AeroGod said:
There is nothing more annoying then when you are trying to do a quest and some dickhead 10 levels higher then you kills you and sits on your body while is friend sits at the graveyard and kills you as soon as you pop up there. I like PvP, but I like questing for XP too. After lvl 35 its almost impossible unless I play at 3am when nobody is on anymore. I cant go to Desolace or Stranglethorn without getting run over by some impossible to kill lvl 40 paladin. I play a warlock, and they deal damge slowly. Its impossible for a Warlock to kill a Paladin, especially if I get jumped while im soloing with my voidwalker and i dont have the Succubus or the Imp out. The server i play on is grossly imbalanced in favor of the allaince. It isnt uncommon to see 10-15 alliance members running around the Barrens on mounts, raiding Xroad every night killing off half the damned place yet on the horde i can hardly get a group together because nobody is high enough to do Kraul, Downs or the Monastery. So I have to solo at 3am to level up anymore. LOL And we HAVE no fucking Priests. There might be 10 troll and 10 undead priests total, and most of them are lvl 25 or lower. Yay. And im not leaving now. Im already this high im not moving to another server, not yet atleast.
i'm gonna give you my basic warlock strategy that owns paladins, because warlocks can tear those guys a new asshole if you know how to play against them (they're also good at beating shamans, but you're horde so that's just dueling):
first off, use curse of agony on them, but don't bother with immolate or corruption since they can cleanse those. just remember, agony can't be cleansed by them at all and it does major damage, and it can be cast on the run. ok, now what you also want to do is fear them and cast drain mana as soon as they're feared. you have to chain this spell as much as you can but paladins don't get a lot of mana, so as soon as you drain off their mana they are fucked and it only takes maybe 4 casts if they're around your level... after you have their mana drained stack on the DOTs. don't spam fear constantly or you get hit by the diminishing effects, but you can drain mana about twice each time as long as they don't hit you. you can also put corruption on them as soon as you cast fear since it and agony will fuck them up with a lot lower chance of breaking fear than immolation does, and if you get the talent to make corruption instant cast you can cast it on the run too, so you can chase them while they're feared. when they start to heal use curse of tongues, it instantly slows casting speed and paladin heals don't heal all their hp in one cast anyway so you can fear them again while they're casting the second heal. if you have a felhunter out instead of a voidwalker (not going to happen often, but felhunter is ok as a solo pet) use devour magic to have it eat their blessing buffs. if your hp gets low, fear and drain life. they can only stun like once a minute so hopefully they're a retard (like almost everyone who plays paladins is) and stun you early on so it's wasted.
it's really just fear + drain mana to beat paladins/shamans but it works pretty well. way better if you have a succubus out, because you can do one majorly nice combo of seduction, then fear, then load up the DOTs (immolation last) and when seduction is broken they'll still be under fear's effects. the real classes you have to watch out for as a warlock are rogues (felhunter helps here with their paranoia spell, but not much), warriors and hunters. it's not a clear win situation against paladins/shamans but warlocks can stand up to them pretty well, especially shamans (they have no way to dispel any DOTs so fighting a shaman is just a matter of loading up the DOTs, fearing them and draining mana, which is super easy to do). priests, mages and druids should be no problem, and warriors right now aren't quite so great but they still have a moderate advantage against a warlock from my experience.
i pvped a ton in the closed beta as a shaman, priest and warlock and that was more on the pve server. the pvp crowd is about 90% dickless retards who are like "boy this game would suck if i didn't get to gank people 15 levels below me in a raid group with 9 others, now i have to go farm instances to get uber gear" as i literally never found an evenly matched fight on the pvp server, and that was playing up to level 49 when the cap was 50. on a pve server you can go about your business if you just want to level, or you can go attack a town and fight with other players when you want to. i will say in pvp's defense that you get some fun out of using more than just your class's spells to play, learning stuff like position on maps for good hiding/ambush spots, but the community on the servers is too retarded to make it worth it. if blizzard hadn't been retarded and cut out the honor system at the last moment, pvp servers would be worthwhile because half of the ganking is obviously because there's no drawback to it. as it is i'm glad my guild from closed beta chose pve, because it's battlegrounds where i really want to pvp and until they come out i have no problem playing different classes that i like (hunter, warlock, shaman for me).