That's it, I'm snapping, I hate Druids.
Despite that...:
~Druids are near the top of WoW's support/healing game
~Druids are near the top of WoW's party control/tanking game
~Druids are near the top of WoW's typical group PvP enviroment
~Druids have by far the best utility functions in the game, and are fun as shit to play
~Druids offer both solid consistent and burst DPS, along with obscene endurance and survivability
...all they do is bitch. Seriously, we have two Druids in our LS (edit: guild, sorry, force of habit) who are total freaks, and 99% of Druid discussion on Blizzards boards is just pure crybaby shit.
I admit they have a few faults, Cat form does indeed need some tweaking. As it stands, it's far too situational (Opener VS Cloth, grinding, Prowl, Track) and stems more into utility than the consistent mana-friendly DPS form it's susposed to be. And even with this, it's being tweaked likely in the next content patch, so god, just leave the subject alone.
Notes to Druids:
~Druid is treated mostly as a healer in PvE events because there ARE NO healers. Only a Holy Priest can outdo a Restore Druid.
~The Feral tree doesn't suck, the issues with Cat, along with the fact that Restore and Balance are likely the two most polished and appealing Talent Trees in the game is apparently warping minds.
~Yes, Balance-wise Hurricane isn't very good, but tough shit, basicly every class has 1-2 of their trees corrupted with mediocre finalé abilities
~Learn how to play your damn class.
I'm rolling a Druid now. I've decided that's what I want to be, simply to get to 60, kick ass, and make fun of idiots.
...Also, I want to root people under water and drown 'em...