A lot of the classes in WoW are more segmented, so it was harder for me to find a role that fit my playstyle.
I typically like support classes, White Mages and Bards and whatnot, WoW doesn't really cater so well here to my tastes.
So, as a backup, I also enjoy heavy armor classes, also tuned to the more tank/support role, but the problem is, there's only two, and despite how nicely they're focused, and they're not exactly stellar choices.
One being Paladin, which I do want to roll, but I know I'd feel extreme guilt doing so. And Warrior which is just way too much effort and frustration to maintain for me on a new server, especially a PvP one.
Anyhow, I eventually went with Mage. Extremely polished class, lots of support and utility, and glass cannons, despite how much I state I hate them, are always what I seem to wind up as.
I really do concur with any folks having alternate character problems in WoW. I figured I simply had a problem with it in FFXI due to the easy nature of the Change Job function, but I guess I'm just indecisive afterall. =(
Tips to rekindle your flame after alt burnout:
1.) Roll the other faction, the change in scenery alone helps.
2.) Roll something you didn't figure you'd enjoy. It seems to work for me.
2.) Perhaps try the alternate server type, either to add danger, or to allow relaxation if you're tiring of either.