shoplifter said:LOL. You guys are still playing WoW? LOL.
commish said:The level 60 locks in my guild complain all the time about how useless he feels at 60. All i know about warlocks.
MrCheez said:Eh, you swore off the guy who posted this troll in your EQ2 thread... so why would you sink down to the level you perceive of him?
Plus, one person trolling does not represent the views of everyone in this thread. =P
I'm planning on playing EQ2 when I'm burned out on WOW. It looks and sounds nicer than the initial impressions gave me.shoplifter said:I know, I'm just tired of the endless trolls in EQ threads. We don't troll you guys (and i know it's not all of you.) I don't think there's been a single EQ thread that someone hasn't trolled in, aside from the new one in this forum.
On a brighter note, I've played both, and I liked EQ more, but I can see why people would like one over the other. I hope all y'all give EQ a try at some point, I'll probably play WoW again after I do the endgame stuff in EQ.
firex said:I'm planning on playing EQ2 when I'm burned out on WOW. It looks and sounds nicer than the initial impressions gave me.
the debuff limit (which is going to be either expanded or removed) is what makes warlocks so boring in raids... yes, soulstones, healthstones and aoe are nice along with banish, but because of the stupid fucking debuff limit I can't really use any DOTs except maybe immolate (and then quickly conflagrate to kill the effect). they wind up getting knocked off by other debuffs, so in raids all I do is put curse of recklessness on mobs (and hope it doesn't get knocked off, atm the guild I'm in has too few level 60s for us to do any raids beyond UBRS, plus not many of us have the onyxia key yet) and sit back and shadowbolt while my imp attacks. boring as fuck but at least for now, UBRS goes by fast enough with 15-20 people.commish said:The level 60 locks in my guild complain all the time about how useless he feels at 60. All i know about warlocks.
nataku said:![]()
Anyone else get this error when trying to patch? I posted on the WoW tech support forum but of course... the forums crashed right after I posted it. Keep getting that damn error page when I try to visit a forum.
Not really sure how to fix it... restarting WoW does nothing. Thinking of deleting those files but... I dunno.
Ferrio said:The weaponswitch mod rules. Instantly switches to my backstabbing dagger when i'm stealthed, and switches back to my combat weapons when i'm unstealthed.
nataku said:![]()
Anyone else get this error when trying to patch? I posted on the WoW tech support forum but of course... the forums crashed right after I posted it. Keep getting that damn error page when I try to visit a forum.
Not really sure how to fix it... restarting WoW does nothing. Thinking of deleting those files but... I dunno.
Rorschach said:Stupid Cosmos ><
Ferrio said:Odd, people always looking for warlocks in raids. Soulstone and their AoE are invaluable to raid instance parties.
firex said:I haven't done any real raid instances (just raided some of the level 60 instances that are too buggy/frustrating right now to 5 man), but I did some outdoor raiding in blasted lands... aoe wasn't any good there.
bjork said:I just got this game yesterday, but I *really* don't want to sift through 2000+ posts looking for tips and information...
I made a night elf druid, and so far all I've done is hit spiders and pigs (and a frog that I felt bad for killing afterwards).
Can anyone be good enough to give me some quick helpful hints for getting around and actually accomplishing things? Thanks.
bjork said:I just got this game yesterday, but I *really* don't want to sift through 2000+ posts looking for tips and information...
I made a night elf druid, and so far all I've done is hit spiders and pigs (and a frog that I felt bad for killing afterwards).
Can anyone be good enough to give me some quick helpful hints for getting around and actually accomplishing things? Thanks.
I saw it once... for an underwater quest : (commish said:Can't say I have ever seen "LFM Warlock", but I suppose it may happen. Their SS is nice for alliance, but a paladin's DI can accomplish the same thing; just takes a little more skill and teamwork to use it effectively.
Like firex mentioned, it's because their mojo gets knocked off mobs too easy/fast. That needs a good fixing asap.
Bregor said:NO! Not the frog! Now the mighty race of frog people known as Murlocs will attack you on sight!
What lvl are you currently?
Ferrio said:The weaponswitch mod rules. Instantly switches to my backstabbing dagger when i'm stealthed, and switches back to my combat weapons when i'm unstealthed.
:OOIkse said:Proposed Druid updates
I'm pretty pleased with those tbh - finally a cat form finisher, no res timer on rebirth and a new ability coming that Bear form can heal itself with rage.
More to come aswell - its not enough to make it FOTM but its a nice enough upgrade for us.
Just hoping that "More to come" will include our HoT's not dispellable
Alex said::O oooh, new servers coming soon. Marked as down in the realm status page. I can already see people crowding around the "starting line" for the PvP one.
firex said:sweet, I can't wait. I doubt they're new types, but I hope it takes some stress off kilrogg. Currently it's probably one of the higher populated servers.
Alex said:The next one, all they ever say is how much crap will be in the "upcoming content patch", I don't personally understand why they need to withhold everything, including bug fixes to make some mega patch but oh well.
The Druid stuff is really nice, I just wish they'd throw Warriors such a bone. Druids got a very nice, in-depth reply on what will be added and fixed pitched to the devs from a mod that PLAYS a Druid.
Warriors got a half assed, and downright condescending reply from a very out of touch developer.
I honestly just pity 'em. Warriors are downright fodder in1 on 1 PvP versus too many classes unless played very well, I've never lost to one. And they have no solid fixes in sight that I'm aware of.
Although, to be fair, they're solid in group PvP (this is just what I hear, hehe) and in Instances, but with the current state of the game, and with the future in They really need to make some large scale tweaks./