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World of Warcraft

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SaitoH said:
Yes, WoW servers are infinitely worse. I'm just sorry you can't see this as being ironic after Sony Online's recent press release.

Guess stating "nothing more" in my post wasn't enough for you.

It's not ironic because the press release specifically mentioned patching:
Understandably, all MMO games have downtime for maintenance and patching, but we don't believe in making our players wait to play our games.

It would be ironic if SOE put server ques that made people wait to log in, but that is not the case.


Honestly, as shitty as kilrogg was today, I'm glad it's going down for 24 hours. Well, I'll be glad, that is, if it comes back up and isn't laggy.


I have a question. Why the hell are all the Paladins now citing themselves useless for a minor drop in DPS on a non-DPS class?

How is Paladin anything remotely useless? It's the best all-around support class in the game. Heals, buffs, auras, judgements, offtanking, ect. Not to mention the class is borderline freaking invincible when played well against a healthy selection of classes. To boot, their consistent melee DPS is STILL very solid.

A Paladin is the ultimate lifeline in a dungeon, and in PvP, if a Paladin wants you to stay alive, you WILL fucking stay alive.

From what I gather, the only complaint seems to stem around the fact that their DPS was nerfed accordingly in line with their other traits, and since they can't shut down everyone at the flip of a switch, the outcries began.

I can't believe with all that in mind, a free mount, ect, they still have the gall to bitch over ranged (if you want it bad enough ,just get Holy Shock, then you can stop bandage users as well from within that goddamn bubble) and crowd control (in which you have a judgement that prevents NPC's from fleeing in addition to the most convienant stun in the game).





shrink ray, heh. that thing is so fun. and I suppose actually useful in pvp situations (i.e. what I don't even bother doing on my warlock).
Jeez, Manabyte's still trolling WoW threads, despite being the main one bitching in EQ2 threads? High-larious.

I just got these 2 daggers today doing a Scarlet Monastery run.



Teknopathetic said:
Jeez, Manabyte's still trolling WoW threads, despite being the main one bitching in EQ2 threads? High-larious.

I wasn't fucking trolling. SaitoH posted something without having all the information and I explained the full thing to them.

Fuck. I'm logged into right now WoW grinding my Warlock to 60 as quickly as possible.


Speaking of Warlocks, I'd like to get fire's opinion on this, but despite having to buy pet grimores at every level on top of spells; thanks to not having to fork out 100g for a mount at 40 I've found that I tend to have a growing surplus of gold.

My gear is the best I can find at the AH at my level (Instead of going 100% STAMINA, everything I have is "of the Eagle" which is INT/STA), so I only occasionally buy something on the AH with the most expensive recent purchase was 4g.

Do Paladins tend to get richer at higher levels like Warlocks?


firex said:
shrink ray, heh. that thing is so fun. and I suppose actually useful in pvp situations (i.e. what I don't even bother doing on my warlock).

It's not shrink ray. Shrink ray only gets me down to a bit taller than a gnome. This is two shrink effects combined. Growth effects also stack... but not very well.


Ferrio said:
It's not shrink ray. Shrink ray only gets me down to a bit taller than a gnome. This is two shrink effects combined. Growth effects also stack... but not very well.

When you go into first-person mode is everyone giant? Next time you do it take screens in FPS mode.


test servers goin up

Congratulations! You have been selected as one of the testers for our new test realm. We invite you to experience the wealth of upcoming content available on this realm before it is released to the general public. New dungeon adventures, items, and quests await you!

You will not be able to create new characters on the test realm. Your level 55-60 character has been copied to the test realm and will be waiting for you when you log in.

patching now :D



"How often will the test realm be available?

The test realm is scheduled to be live until Friday, March 11 for this round of testing."

I think it's BEEN up, hasn't it?


Mana: I don't understand why you take every negative comment directed at EQ2 so personally. Do you work for Sony Online, or something?

Anyway, In spite of the "disclaimer" in the press release, the server issues are ironic.

Ps. Saying "you win" is the easiest way to stop an argument. ^_~


Teknopathetic said:
Saito: He does.

Uh...no I don't. I left there well over a year ago when they started outsourcing. Went to Blizzard and left there in September. I'm now going to school for a non-gaming related degree.


ManaByte said:
Speaking of Warlocks, I'd like to get fire's opinion on this, but despite having to buy pet grimores at every level on top of spells; thanks to not having to fork out 100g for a mount at 40 I've found that I tend to have a growing surplus of gold.

