close.
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
Who goes there?
An illusion! What are you hiding?
Something's not quiet right...
All those Coins of Air 🤤I just sap those guys, it's great fun.
Worst zone in the entire game. And I'm talking about walking until you are level 40 old school zones.
Suramar is the strongest portion of PVE in Legion. The whole build up to the Nighthold raid is so well done and it stands in such stark contrast to the Broken Shore and the Legionfall "campaign". If Suramar was done by the main team then The Broken Shore was designed by a couple of interns jammed in a janitors or supply closet. The only thing that's sort of egregious about Suramar is the rep gating. Wish they would've removed that with 7.2 or 7.2.5.
I love that moment in the Insurgency campaign where Elisande shittalks all of the other "kinds" of elves on the bridge leading to the Nighthold.
Some of the names I've seen makes me wonder how they got past the filter. I guess using special characters helps with that.
The visuals are impressive, as is the questline, but the actual questing/gameplay in that area, and getting around on a ground mount has been a nightmare, even using portals.
Legion on PVP servers is a nightmare if you're on the wrong side of the faction imbalance. I can't believe the turn-ins for emissary caches aren't sanctuary.
Try level up a Ally DH on Illidan-US, i dare you.
Its not impossible, but really frustrating.
I haven't been following rumors closely lately. What are the chances of the next expansion being announced at Gamescom in august? Legion was announced there two years ago.
I haven't been following rumors closely lately. What are the chances of the next expansion being announced at Gamescom in august? Legion was announced there two years ago.
6.2 had come out in June. This made it impossible to wait for Blizzcon to come around without having a public direction for where the game was going for so long. Since 7.3 is still slated I would think there is less pressure for an early reveal.I haven't been following rumors closely lately. What are the chances of the next expansion being announced at Gamescom in august? Legion was announced there two years ago.