Alex said:Haha, we got MAULED in BG's last night. I played two games, and the Alliance had 5/10 the first time and 4/10 the second time. Underpopulared Alliance! THE TABLES HAVE TURNED.
Ferrio said:Ninja loot ftw!
MrCheez said:Only one rank up and I pvped ike a mofo this week. Baaaaaaaah!
SaitoH said:As did everyone else. Therein lies the problem...
ManaByte said:1. At least it wasn't LEEEEEROOOOOY again.
2. It wasn't funny.
IBTNTeknopathetic said:* > Manabyte.
BlackMage said:MrCheez, are you still playing on Icecrown? If so, what is your characters name, now?
MrCheez said:60 troll rogue named Knai and 59 troll priest named Mudora.My friends and I don't play as frequently as we used to, save for last week's pvp frenzy. =P
BlackMage said:What guild are you in? Is it still Dance Party?
Teknopathetic said:
Picked this up today in Maraudon. Shitty, shitty, shitty instance for such a nice dagger. (it's on the orange side, the other side of Maraudon is quite fun, actually).
I picked these:
up a few days ago in the other side of Maraudon. Really, really nice boots in a really fun instance.![]()
Are you talking about the maggoty things? They come out of a tube that you can destroy to stop the spawns.Jenjandi said:God the first half of Maraudon is awful. What was up with the constant worm spawns? That has to be new...
MrCheez said:Nah I disbanded it awhile ago. I created it just to be casual and have fun with some friends, but then we decided to go for a big raiding guild. =P We're all in Storm now.
What was your char's name again? Having a hard time remembering.
Alex said:Haha, I saw a gold seller. I've never actually seen one in an MMO before, just heard the tales of wreckage. I've been binging on SM trying to wrap up all my blue gear and mount money, and she's always there, level 60 in full green, going in and out of the graveyard and tries to speak chinese to us. Kinda irritating considering, but mostly funny. I liked her dorky green hat though, looked like the DRK AF helm from FFXI.
We had the final Blackwing Lair playtest on Monday at which time the dungeon was "locked out" and sent through the QA process so it can be delivered to you guys. So I wanted to give an early head's up that Blackwing is on the horizon and should be in-game in the near future. Keep in mind, there are other things that can hold up a patch. I would expect Blackwing to be delivered to you guys around the end of June or early July. That's my rough estimate at least.
As for Zul'Gurub, the zone is making great progress. We've recently re-lit the zone and replaced many of the buildings in there. I've seen people release screenshorts of the zone that they've obtained by cheating their way in (this will get you banned btw!) but I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised to see the actual zone when it is live. The item and quest guys have some real challenges with this zone. Their goal is to keep all of the items and quests for the top end dungeons relavent while still making Zul'Gurub items desirable. Yet at the same time, the ZG quests and items cannot outshine the Molten Core and above loot.
Some of the boss fights are really cool, as well. We had a ton of fun designing them and we're really looking forward to getting them out there for you guys.
The dungeon and raid team has also been working on some "top secret" stuff that you'll probably hear about soon.
But in the meantime, Blackwing Lair and Zul'Gurub are not that far off!
That sucks. What the hell wiped you in the Emp's room though? Once you get through the Lyceum, it's all cake.ManaByte said:Attempted a raid to kill the Emperor tonight. We got down to the Emperor room, full 10-man mini-raid, when the leader says "Sorry all, I gotta go. Parents mad that it's past my bedtime." Massive wipe. Everyone super pissed that the kid did that.
Scoot said:At some point Blizzard can get down to making those "top end" purples look like something better than level 20 crap.
artful_dodger said:So I figured out a pretty kickass solution to the boring wait for BG's to start in Warsong Gulch. This really only is fun if you're on a PvE server but its simple -- attack the opposing faction's BG entrance. Everyone is normally flagged as they've just come out of the battleground match and its really easy to earn up some good CP's by killing solos as they are running out of the queue'ing up area.
Whats even more fun is when people come out from the BG and start duelling eachother while still flagged for pvp. If you have stealth ability, have fun one-shotting the loser of the duel for free, full CP. (yes, I know i'm a bastard)![]()
Alex said:Our BG here went from jampacked to barren. There's only like three or four sixties outside it, and the match I just got outta was like 5 on 5. Lame, I hope it's not dying off.
Alex said:Yawn, two hour wait, so I go out and quest while in the queue to be ported back to Warsong for a 5 Alliance VS 3 Horde match that is auto-shutdown in 5 mins due to lack of players.
On a friday nonetheless. This is just lame, is this a small problem or is it wide spread? What server are you on, Cheez? Anyhow, I thought I picked one with a good population, it's marked a medium.
I hope things improve, otherwise I'll have to reroll or quit, questing and instancing and whatnot are fun, but PvP is the point of playing WoW and it's too much of a pain in the ass at the moment. In my situation at least
Also, I don't know why they have to put these things out in the boonies. Meeting Stones, Battleground portals, etc. People simply don't seem to be willing to hop around, and IF/Org are the hubs for everything. They need to just sit this shit outside the AHs.
As for Zul'Gurub, the zone is making great progress. We've recently re-lit the zone and replaced many of the buildings in there. I've seen people release screenshorts of the zone that they've obtained by cheating their way in (this will get you banned btw!) but I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised to see the actual zone when it is live. The item and quest guys have some real challenges with this zone. Their goal is to keep all of the items and quests for the top end dungeons relavent while still making Zul'Gurub items desirable. Yet at the same time, the ZG quests and items cannot outshine the Molten Core and above loot.