My gear is the best I can find at the AH at my level (Instead of going 100% STAMINA, everything I have is "of the Eagle" which is INT/STA), so I only occasionally buy something on the AH with the most expensive recent purchase was 4g.

Do Paladins tend to get richer at higher levels like Warlocks?
I find at higher levels I'm one of the worst money makers (but I've earned like 230g from instance runs and used that to twink out some alts, including buying a mount for my shaman). Yeah, you don't have to buy a mount at 40, but at 60 you suck at soloing in the best cash/xp areas compared to a lot of the other classes (at least with my build, which is preferable for instancing/raiding). But I'd imagine paladins have it relatively easy making money at high levels, they can just go grind some cash in plaguelands pretty quickly.

edit: also, if I didn't find my shaman/hunter more fun to play I'd do BRD runs on my warlock. The class is great there (banish for a lot of the pulls up to lyceum and aoe for lyceum - did it with a druid, mage, warrior and rogue and we only had one death, which was the rogue at the emperor cause he got aggro for a split second and got critted) and you can easily make like 15g going up to the emperor (which takes maybe 2 hours), even more if you sell the runecloth you get (I use it for bandages, personally).
Edit: This is in reply to Alex's post on Paladins.

Paladins aren't useless at all. The only paladins who say this are the heavy ret. speced one's who use two handed weapons. I guess they feel they been marginalized somewhat because now are dead last in melee damage among the classes which are supposed to be melee based whereas we were close to warriors before. The thing you have to realize is that Paladin is a melee based class. For the most part, the only damage we do is from our weapon. We lack an useful spells for long range except if you get Holy Shock, but that takes 30 talent points in holy which isn't the best move. Exorcism and Holy Wrath are good but they are mana drainers plus they are useless in PVP. If you read the game manual it says that palys are a hybrid class but more "geared more to physical battle then spell casting prowless." Shaman is the flipside of this with geared more to spell casting. The only problem is that the shaman is a great spell caster while the paly is a so so in physical battle.

Paly is the best support player in the game. I'd venture to say the best 5th man in any group. Plus we have the unmatched ability to survive impossible odds. Very useful in dungeons.

Invincible...no. Not at all...in any way, shape, or form. Have you dueled a lot of paladins? Every class in the game could kick our ass if played well. On the other hand, we could kick most classes asses if the people playing the paladins knew how to play their charaters better. Go watch a paly duel a shadow priest and tell me who is invincible. Most palys fail to realize the importance of swicthing aura when necessary and the use of seals at critical moments in a duel. I wish there was a shut everyone down switch. It would make my life easier. :lol

The problem lies in the paly's ability to solo so by the end of the game the majority of time has been spent playing alone. These people are then untrained in the group format leading to people who won't heal at all, use seals, and buff whenever they remember which is usually a while. For the majority of time the paly play style has been fight, HOJ, heal, fight, heal after battle. This causes them to become cruise control players.

The total lack of ranged is only really a factor in duels and PVP. In both situations, we lack the ability to prevent people from running away or take them down when they are running. If Seal of Jusice would daze players (in PVP) when judged this problem will be solved but as it is right now someone can fight us, get to low health, and use thier get away moves to leave us in the dust. It is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Back to the DPS drop...How long does it take you to kill any mob? I will tell you my average is close to a minute and 10 seconds. I sit there and sit there waiting for the thing to die. The DPS drop made kill things even slower than before which was already slow enough. In PVP its worse because everyone has large amounts of health.


I exaggerated on the invincible bit, and despite how long it takes you to kill mobs, you make up for it by being immensily survivable. Not many classes can solo their own elite quets at even lev. :p


Zaptruder said:
Shrink Ray, Noggenfogger and or LBRS trolls shrink curse.

I'd say the curse was one of them, given the purple trails.

Both effects are gained by items you can use yourself.


I can't believe this.... Maintenence is done, the supposed "move to new hardware"..... all I think they fucking did was add queues back.



"Over the recent weeks we have been investigating the activities of certain individuals who have been farming gold in order to sell it in exchange for real world currency. After researching the situation, we have issued permanent suspensions to over one thousand accounts that have been engaging in this practice. We do not condone such actions and will take decisive action as they are against our policy and damage the game economy as a whole. We will continue researching this matter. If you suspect someone of taking part in said gold farming, please eMail the report to [email protected].

