I thought hunter talents rocked, personally. They're all pretty well focused. It's not like any class has talents that are all amazing, but when you add all the improvements up they're pretty good, especially in the case of hunters and shamans (my favorite shaman talent build only had one new active ability).nataku said:I'm finding my pet to be extremely useful for PvP. If I was really serious about doing a ton of PvP I'd probably go half and half in marks. and beast mastery, just enough so I could get frenzy for my pet, and skip trueshot aura. Right now though, I'm going all out marks to get trueshot aura ASAP. Should have it at Lv40.
Not too sure if I'm gonna keep points in Imp. Hunter's Mark and put points into Imp. Aspect of the Hawk, though. The gain from them is pretty minimal. Then again, there isn't much else to put the points into.
I honestly think Hunter talents are a little lacking. Only a couple really stand out and make you say "Wow." IMO.
iirc the starting beast talents are improved aspect of the hawk and something that improves your pet slightly... if so the pet talent is the best to start with. What I was actually gonna do on my hunter in beta was go through marksmanship just to trueshot aura (so 31 points there) and the other 20 talent points into pet talents. the thing with marksmanship is, only scatter shot and the starting talent for improved concussive shot are really good for pvp because anybody can and will close the gap with you. that's why I say pet talents are good... when you make your pet so strong it can't be ignored (which is more of something that happens at high levels) then you force the player to choose, and quite frankly killing the hunter can be tough when the pet is hitting them for 200-300 damage (heard you could get that much with all of the pet talents at level 60). that also means either they chase you (so your pet is constantly hurting them, and it's not damage they can ignore) or they focus on the pet and that lets you get range and unload with those skills.
also, when mage talents came out, there were tons of things that were awesome. then those abilities were so strong that on the test servers they were too good so they got nerfed. nothing in the hunter talent list is strong enough to get nerfed, except maybe the stun thing on concussive shot (which would just be lowered to the same stun chance as the priest and mage talents like that, which is 10%). it's the same with shaman talents - nothing there is so strong it'll get nerfed.