nataku said:About damn time. Finally got my Beaststalker's Cap after over 35 runs of not even seeing it drop.
About damn time.
About damn time? I'm about to lose 25% of my base DPS... !!!
haha. Glad I'm not playing my account right now
nataku said:About damn time. Finally got my Beaststalker's Cap after over 35 runs of not even seeing it drop.
About damn time.
Zaptruder said:About damn time? I'm about to lose 25% of my base DPS... !!!
haha. Glad I'm not playing my account right now![]()
Cerebral Palsy said:Eh, if you're talking about the Hunter changes... You aren't losing 25% of your dps. You're losing about 20 points off your dps total. Damage you were never intended to have. Not really that drastic of a change.
p.s. And fuck the Beastalkers cap. We get it on practically every single Scholo run.
Cerebral Palsy said:Eh, if you're talking about the Hunter changes... You aren't losing 25% of your dps. You're losing about 20 points off your dps total. Damage you were never intended to have. Not really that drastic of a change.
p.s. And fuck the Beastalkers cap. We get it on practically every single Scholo run.
Zaptruder said:Also, seeing as our DPS isn't all that great to begin with, and that they've reduced our DPS before (bow DPS) with this bug around... well they're making a relatively weak class (not without merits) weaker again.
One good thing I noticed about this... attack power debuffs don't debuff ranged attack power unless it specifically says so. So while battle shout doesn't buff your attack power, demo shout doesn't debuff it.Son of Godzilla said:Wheee, because something that's been documented for what, almost an entire year = unintentional.
Sorry no. Sweeping strikes was never intended to work with special abilities, but now it does. AP Buffs were intended to work on ranged dps, but now they don't. Kiss my ass about intended.
Heh quicky because I'm half asleep and naseous and I suck with mouseMrCheez said:Resurrected from earlier in the thread because I am bored!
Draw your characters! rar!
firex said:One good thing I noticed about this... attack power debuffs don't debuff ranged attack power unless it specifically says so. So while battle shout doesn't buff your attack power, demo shout doesn't debuff it.
Bregor said:Low DPS? Weak class? Are you sure you are talking about Hunters? Hunters are one of the best classes in the game, quite possibly the best solo class available.
Son of Godzilla said:Yea, I use shrink ray with impunity now
What class are you comparing hunter to when you say best? I mean, there's only 9 so it's pretty damn easy for all of them to be considered one of the best. Top 10 material, at least. What the hell does soloing have to do with this game? I've got 30 days played and I doubt I've soloed for half of one. We make great mineral node whores! Whoo/@?@!
Also, even if we were just losing 20 dps off our base output, that's fucking 1/6th of mine and I'm almost fully decked out in gear. Keep in mind this isn't some bullshit AP nerf, this is a weapon speed nerf, meaning it affects everyonnoeneoneoneone.
The fact that a fight has to last for two minutes before I come close to pulling aggro = low dps.
Ok, truth be told, I don't give a shit about this bug. I won't notice it, because half the time I'm asleep when playing anyways. Yay I'll have to sit at range and plunk arrows for a few more seconds now. I don't give a shit. What I do care about is that not a single fucking thing about the class was adressed in the single patch we've had in 3 months. Also, everything that's been put in since retail has adversly affected the class. (That first patch back in december bugged FD, nerfed traps, nerfed entrapment. Then the wonderful "solution" to people exploiting the most goddamn irritaing bug ever.) There has not been a single goddamn good thing to happen to the hunter, no pet buffs, no talent changes (Yay for basically being forced to take 21 Marksmanship, not that it matters, you can't not take MM), we've still got to buy all our ammo and food (Everyone can now repair mid-raid, but we're still fucked on that. It's as if Blizz doesn't recognize that hunters fucking exist), waste a bag slot on a quiver, and now put up with this bullshit fix to something not a single person who's played/seen/scrolled over on character creation thought was overpowering in the first place.
My big thought of the day: Whatever. I myself don't really care. Don't you dare get on someone's ass for complaining about it though.
firex said:I got the patch already downloaded and installed, holy crap.
btw, I posted this on the suggestions forum about what I really think should be done to "fix" warlocks in the endgame, because with the way aggro works in this game you really can't buff warlock DOTs without giving the class some spell like the priest's fade, or else we'll pull aggro constantly just doing what we're intended to do. It's basically to remove the DOT spells we have (they are honestly pretty weak compared to a lot of other classes' DOTs) and give us some arcane, shadow and fire nukes so we have more variety and aren't so limited in the upper level instances and raid areas. I got some retarded responses already (what with it being the Blizzard forums) but basically, I think the warlock class is going to have to be majorly rebuilt like paladins were.
Suikoguy said:Wonderful, Blizzard can't even patch right
Both my brother and I are stuck at 99%
And of course I can't login to the forum at
Blizzard is really starting to show they suck and have no clue what they are doing.
Actually.. they have been doing that for months now :lol
I guess I just had to complain on GAF, it finished after sitting there at 99% for an hour :lol
Teknopathetic said:How many times are you going to say you've closed your account, Manabyte?
Time to rape Durnholde Keep for all its lockpicking goodness.
Teknopathetic said:Yeah, but you said you closed your account a handful of days ago. *cough* Just saying.
Teknopathetic said:Are you even reading what you're quoting or are you making up dialogue in your own head?
Suikoguy said:Perhaps he said he was going to cancel, but still had time left so he continued to play cause he could?
BTW, check fileplanet, they used to put the patches on there
ManaByte said:Ok, so I should continue to pay for a game that is impossible for me to play because it's not possible for me to get a patch that the game requires to run?
What's up with losing combo points on a dodge and block now? Nice silent nerf there, Bliz...