Ikse said:
Havent been to Blasted Lands yet, but from looking at the map, its situation to me looks like it might be an Alliance favoured zone and I'm Horde...
Nah, it's pretty empty on both sides. And pretty warlock friendly. But I hate the quests there (all 5 of them) cause you really just grind beasts until you get x items for the stat buff things (but god are those worth it). You can kick the shit out of the humanoids and demons there if you're within their levels though.
My guild tried Onyxia tonight; we only had 22 people with the key and we still got her to 64% on our best attempt. Fun note: after respeccing to shadow mastery/ruin earlier this week, I outdpsed everyone on one of the fights with the Onyxia Warders, and was consistently in the top 10 (usually top 5, unless it spawned as level 63 elite) for DPS. At least until our mage showed up. But those fights were unconventional.
I really think that now that the basic strategy is out, Onyxia is cake, cause our only problems were lack of aoe for the whelps in phase 2 and some trouble with our tank getting Onyxia into the position where knockback wouldn't do much to him. We had like, 7 healers, and they were doing an awesome job.
Also been playing my shaman lately, and anyone who bitches about this class as overpowered is a fool. I definitely pvp better with my shaman than my warlock (cause warlocks have to go soul link spec or die, and I am not gimping myself for pve just to be ok at pvp, at least not for the gold cost of constant respeccing) but in mass pvp I am not nearly as strong as a pally (takes too fucking long to kill, so they can just join in the charge and heal rogues, or get focus fired and shield and run) or... just about any other class. Even my warlock would probably be more useful (overall) in mass pvp if I was soul link spec, just for dotting rogues so they couldn't vanish and draining pally/priest mana. But this class is fun in pvp and it's always a good feeling to keep other horde players healed and let them survive focus fire, and get thanked for it. A good feeling cause I know it pisses off the alliance who want the HK from that mage (99% of the time I'm healing mages). Can't wait until BGs come out, my guild is going to hopefully focus more on pvp then.
I don't buy into the bullshit argument of "this game isn't balanced for 1v1" though, even though battlegrounds are about pvp raids. It's why I hope rogues will get some nerfs to their stuns, cause they are just overpowered CC (since it's like sheeping someone except you get to kill them while they can't fight back) atm and only a warrior or a protection pally seems able to beat them (though maybe if I leveled my shadow priest I could beat rogues with him). I'm trying to make my shaman into the rogue-killer I had in beta, but I don't know if it will work since I am going cookie-cutter 22 ele, 22 restore, 7 enhance. Can't think of any other build that I'd want though... I was pondering 21 restore/30 enhance but I don't know what to drop to get 2h axes/maces AND parry aside from maybe just 1 point into improved rockbiter. And as much as I used to be a big proponent of restore/ele in beta, I think now with new epic 2h axes/maces and such, restore/enhance is the better pvp/dps endgame build.