Yeah this druid was trying to beat me with a staff, it was pretty fuggin hilarious. By the time he figured melee wouldnt work i had drained all his stupid mana.
Alex said:I hate Druids in BG. Moonfiremoonfiremoonfiremoonfiremoonfire, travelform & run.
MrAngryFace said:if a druid roots me I just vanish the fuck out then cheap shot the druid and take him down with a level 5 evicerate. I HATE ROOTS STOP IT!@
I love encountering them just as much as other Mages (some of the best fights have been with Mages who constantly try and sheep me then blatantly laugh whilst I run around stupid) in BG. Personally I think they are some of the easiest, or maybe that's because I am running into Druids who don't know how the hell to play? My least liked class is easily Rogue just due to their insane DPS, but once they are found out from sneaking (Frost Nova and Cone of Cold are your friends) they shit themselves.Ramirez said:I hate fighting druids,it is impossible for a mage to make any kind of distance between themselves and a druid -_-
Mages are a piece of cake for rogues. When I played my rogue, I'd attack mages up to 8 or so levels higher than me and I've never lost once.Alex said:Rogues are just easy all around for Mages.
Malakhov said:Mages are a piece of cake for rogues. When I played my rogue, I'd attack mages up to 8 or so levels higher than me and I've never lost once.
Teknopathetic said:Wow, you're a fucking douche.
Teknopathetic said:You aren't really worth a clever insult.
"Actually, my favorite rogue destroying tactic as a druid is fighting in bear form with green whelp armor on. It has a proc that has a 5% chance on getting hit to put the attacker to sleep for 30 seconds and its a low level item (low 30's green). Rings in at around 100 ac so i still stay around 8500 - 9000 ac with it on, even though its lower level. More often than not, the rogue gets put to sleep for 30 seconds, at which point i shift out and drop a nice, slow full heal on myself, then a faerie fire, starfire, moonfire on the rogue and back into bear to finish the job. Guess I'm even more of a douche than you thought."
Must suck to fight Undead Rogues. Or a rogue with the grunt trinket. Or both.![]()
Teknopathetic said:You aren't really worth a clever insult
artful_dodger said:Sounds like you just suck at the internet.
Alex said:Pipe down ya freaking kids.
In other fun news, after a nice day of BGs, during our recent match, the world server crashed....then we got back on and were, as per expected sitting outside Silverwing
Then shortly after, 'bout 45 seconds, it crashed again. It's readily avalible, but everyone who was in BG's, both Horde and Alliance upon logging in were dropped around....50 feet into the fucking RUINS OF ANDORHOL at level 35-40 for everyone.
Hooray for Blizzards AWESOME server management. Spirit res's for all.
SatelliteOfLove said:Hmm...I myself had Tailoring fubaroo for me on Friday, (right when Mooncloth was up). >_<
Alex said:Pipe down ya freaking kids.
Ikse said:I just started my Runecloth turn in quest tonight actually. I want a Raptor![]()