Suramar is the strongest portion of PVE in Legion. The whole build up to the Nighthold raid is so well done and it stands in such stark contrast to the Broken Shore and the Legionfall "campaign". If Suramar was done by the main team then The Broken Shore was designed by a couple of interns jammed in a janitors or supply closet. The only thing that's sort of egregious about Suramar is the rep gating. Wish they would've removed that with 7.2 or 7.2.5.
I love that moment in the Insurgency campaign where Elisande shittalks all of the other "kinds" of elves on the bridge leading to the Nighthold.
Aye Suramar is the best zone i played in years in WoW. Storytelling wise it was amazing ending all up to the last quest when you get your mount, i did this a long side Balance of Power quest for my bear druid form.