firex said:
You know what would be cool for the warlock community to have? A representative who actually shows up more than once a month and has a fucking clue about the class, or at least would bother to actually get information from the playerbase.
While the warlock may not be as complete a PvP class as a rogue or mage, nor does it have an many special tricks, I still dont get why people complain SO much. In duels I destroy people and in real pvp the only classes that give me trouble are paladins and for some reason.. druids :/ Paladins I pretty much have no hope of beating in 1v1, and druids are so complex with their shapeshifting/heals and the root/moonfire/root/moonfire bs its hard to call a fight and im not ashamed to admit that druids usually defeat me. Even in duels, the almight shaman I destroy, pretty easily I might add. Maybe im missing something.
Yeah we could use another Crowd Control spell and a few buffs, ill admit that, but Warlocks when played right, IMO, are one of the best pvp classes. Warriors/Hunters/Mages in duels and 1v1 I destroy, infact I cant think of a time I lost to one of those classes in a fair fight. Heck when i was lvl 50 I was killing lvl 60 warriors. Rogues I can usually beat unless they get a jump on me then its a 50/50 fight and pretty much comes down to how often they hit and crit. Other warlocks come down basically to if they are as good as me, then its anyones game. If your warlockery isnt up to mine, then your toast. Simple as that. I can usually beat any warlock on my server, especially horde, although some of the alliance warlocks are crafty and put up a good fight. Paladins usually end up in corpse run. Ive beaten some paladins, mostly lower level, but anyone who knows how to work a paladin(is it even that hard?) can kill me. Shaman Im pretty good at. I die to them a few times, there are some good shammys on our server, but I dont think they are as overpowered as people say they are. Druids are hard for me to kill. Not as much trouble as Paladins, but definatly the 2nd hardest. By now though ive identified the good and bad Night Elf druids on the server and engage only the ones I can kill, unless Im feeling like a good hard fight I probably will lose

Holy Priests go down hard. They cant kill me. Shadow Priests are sometimes a trouble, but like with Mages, Curse of Tounges is amazing way to really hurt them and make the fight alot easier. Its a good substitue for CoA, becasue they dont have that much HP anyways. A stronger class the extra DoT might help, but with weak casters CoT is much more effective.
This is all with a Succubus and Imp too. If im out with a voidwalker or no pet, my chances of winning are less. Although ive beaten warriors and hunters actually without a pet before, on a number of occasions.
This is my warlock, Lvl 60 orc Warlock on Eredar