pet/marksman for PvE. Marksman/Survival for PvP.
Pets simply aren't as effective for PvP, but they can really compliment a PvE party with how multi-role some of them can be. I have a Raptor to assist damage and tank adds, and a turtle for when we have a total lack of a player tank. I swap between them when I feel the need.
Anyway. I made a tree for myself, I put Imp. Hawk, HP+, ATK+ and DEF+ under beast. And the rest I shoved in some order under Marksman.
Here it is, it was: Concussion, Lethal, Arcane Up, Mortal, Hawk Eye, Scorpid Up, Scatter, Ranged Special (3/5) and True Shot.
Pretty good set for a quality ranged with a tank-centric pet. As far as I know though, avoid Imp. hunters mark, as it isn't nessicary to tree, and aimed shot SUCKS as it runs on the same timer as arcane. You'd be better off just chaining an arcane into a normal shot unless youre using it to pull.
I took my Hunter to 28, but I'm very displeased with the direction I took it, the look I gave it, and how late I got into crafting. So I think I'll just restart and try something new. What I love about WoW is that you can catch back up in just a few days if you know what you're doing, heh.
Do you experienced guys have any opinions on quality character duos? I wanna swap back to duoing with a pal, and found that Hunter & Druid worked OK, but need a new one now. Simply quality PvE combo.