In-Game Support Manager"



IGE is pwnzored.

I can't wait to see IGE try to spin this into something positive like they tried to spin the FFXI bannings :lol


Man, Mages have, by far, the most fun talents in the game. I thought Rogue had it good, but it's taking me an eternity to decide on what to do with my Mage.


Oh, oops. Here, for the Druid folks:

186 mana
Instant cast
1 min cool down

The druids skin becomes as tough as bark. Physical damage taken is reduced by 20% while protected, damaging attacks will not cause spell casting delays but non-instant spells take 1 sec longer to cast and melee combat is slowed by 20%.

Ferocious bite

35 energy 9yd range
Requires cat form

Finishing move that causes damage per combo point and converts each extra point of energy into 2.0 additional damage

1 point : 170-200 damage
2 points : 295-345 damage
3 points : 420-470 damage
4 points : 545-595 damage
5 points : 670-720 damage

Frenzied regeneration
Instant 3 min cooldown
Requires bear form , Dire bear form

Converts up to 10 rage per second into health for 10 sec. Each point of rage is converted into 20 health.

Also, if anyone was interested. That one fellow who made that really neat Druid PVP video made another:



Yeah, that druid update is making me plan on making a feral druid alt now. A guildie of mine is level 60 and has no feral talents, and almost 9k armor in dire bear form, with like 5k+ hp. So I'd imagine getting the feral talent for +10% extra armor would magnify it. And leather of the bear (which is what both forms use) is cheap since no one else wants it...

Plus, the slowness of killing as a warrior/bear would be nothing when you can solo in cat and do somewhat rogue-like damage.


Armor has really iffy diminishing returns past a certain point, but if you're going for an uber Bear that'd be fun.

I always liked the survivability gig, so I rolled a pretty cookie cutter build between Restore and a small split of Balance and Feral. I was always big on Nature's Swiftness, Crit Regrowth and Innervate in restore.

My only real suggestion is to avoid Pred. Strikes in the Feral Tree. Perhaps the new post-40 DPS increase for cat helps remedy it's severe lack of potency, but it'd have to be a hell of a remedy.

Mostly though, enjoy Feral Charge (Intercept). Few Druids seem to have it, with the total, unjustified lack of love for Feral. It's very early in, and it's a PvP requirement, IMO. Really handy stuff.

I'm going to die at this talent calculator for Mage. This is impossible. Arcane is so useful, but so is the battle control and survivability of Frost, but goddamn does Fire look fun.....ARGH.


Alex: do a build like what I did where you get evocation and improved arcane explosion, then spend your other talents in frost and fire to get pyroblast and improved blizzard/flamestrike... since AOE is the big mage specialty nothing's better than having three buffed AOEs (flamestrike is criminally underlooked when you have someone to hold the aggro since you can fire it first, then just blizzard/arcane explosion the area while they take the fire damage).

and even though armor does have some diminishing returns... 9k or 10k armor and the rage->hp thing seem like they would make up for the lack of shield block. Not sure what I'd put into restoration, though it would probably be the secondary tree (then again, nature's grasp and improved nature's grasp seem like a good investment of some minor points).


Ferocious bite
35 energy 9yd range
Requires cat form

Finishing move that causes damage per combo point and converts each extra point of energy into 2.0 additional damage

1 point : 170-200 damage
2 points : 295-345 damage
3 points : 420-470 damage
4 points : 545-595 damage
5 points : 670-720 damage

It's almost as good as rogue's end game evis.... what's up with that.

35 Energy 5 yd range
Requires Melee Weapon
Finishing move that causes damage per combo point:
1 point : 216-312 damage
2 points: 384-480 damage
3 points: 552-648 damage
4 points: 720-816 damage
5 points: 888-984 damage

So basically Evis has a better damage per point, but it's not 9yards and doesn't have "and converts each extra point of energy into 2.0 additional damage" which could amount up to 130 damage.

Thats..... lame.


takes full energy (kind of like warrior's execute)... besides, druids don't get the stuns or anything that adds utility, cat form is purely for DPS. which it needed.


firex said:
takes full energy (kind of like warrior's execute)... besides, druids don't get the stuns or anything that adds utility, cat form is purely for DPS. which it needed.

Ya, and I don't have heals either, what's your point?

