I have a question. Why the hell are all the Paladins now citing themselves useless for a minor drop in DPS on a non-DPS class?
How is Paladin anything remotely useless? It's the best all-around support class in the game. Heals, buffs, auras, judgements, offtanking, ect. Not to mention the class is borderline freaking invincible when played well against a healthy selection of classes. To boot, their consistent melee DPS is STILL very solid.
A Paladin is the ultimate lifeline in a dungeon, and in PvP, if a Paladin wants you to stay alive, you WILL fucking stay alive.
From what I gather, the only complaint seems to stem around the fact that their DPS was nerfed accordingly in line with their other traits, and since they can't shut down everyone at the flip of a switch, the outcries began.
I can't believe with all that in mind, a free mount, ect, they still have the gall to bitch over ranged (if you want it bad enough ,just get Holy Shock, then you can stop bandage users as well from within that goddamn bubble) and crowd control (in which you have a judgement that prevents NPC's from fleeing in addition to the most convienant stun in the game).