1.) Rage generation needs to be dealt with in a lot of scenarios.
We'll be getting a nice little boost with the upcoming patch hopefully. I just hope it works out as well as I'm thinking. If I could just generate rage 20% faster, or at least retain more rage when stance dancing, I'd be a happy man. I hope all this miss dodge stuff really does help out with that.
2.) The talent trees are fucking murder, they're all good trees really, but it FORCES you to do PvE spec or PvP spec. There's no between, there's no skew.
Totaly agreed. However, if you read blizzard's board, especially the post made by the blizzard guy addressing a lot of the warrior complaints, you come away with the big feeling that we were never built for pvp, or at least we were at one point in early beta, and that functionality was stripped away from us. We're now designed for aggro, holding aggro, dealing with aggro, and nothing more -- at least that's how they make it seem. It's rather irritating. If that mentality applied to pvp and forced PC's to attack warriors specifically, it would make us really dangerous, but it doesn't sadly. Maybe in the future...?
3.) Warrior is by the most obscene margain I've ever seen, the most difficult class in the game (out of the ones I've done: Warlock, Druid, Rogue) to play well. It's oh oh so satasfying, but while other classes like Paladin and Shaman can basicly hit a snooze button, a Warrior is forced to have obscenely nice gear and play like an olympic champion to compete.
Again, i totaly agree. We fall asleep at the wheel in a tough instance, we die and so do the mages, priests, and warlocks. We have to constantly move, change stances, pull aggro, and debuff enemies to the best extent of our abilities with intimidating shout, demoralizing shout, concussion blow, disarm, sunder armor, slam, shield bash, and so many other abilities, as well as buffing the party, we hardly worry about truly dealing any relevant DPS to the enemy. Sure, I'm super happy when I can use revenge and heroic strike -- or when my thrash blade procs, but by the time i can get one of those in, the enemy is usually at half health or less and it's time to switch to battle stance, dish a mocking blow, and a hamstring for good measure in case they like to run and they're finally dead. Of course that isn't for one enemy. All those moves usually span over a 4-5 mob elite group coupled with slamming on taunt or using our AoE taunt to pull the biggest aggro (which has that retarded BS 10 minute timer). Then, if we don't die at all and finish the instance, we're looking at a nice 60-80 silver drop to repair everything. If we do die, we're usually looking at a 1g20s+ repair fee. w00t.
4.) I want a goddamn root/snare break skill.
Ornate mithril boots. They have a root spell breaking ability, but only have 324 plate armor, and the recharge timer on them is pretty high, especially if you are rooted often, but by God are they useful. In RFD, for example, where enemies like to root often with ice, breaking that hold at a really crucial moment and hitting the AoE taunt is just so important -- and life saving.