The way it's looking now Druids can dish out damage almost equal to rogues, then when their hurting all they have to do is switch to humanoid form, shoot off a heal and a rejuvy and go back to pounding as if they were a rogue. They shouldn't be able to basically mimic any class and still be able to readily use any of their humanoid magic. That degrades the other classes (warrior and rogue) and makes them that less needed or unique.

I'm all fine for making the animal forms as good as the other classes, but there should be some serious cooldowns on shapeshifting so they can't have the power of a rogue+warrior+druid at the touch of a button.


Ferrio said:
Ya, and I don't have heals either, what's your point?
Oh please. You can't do heals and cat form in a group. Especially since it requires full energy and combo points. Just like having bear form doesn't make us paladin-like.

The way it's looking now Druids can dish out damage almost equal to rogues, then when their hurting all they have to do is switch to humanoid form, shoot off a heal and a rejuvy and go back to pounding as if they were a rogue. They shouldn't be able to basically mimic any class and still be able to readily use any of their humanoid magic. That degrades the other classes (warrior and rogue) and makes them that less needed or unique.

I'm all fine for making the animal forms as good as the other classes, but there should be some serious cooldowns on shapeshifting so they can't have the power of a rogue+warrior+druid at the touch of a button.
reply to your edit: Like I said, you can't just switch back and forth. Also, the melee dps is still much lower and there are less abilities. Your energy and rage go back to 0 when you transform. Your mana will probably not be back to full by the time you go back to humanoid form either and it costs mana to shift.


Just like having bear form doesn't make us paladin-like.

Guess you've never seen a druid and paladin fight.... it makes them VERY paladin like.... complete with stun->heal action.

You're catform melee dps has been raised, and it's *almost* on level with one of the best epic daggers in game.


You can't be serious, Ferrio. The Cat form was utterly useless as a damage role prior to the patch, it often had issues even keeping up with Bear form.

Druid was the worst DPS in the game, even behind Paladin unless you went on a Moonfire/Starfire frenzy.

I'd say the fix is perfectly balancing. Cat, and Druid in general still lacks all the tricks, utility and is still a staggering ammount behind Rogue in terms of damage.

Rogue and Druid would be a really fun stealthy-duo though. The problem being it's impossible to roll a Rogue again at the moment due to the fact that there are a fucking million of them.


It is a nice addition to the Druid I must admit. They can rack up 5 combo points, shift heal, then shift back in for the finisher.

Can't wait :)


Zaptruder said:
My hunter gets no love :(

I am cry.


News from the test server says the quiver nerf was actually a buff! (or a bug)

Normal Server:

Test server:

Normal server:
283 agi
312 Ranged attack
712 Power
192-244 Damage (*)

1.96 Attack speed (*)
111.3 dps (*)

Test server:
283 agi
312 Ranged attack
712 Power
224-277 Damage

2.21 Attack speed
113.2 dps

Slightly slower attack speed, higher base damage, higher critical hits and slightly higher DPS... I can live with that.

But hey... it's probably a bug. :(

EDIT: I can't believe the WoW forum login is still down.
firex said:
druids don't get the stuns or anything that adds utility, cat form is purely for DPS. which it needed.

fuck you....druids got entangle and that shit is cheap the way it can be casted Over and over and OVER!

thank god for dispell and vanish!

OH and...

I think its funny people still bitch about pally....im suprised I dont see as many people bitch about Priest....especially shadow priest.

I made a shadow priest and im kinda blown away at how cheap he can be....especially with my new wand that does 29 dps at LEVEL 18!

shadowpriest > pally



Shadow Priest > Everything, it's common knowledge. Wands have an artifical cooldown as well as no autoshoot, so their DPS is incorrect either way.

Entangling Roots has diminishing returns, can only be cast outside, and you should carry free action potions when you can anyway.

Druid is completely fixed now, I don't think there's rightfully much else they could add to it. They need to break out the tools on Warlock, and to a lesser extent Warrior now.

Also, they need to stop fucking buffing Shaman. The class is balanced for group action, but is a lil' too much of a monster, like Shadow Priest, in one on one.


More server problems and lag on Illidan. Just another day in World of Warcraft...

Oh, and the forum login still doesn't work. Pretty sad when they can't even keep their forums running properly.


nataku said:
More server problems and lag on Illidan. Just another day in World of Warcraft...

Oh, and the forums still aren't up. Pretty sad when they can't even keep their forums running properly.

40 horde from frostwolf raided IF, bringing the server to it's knees... it's probably affecting all of the doomed 20.
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